Rebirth of the Wild Age

: 252【3 National Killing Fans Association】

Rongcheng in August is extremely hot and humid.

Inside and outside the Jinniu Hotel, there was nothing unusual, no gongs and drums were beaten, and no welcome banners were hung up.

Two beautiful boys, Song Weiyang and Zhang Xuanlong, were drinking tea in the pavilion in the garden. Suddenly the hotel attendant brought two people over, one was Liu Yonghao from Hope Group, and the other was relatively unfamiliar.

"Mr. Liu, you are finally here," Song Weiyang stood up and shook hands and introduced, "This is Mr. Zhang Xuanlong of Founder Group. Lao Zhang, this is Mr. Liu Yonghao and Mr. Liu of Hope Group."

"Hello, Mr. Liu!"

"Hello Mr. Zhang!"

Liu Yonghao introduced the person next to him and said: “This is the President Duan Yongping Duan I met when I was talking about the project in Guangdong Province. He founded BBK last year and his cordless phone ranks second in the national market share. Boss Duan, this is Boss Song Weiyang from Xifeng Company!"

"Hello Boss Song!"

"Hello, Mr. Duan, I have long admired your name. You, the emperor who is a part-time worker, finally started his own business. It is gratifying."

Duan Yongping laughed loudly: "I have been working for others, always try to work for myself."

A few years ago, there was only one recognized "working emperor" in China, and that was Duan Yongping. An electronics factory with a loss of more than 20 million, in his hands, has achieved an output value of more than one billion in a few years.

The products of that electronics factory must be very familiar to the post-80s-Xiaobawang rides Wu Qiong!

Although I have a high salary, I feel uncomfortable. After all, I am working for someone else. Coupled with the chaos of the company's equity, Duan Yongping proposed a restructuring, first he could become a shareholder, and secondly, he could develop the company better.

The CEO of the group categorically rejected the manager’s shareholding, and agreed to let Duan Yongping take away the six backbones, in exchange for Duan Yongping not to be a game console within three years. As a result, Duan Yongping only left Xiaobawang for one year, and more than a dozen of his former subordinates defected. Xiaobawang's assistant general manager, foreign sales minister, domestic sales director, engineering director, planning and adjustment director, production director, accounting and finance minister, and logistics director. , The Minister of Supply...Almost the entire senior management ran to BBK.

These people said: "The captain is gone, and the sailors don't know where the boat will go, so they choose to disembark."

Duan Yongping's famous saying is: Don't always talk about win-win, you must at least let the collaborators not suffer.

At the moment when Song Weiyang saw Duan Yongping, what appeared in his mind was not Xiaobawang, Backgammon, OPPO, and VIVO, but more, more, more, and more savings. If you want to fight, you have to fight a lot, anytime, anywhere... Advertising is brainwashed, and magic sounds fill your ears.

The four people sat down to chat and drink tea, and they were going to play mahjong as they chatted, only to play a round and found that the rules did not match.

Song Weiyang laughed and said, "Some time ago I asked someone to make a poker card called "Three Kingdoms Kill". I brought it today. Everyone comes to see it."

It's normal for a small circle of rich people to play cards, which can promote feelings and won't appear too low. There is a "Big D Club" in Hong Kong City, with members including Li Chaoren, He Gambling King, Li Zhaoji, Zheng Yutong, etc., which control almost half of the Hong Kong city’s housing market. These rich people usually play "Hoe the Earth" (Cantonese Solitaire). ).

They are all Chinese and must be familiar with the culture of the Three Kingdoms. Under the circumstances of different playing rules, it is a good choice to sit together and play Three Kingdoms.

Liu Yonghao, Zhang Xuanlong and Duan Yongping quickly became acquainted with the rules, and then they were playing and learning. They were all addicted within a few games.

In a short while, Guo Guangchang of Fosun Group also arrived, just in time for the five-man game.

"Oh, what card are you playing?" Cai Zhiping suddenly came over.

"Three Kingdoms Kill." Song Weiyang said.

Cai Zhiping introduced: "This is Boss Li Sufu Li, who makes motorcycles."

The five playing cards immediately stood up, introduced each other and shook hands, and soon brought Cai Zhiping and Li Sufu to the table. Then it was Song Weiyang's eldest brother Song Qizhi who arrived late and made up the eight-man game.



"Leave the sheep hand in hand."



"Haha, look at my Zhuge Liannu."

