Rebirth of the Wealthy American

Vol 2 Chapter 572: Bottom pay

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It is impossible to completely eliminate the impact by just a press conference, at most, it can only stir the water a bit.

Later on, Time and other Republican-oriented newspapers applied to Samuel Tilden's campaign office, hoping to interview Martinez in person.

The Democratic Party's approach is even more extraordinary, they also prepared a press conference, when Martinez will be open to the media interview.

But the night before the press conference, Martinez was electrocuted in the bathroom of his hotel.

The news of Martinez's death quickly occupied the headlines of all newspapers. Republican-oriented newspapers agreed that this was a Democratic conspiracy, while Democratic-oriented newspapers unanimously identified it as Republican murder.

Whether it was a murder or an accident, Li Mu was not sure. The only thing Li Mu could determine was that Martinez's death had nothing to do with Li Mu.

"Obviously, this is a conspiracy of the Democratic Party. They just want to pour dirty water on us and let voters think that it is because of our guilty conscience that we killed Martinez." Rockefeller was firm and somewhat dismissive.

If this was done by Rockefeller, Rockefeller was more likely to hire more than a dozen gunmen to rush into the hotel where Martinez lived and shot Martinez to death. This would be in line with Rockefeller's personality.

"The problem is that voters don't think so. Martinez died too coincidentally. If I were, I would think it was the Republican Party." Li Mu was not in a good mood. The influence of this company is the most severe. Big.

Martinez's hotel uses a lighting system provided by Junma Electric Company, and Martinez died of an electric shock, which will definitely affect public concerns about the safety of Junma Electric products.

Fortunately, because Edison has already left the UK, DC has not become a competitor to AC, otherwise Li Mu must suspect that it may be a third party.

In the past history, Edison promoted the direct current at this time node to occupy a dominant position. Later, Nicholas Tesla invented the alternating current, and Edison began to suppress everything. The most common method is to use the alternating current to execute the death penalty.

"They are grass-roots lives, and we should expose them in the newspaper." Hays frowned, and he could almost have expected how much public opinion would be during this period.

"No matter who killed Martinez, since this is a criminal case, then the police should be involved ..." Arthur finally found an opportunity to show his face, and the words immediately made Li Mu and Hayes shine. .

Yes, since the person is dead, the police should intervene. This may find out the truth of the accident and return Hayes innocently.

"... I've asked Bresta to take someone over to take over this, and maybe there will be news soon." Arthur didn't let Hayes down, and the response was quick.

Bresta's movement was also quick. As soon as Arthur's voice fell, Bresta knocked on the door.

"How's the situation?" Hayes couldn't wait.

Looking at Bresta's somber expression, Li Mu predicted that the situation would not be too good.

Sure enough, the news that Bresta brought was indeed disappointing: "The state police have controlled the scene and we cannot intervene unless the state police are cleared by violence."

State Police, again!

Li Mu could faintly hear Hayes' teeth creak.

"Speaking that our governor has resigned as governor, shouldn't we choose a new governor as soon as possible?" J.P. Morgan was always able to grasp the problem and see the truth.

New Governor!

Li Mu's eyes lit up immediately.

This is a good idea. As long as the new governor is elected, the influence of Samuel Tilden can be removed as quickly as possible, and the state police will not jump out from time to time.

"It's really necessary ..." Rockefeller squinted his eyes, twisted his moustache, and seemed to have thoughts.

"So change it?" Li Mu also had an idea. If he could be replaced by his own governor, it would also be of great benefit to Li Mu and the Steed Group.

At this stage, Li Mu and they really need a big breaking news to dilute the impact of Martinez's death and divert the attention of New Yorkers.

The governor's election came at the right time. For the citizens, the governor candidate must be more important than a witness from Mexico.

With the influence of Li Mu, Rockefeller, and J.P. Morgan in New York, it is easy to push the governor election. According to the original plan, the governor election should be held at the end of November. The next day, Hank Maxwell, a Republican of the City Council, proposed in a regular meeting of the City Council that the election of the governor should be held in advance and passed in a single vote in the City Council.

In the next two days, three governor candidates quickly emerged. Hank Maxwell was elected as a Republican representative. Democrat and current acting governor Alex Longfellow also expressed his wish to run. The last one to join the competition It is Arthur. Although in the practical sense, as the mayor of New York City, there are more oil and water than the governor of New York, but Arthur hopes to go further. The election of the governor is the only way to enter a higher level. .

As expected by Li Mu, the news of running for governor quickly occupied the headlines of newspapers and newspapers, and even Democratic-oriented newspapers had to reduce the heat of speculation about the death of Martinez. No one cares about ordinary citizens anymore. The cause of Martinez's death, they all focus on the governor election, this time the governor candidate will determine the political equilibrium of New York in the next few years.

Unexpectedly, the election of the governor of New York State has also attracted the attention of senior Republicans and Democrats. New York is a traditional sphere of influence of the Republican Party, but the previous governor was named Democrat Samuel Till. Deng took away, so Republican high-level hopes that the Republican victory in this election, this will also give a good start to the next presidential election.

The Democratic Party also attaches importance to this election. Samuel Tilden won the last election of the governor of New York. It was once regarded as the rise of the Democratic Party and a symbol of victory over the Republican Party. Of course, the senior leaders of the Democratic Party hope to continue and maintain the Democratic Party's advantage.

New York is currently the largest city in the United States, the largest port, and the economic and financial center of the United States. Therefore, Hayes and Samuel Tilden have suspended their publicity and focused on building a platform for candidates they support.

