Chapter 1156 Three days

   "All right?" Zhu Ye stared at Jiang Xiaobai in a daze and asked, stunned Jiang Xiaobai.

  Fuck me, what do you mean, I just came to have a meal, you are about to force me to express my attitude, are you too anxious?

  The point is that I came here to give two delicious eye drops, and I didn’t even think about setting up a factory in a joint venture.

   "Director Zhu really wants to cooperate?" Jiang Xiaobai put down the wine glass and asked seriously.

   "Really, it's more real than real gold." Zhu Ye said affirmatively, then remembered something, and asked: "Don't Jiang Dong come over and really want to cooperate?"

   "No, I really want to cooperate. I was cheated at the Shanhaiguan Soda Factory before..." Jiang Xiaobai cried in tears and complained about his treatment at the Shanhaiguan Soda Factory.

   "Improperly a son of man, if a woman marries two husbands, he can also come out of old customs..." Zhu Ye directly cursed.

  The whole Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback again, this Zhu Ye, a man of good temperament.

   "Brother Jiang, don't worry..." Zhu Ye immediately changed his name to brother.

  "I, Mr. Zhu, would definitely not do this kind of thing. Needless to say, my brother, you came first, but you didn’t come. I would never choose to cooperate with Coca-Cola.

  We are a state-owned enterprise, and you are a private enterprise, but in any case, they are all from the same country, but the two colas are foreign, and we can fight for life.

  It doesn’t matter who occupies the market, but foreign companies cannot be allowed to come and occupy the market..."

  Zhu Ye said decisively, Jiang Xiaobai applauded.

   "Okay, since Director Zhu said that, then I have nothing to say, so let's do it." Jiang Xiaobai also said something in Huaqing Holdings.

  Able to make a decision without discussing with anyone.

"You don't need to pay a penny in the early stage. Our family and the beverage factory are all sold out. We share 51% and you 49%. The joint venture set up a factory to bundle sales and launch a new branded beverage as the mainstay of the joint venture..." Jiang Xiaobai said .

  Originally, this kind of thing should be in the conference room tomorrow, and the two sides will sit down and talk one by one.

  But this is often the case when doing things in China, talking in the office for ten and a half months without results.

  At the dinner table, often a few sentences are settled.

"Okay, my brother is happy, that's it. Tomorrow you will give me the plan. I will go directly to the leader, and then let our deputy director take you around the factory..." Zhu Ye held the glass, even more. Excited.

  This night, Jiang Xiaobai did not drink less, and fell into a drowsy sleep after returning to the hotel.

  Early the next morning, as discussed the night before, Zhu Ye led some people to greet him at the entrance of the factory, and after receiving Jiang Xiaobai and others.

  Song Xin gave the plan directly to Zhu Ye, but a group of people did not enter the meeting room.

  Zhu Ye took the driver and secretary into the car to find the local leader, but did not even leave the scene.

  Of course, I don’t pay attention to these at this time.

   "Your Director Zhu is really vigorous and resolute." Jiang Xiaobai said with emotion.

  "Hehe, yes, please, Mr. Jiang, here is our production workshop..." The deputy factory director accompanied Jiang Xiaobai and others on the tour.

   Hearing Jiang Xiaobai boasting about his leadership, he didn't know what to say. He smiled and said nothing.

  But when he visited the warehouse, Jiang Xiaobai probably understood the reason.

  Because the warehouse is full of beverages in stock, boxes of Asian soda codes are quite neat, but they can’t be sold.

   "No, how many drinks can you produce on average a day..."

   "Not much production, the longest one here is the product that has been squeezed for three months." The deputy director said with a wry smile.

   "Three months." Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback, why would he still produce since the product has been backlogged.

   But no one could explain, Jiang Xiaobai also reacted quickly.

  This state-owned enterprise is different from the private enterprise. The private enterprise can. If the product is backlogged, I will stop production and deal with the inventory.

  But state-owned enterprises can’t do it. So many workers are waiting to go to work to make money.

  It may be because of this somewhat rigid system, which is also one of the reasons for the desolation of state-owned enterprises.

  The transition from a planned economy to a market economy is too fast, and many state-owned enterprises are not prepared.

  Zhu Ye did not come back at noon. Jiang Xiaobai and others ate in the cafeteria of the Asian Soda Factory.

  Since Zhu Ye really has the heart to promote this cooperation, Jiang Xiaobai and others must have a detailed inspection to understand the details of the Asian soda factory.

  Jiang Xiaobai led a team to inspect the Asian soda factory for three consecutive days, but did not see Zhu Ye's person in these three days.

  I heard from the deputy director that their director Zhu had moved to the leadership office with bedding.

  In three days, Jiang Xiaobai and others also learned about the general situation of Asian sodas.

  On the third day, after eating a rice bowl at the Asian Soda Factory, and was about to leave, Jiang Xiaobai met Zhu Ye.

  In three days, Zhu Ye's whole body became haggard a lot.

  The stubble on the chin is very dark, and the hair looks greasy.

   "Brother Jiang, good news, good news!"

  Zhu Ye opened the door and entered the canteen private room. Although he was very haggard, the joy in his eyes could not hide.

   But after saying this, he sat down and gobbled it up.

   "Oh, this is all leftovers..."

"It's okay, Jiang Dong, we are all used to it. I have arranged for someone to cook the soup. This is how our factory director Zhu is. When we are busy, it is really hard to go through the house for three times and never enter..." The factory director is full of admiration.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't know if he had gone through the house three times without entering, but it seemed that Zhu Ye hadn't returned home for three days.

  You can see the way you eat.

  The last half of the steamed buns were all dipped in broth and finished.

  In fact, during these three days, Jiang Xiaobai not only inspected Asian soda factories, but also inspected Zhu Ye.

  From top to bottom in the entire factory, from factory leaders to workers, whenever you mention Zhu Ye, you are full of praise.

  Jiang Xiaobai can see that the workers really admire this Zhu Ye. It is not that some leaders have arranged them and let them say something against their will.

  Otherwise, ordinary workers do not have this kind of acting skills.

   "It's done, the leader agreed, I arranged for someone to book a train ticket for a while, and later I went to the Beijing Light Industry Bureau to talk about it..."

  After eating an 80% full Zhu Ye, he finally had time to talk to Jiang Xiaobai.

   "I'm just afraid that you don't worry about Mr. Jiang, I will come back to give you a reassurance!" Zhu Ye said with a smile.

   "It doesn't matter whether you are determined or not, I don't care if you can negotiate a cooperation, but I am determined to make friends with Brother Zhu." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

   "Haha, okay, I made my friend Jiang brother."

  (End of this chapter)

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