Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1155: With a pig like face, my heart is bright

  Chapter 1155 With a pig like face, my heart is bright

  The two were blasted away by Jiang Xiaobai, and Liu Aiguo’s salary was not discussed.

  Of course, it's mainly Jiang Xiaobai who doesn't know what to do.

  Liu Aiguo is a college student who graduated from a university. If he entered Huaqing Holding Company a few years earlier, he would not say that he has a high salary.

  If you stay in Huaqing Holding Company and don’t leave, it’s easier to handle, and you will have shares directly.

   But he is gone, and the shares are naturally gone.

  According to the salary, college students entering the company at this time are definitely much better than ordinary people with other academic qualifications.

  But it was not too strong, if Jiang Xiaobai alone would improve Liu Aiguo's treatment.

  That is not fair to other people, after all, it is not the time when college students were scarce in those few years.

  So Jiang Xiaobai can only wait to see Liu Aiguo follow Zhang Weiyi to make some achievements, and at the end of the year, he will pay a bonus or something to make up for it, but this kind of thing is not suitable to be said in advance.

  In short, Huaqing Holding Company has its own way of not treating Liu Aiguo badly.

  Early the next morning, Jiang Xiaobai and Song Xin sent Zhang Weiyi and others to the train station. They needed to return to the capital first, and then set off from the capital to Mosco.

  This road is also a long journey. If you are on a domestic flight, you can still trouble and find someone. Go by plane.

  However, flights to foreign countries are subject to strict inspections and can only go by train.

"Bon Voyage."

   "A good journey." Jiang Xiaobai, Song Xin and others waved goodbye to Zhang Weiyi.

   "When I'm done with this, I will go to see you guys and call me whenever I have to." Jiang Xiaobai exhorted.

   "Okay, you can go back, Director Xiaobai." Zhang Weiyi waved his hand and took a few people into the train station without looking back.

  Mr. Huang was a bit nostalgic, but after Zhang Weiyi followed, he plunged into the crowd and disappeared.

   "Let's go, by the way, make an appointment with Asian sodas here in the evening and meet up together." Jiang Xiaobai and Song Xin said.

   "Well, I called last night, they are very welcome, we have set the time, just tell them."

   "Then it will be five o'clock in the afternoon, they will decide the location, then we will go directly." Jiang Xiaobai said.

   "Okay, I'll call them when I go back." Song Xin nodded.

  The Asian sodas in Yangcheng are much sadder than the Tianfu Cola in Shancheng, the Shanhaiguan Soda Factory in Jinmen and other soda factories in the Mainland.

  There is no way, they are at the forefront of reopening, and people accept new things quickly.

  Therefore, the competition of various commodities is relatively more intense.

  As one of the old brand soda factories, the sales of Asian sodas have been declining year after year, and the market share has been squeezed even more.

  Take a lot of measures, such as lowering the price, but the result is that the price has dropped, but the sales volume has not increased.

   Profits have also fallen a lot, and the life of the factory has become more and more difficult.

  So after Song Xin contacted them yesterday, they immediately held a meeting to discuss the feasibility of this matter.

  Most people agree with it, and they are very welcome.

  Huaqing Holding Company is rich, as everyone knows.

  Building Huaqing Building, reselling airplanes, and investing in Sichuan Airlines, all of which are doing big business one by one.

  These local bosses want to cooperate with their current Asian sodas to build factories, and they are of course happy.

  That evening, Jiang Xiaobai met the factory leaders of Asia Soda, from the factory director to the office director and the workshop director.

  So all the people, big and small, who are regarded as factory leaders, are all present.

  Moreover, there are two girls who can be regarded as factory flowers, accompanying them.

  "Welcome, welcome, Chairman Jiang."

   "Too polite, sorry, excuse me." Jiang Xiaobai said politely.

  A bunch of people walked into the hotel, and Jiang Xiaobai’s sincerity of Asian soda can be seen.

  Moreover, Zhu Ye, the director of the factory, is quite straightforward and has a particularly bold personality. When drinking, he just lifted up the glass and then dried out, not at all ambiguous.

  When chatting, Jiang Xiaobai realized that Zhu Ye was from Shandong Province.

   "Jiang Dong, to be honest with you, what about now? The life of our Asian soda is very difficult.

  It's not that our factory leaders defeated the factory, but that the products are really not competitive.

  You said you don’t know what’s wrong, we used to be Asian soda..."

  Zhu Ye said honestly, in fact, there is no way to be dishonest, what is the situation with Asian soda?

  Or what life did several old soda factories in China spend?

  It's okay to fool the laymen, but the home and the beverage factory are already making beverages, and they are considered to be one of the competitors.

  It’s not like that, the one who knows you best will always be your opponent.

  So even if the home and the beverage factory don’t know their Asian sodas well, they know everything they should know.

  In other words, you don’t need to belong to the cattle family and the beverage factory, you are just a layman, you can inquire at will, and you can check the situation.

  Now I’m going to swell my face and fill my fat guy again. If you say that Asian sodas are doing well, then it’s not "suffering face and suffering", it's just making people laugh at you.

   "Actually, let me say that all local soda plants still have a certain advantage.

  Some sodas are foreign brands after all and have no foundation. "Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

   "What does Jiang Dong mean?"

   "I don't mean anything." Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback, his eyes a little confused.

   "Haha, drink, drink." Zhu Ye laughed.

   "Haha," Jiang Xiaobai also smiled happily, and took a drink with a wine glass.

  This Zhu Ye is really like a pig with a face on his face, and his heart is bright...

  I want to inquire with Jiang Xiaobai to see if Jiang Xiaobai can advise him.

  But Jiang Xiaobai sympathizes with you, but he is still a competitor.

  While being consistent with the outside, there is also an infighting.

   So I count on Jiang Xiaobai to give advice, Jiang Xiaobai is not stupid, how can I not understand.

  That’s why I pretended to be stupid, not to understand.

  "As for the cooperative construction of the factory, our Asian Soda held a meeting yesterday to study it. Our factory has no money now. As long as we don't let our Asian Soda pay, we will agree to everything else..."

  Zhu Ye said, this time Jiang Xiaobai was really taken aback.

  Fuck, are you so direct and straightforward?

  "Don’t look at me like that, our Asian soda life is really difficult..."

   Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "I can see it."

  "So as long as you promise us this condition, give me the plan tomorrow,

  I went to the leader, and then I went to the Capital to find the Light Industry Bureau at night, and the leader didn’t agree, I wouldn’t leave.

   is the grind of the face, and I have to ask the leader to agree. "

  (End of this chapter)

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