A group of businessmen became more and more excited when they played, and they had just learned this kind of gameplay, and they became very addicted. They played two more games at the time of the meal.

Many years later, the Three Kingdoms Killing became a regular program of the Taurus Club, and "The Taurus Club" was also dubbed the "Three Kingdoms Killing Fans Association".

"I'm late, I'm late, I'll fine myself three cups!" Liu Yonghang, led by Chen Tao, came last.

The Taurus Club currently has nine members: Song Weiyang, Song Qizhi, Liu Yonghang, Liu Yonghao, Zhang Xuanlong, Li Sufu, Guo Guangchang, Cai Zhiping, Duan Yongping.

Playing cards is a means, and eating is also a means.

At the poker table and at the banquet, everyone from unfamiliar to familiar, they all understood each other better, and the topics became deeper and deeper.

Although running different businesses, there are still opportunities for cooperation with each other. Gather together to talk about the past and present, and you can communicate privately after you disperse. Friendship develops slowly. It depends on the individual.

Shi Yuzhu's ability to make a comeback was inseparable from the help of friends from the Taishan Association.

When Shi Yuzhu decided to build the Giant Mansion, members of the Taishan Society disagreed, but unfortunately they couldn't dissuade it. When Shi Yuzhu was about to go bankrupt, Hua Yifang, the president of the Taishan Society, approached the deputy director of the State Science and Technology Commission and convened members to discuss "how to save Shi Yuzhu". Many friends were trying to find ways to support the relationship.

If there is no relationship with the Taishan Society, I am afraid that Shi Yuzhu will go to jail directly, even if there is a sincere subordinate to stand up and commit the crime.

Mr. Duan of Stone is simply Shi Yuzhu's savior. When Shi Yuzhu went bankrupt, he entrusted the relationship to alleviate punishment. President Duan also strongly supported Shi Yuzhu when he was doing melatonin. Later, Stone simply spent 1.2 billion to buy melatonin, and sold more than 20% of Stone’s equity to Shi Yuzhu. Shi Yuzhu also voted for his rewards. When Stone was transforming to make health products, he expressed his willingness to serve as CEO, with an annual salary of only one yuan.

The banquet was gone, and everyone sat together drinking tea to sober up.

"Since everyone agrees to form and join the Taurus Club, then our Taurus Club is established." Song Weiyang said.

Guo Guangchang smiled and said, "Don't engage in a ceremony or something?"

"Don't engage in ceremonies, everything will be low-key," Song Weiyang said. "We will meet in the future, and we will not record or record meetings. We will treat them as close friends to communicate with each Liu Yonghang said with a smile: "How to follow The same as an underground party joint? "

"Next time, remember to answer the secret signal, the king will cover the earth tiger, and the river demon in Pagoda Town." Cai Zhiping joked.

Zhang Xuanlong said: "I think we should create a journal. The Taishan Association will have the "Taishan Newsletter"."

Song Weiyang said: "They played a bit too much. I heard that "Tarzan Newsletter" still has political content. Sooner or later, this journal will be forced to cancel."

Duan Yongping said: "You have to get a charter, right?"

"Yes, the basic rules are still required." Li Sufu said.

Song Weiyang laughed and said, "Since there are nine people today, let's make a nine-person system, all standing committee members, and all officials. In addition, there will be another secretary-general. I propose Ms. Chen Tao to be in charge of the usual liaison with everyone. I am also responsible for the preparations for gatherings. In the future, Taurus will meet regularly every summer, usually at will. I designed a membership badge and I can receive it after paying the membership fee. The membership fee is 2,000 yuan per person per year."

"This is the Taurus badge," Chen Tao took out the badge and a few pages of documents and said, "These are the rules of the Taurus Association. I will register it with the relevant department tomorrow. We are a legal non-governmental organization."

"This badge is ugly enough." Zhang Xuanlong vomited.

Song Weiyang said: "Then you can design one yourself."

Zhang Xuanlong smiled and said, "Forget it, I will just use it."

"Follow him so much," Guo Guangchang eagerly said, "Come here, play Three Kingdoms, and chat while having fun."

Everyone fought for the Three Kingdoms for a whole afternoon, and two things were determined between talking and laughing: Liu Yonghao helped Li Sufu introduce local leaders and negotiate the acquisition of a state-owned automobile factory; Duan Yongping and Zhang Xuanlong started business cooperation, and Gangcheng Fang was trying to help BBK. Acting for VCD business in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Well, everyone has decided to purchase Xifeng bottled purified water within their respective companies...

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