At this time, I have to say that there are too many intrigues in the Republican Party. The Democratic Party has only one candidate, but the Republican Party has two candidates. This will definitely disperse the Republican Party ’s strength and let the Democratic Party have the opportunity.

"We have to concentrate our strengths so that we can ensure our victory, otherwise it will give the Democrats a chance. Think about how we failed last time, so these issues must be resolved before the vote begins." Hayes Demonstrating the maturity of a politician, Hayes hoped that one of Arthur and Hank would quit at an internal Republican meeting.

After listening to Hayes's words, Arthur bowed his head in silence, Hank narrowed his eyes and swam too vainly, and neither wanted to quit, hoping that the other party could lead by example.

The situation in the last election was similar to this time. In fact, it is not that there are more Democratic supporters in New York than Republican supporters. It is only because Republicans have inconsistent opinions and serious internal differences that have allowed Democrats to seize the opportunity.

It appears that Republicans have not learnt from the last defeat. If they remain so stubborn, the prospects for this election are not good.

"Hanke, tell me what you think ..." Hayes had to roll his name to break the deadlock, otherwise no one would quit.

"I just want to be like a soldier, not afraid of any challenge, and I also hope that we can remain united, I believe we will be able to defeat the Democrats ..." Hank said eloquently for a long time, in fact, it is a core meaning, I do not want to quit .

"I think we need some new faces to break people's inherent impression of our Republicans and build a new image in the hearts of voters so that we can completely defeat the Democrats. Otherwise, it will be difficult for us to completely defeat them. Today's situation is different In the past, the Democratic Party is changing, and voters also want to see the change, we should adapt to this ... "Arthur was very vague to show that if Hank continues to run, the Republican Party still has a bad outlook.

Hank was one of the candidates in the last governor election in New York. Unfortunately, Hank lost to Samuel Tilden.

What Arthur means is that since you've lost it once, don't show it this time ...

Seeing that each of them had their own opinions, Hayes immediately announced the adjournment, and then had lunch with Arthur and Hank.

Of course, eating together is indispensable to Li Mu.

"Let's talk, what conditions do you have, and see if we can find a solution to the problem." Since it is an informal occasion, Hayes speaks more casually, of course, the intention is more straightforward.

"I don't need any conditions. I just need to do it again two years ago. I have experience in this area and I have confidence." Although Arthur's tone was light, it was full of momentum.

The last time Arthur ran for the mayor of New York City, he was successfully elected after making a siege, so Arthur is still very confident in this regard.

"Since you are so persistent, then we will try to look good." Hank said that he will not lose again and again, this time never give up.

Li Mu and Hayes looked at each other, and each other could see helplessness in each other's eyes.

"Now that you both insist and are so confident, then you can run for election together. In the future, one will be governor and the other will be deputy governor." Li Mu proposed a compromise, hoping that Arthur and Hank would accept it.

The position of deputy governor is not available in every state, some are there, some are not, and some states are elected together to ensure that the governor and deputy governor are from the same political party. They will not hinder each other when exercising power. The elections are separate. The governor and deputy governor come from different political parties, so that the two can balance each other.

"Also ..."

"sounds good…"

Hayes spoke, both Arthur and Hank could turn a deaf ear, but Li Mu could not help but respond.

Not to mention, just to say that the votes held by Li Mu are enough to influence the outcome of the election.

The Stem Group's headquarters is currently in New York. In the entire New York City, Stem Group has more than 20,000 employees, both of whom have voting rights. This is a force that no one can ignore.

Although there is a response, there is still a question in it, that is who is the governor and who is the deputy governor.

Compared with the governor, the power of the vice governor is better than nothing. Someone once laughed. The job of the vice governor is to get up every morning to read the newspaper. If the governor is still alive, the vice governor will return to bed and continue to sleep.

Li Mu looked up at Arthur and Hank, smiled and lowered his head, and continued to deal with the steak in the plate in front of him.

Some words, Li Mu is too embarrassed to say too plain, anyway, the word has already been said about this, you can take care of it.

It's not necessarily reasonable to have a loud voice. The more you say, the more you can make mistakes. Li Mu doesn't speak, and the psychological pressure on Arthur and Hank makes them feel uncomfortable.

Seeing Mu Mu being so silent, Arthur and Hank also began to eat, but it is regrettable that the delicious and juicy steak in the past has become the same today.

"Rim, Mr. Alex Longfellow hopes to have dinner with you." Yan Shun came at the right time.

"Reject him. It's inconvenient at this time." Li Mu's alarm bell rose. At this time, he must not make mistakes, and if he is not careful, he will be lost.

As a Republican, Li Muping and Democrats do not deal with each other at all. It is normal to have a meal or tea.

But not now, the Republican Party and the Democratic Party are now in a competitive relationship. The two sides are in the same position. They are like a war. The barriers are as strict as this time. If you can't end the two boats, you must stand firm and not leave any trouble. .

"Mr. Mayor mainly, I will assist." Hank did not allow Li Mu and Hayes to wait too long, and the answers given also satisfied Li Mu and Hayes.

"Hanke ..." Arthur was very excited. If it wasn't in the restaurant, then Arthur would definitely give Hank a big hug.

"In fact, we all know that you are the most suitable, and I ... in the past few years, I have been immersed in previous failures and have not come out of the shadow of failure. All I need is a victory. It doesn't matter who leads, anyway, as long as it is our victory. "Hank's mouth was grinning. Although this sentence is easy to say, but missed this opportunity, Hank estimates that in this life he will never have the chance to win the governor of New York. Already.

"Don't worry, my man, the world is so wonderful, and something better will happen in the future ..." Arthur's ideal must be more than just the governor of New York.

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