Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1389: The factory director was slapped

  Chapter 1389 The factory director was beaten

  The deputy factory manager can understand now, it's not that he didn't know that Jiang Xiaobai was back, but the factory manager Sun Jianyun didn't know either.

  It’s so bad that I thought Sun Jianyun knew it, but it turned out that I thought too much, and more importantly, Sun Jianyun didn’t know it now.

  He should be the last one in the whole factory to know, and now he has to make an oolong.

   "What are you doing, stop me..." Sun Jianyun said. Jiang Xiaobai disliked Sun Jianyun's babbling and got up and turned his head.

  Sun Jianyun was stunned for a moment, and the words in his mouth stopped.

  "How about keeping hands?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

   "No, Jiang Dong..." Sun Jianyun squatted and didn't know how to explain it.

   "It's not what it's not, you are coming now, if I count on you to protect the tree, you don't know if the tree was sawed and sold." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  "The door is open. Since I entered the office building, no one has asked. You, the director of the factory, are really amazing.

  I guess you don’t know if everything is stolen, right..."

   "I ask you, does your factory have an access management system?"

   "Yes." Sun Jianyun has been stunned by Jiang Xiaobai. I don't know how to explain it. Jiang Xiaobai appeared too suddenly.

   "There is an access management system, your access management system is to enter and exit at will, isn't it?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

   "It's not Jiang Dong..." This was the first time Sun Jianyun was scolded by Jiang Xiaobai.

  I saw Wang Chao and the others being scolded. That was when I was at Huaqing Electrical Appliances.

  At that time, Wang Chao was scolded badly, and Jiang Xiaobai asked him to return to Jianhua Village to raise pigs if he couldn't do well.

  It turned out that he was quite envious, and being scolded by Jiang Xiaobai, that meant a kind of kindness, but in the original time, he was not at a level enough, and his relationship with Jiang Xiaobai was not in place.

  So Jiang Xiaobai didn’t scold him...

  The current level is enough. No matter how slow the development of the educated youth cannery is, it is still developing after all, and it can earn some foreign exchange every year.

  The most important thing is that the educated youth cannery is different from other factories. This is where Huaqing Holdings started.

  So everyone has a special feeling for this place.

  Sun Jianyun can be the director of the cannery, that is definitely the company’s senior management, even the company’s leadership.

  Jiang Xiaobai generally only scolds those at this level. If the level is too low, Jiang Xiaobai will not scold him. He only scolds the leaders of various factories.

  Like today, if there is a problem with the concierge, then he will scold Sun Jianyun instead of finding the old man in the concierge to scold him.

   "Looking at your big head, what do you think about all day? Let you manage the factory, how about you? How about a good night's sleep?"

  Sun Jianyun was scolded for the first time, but found that this kind of thing is better not to be envious. It was too painful and was scolded by a dog-blood spray.

   "Okay, I think you, the director of the factory, don't do it, go, and find out who is suitable to take over as the director of yours." Jiang Xiaobai turned around and continued to greet Li Bin with his work.

  Li Bin glanced at his leader, he seemed to have done something wrong, shouldn't he see Jiang Xiaobai reporting to the leader for the first time?

   "Ah..." Sun Jianyun was stunned.

   "Ah what? I told you to stop doing it and go back and prepare for the handover of work." Jiang Xiaobai said.

   "Oh." Sun Jianyun turned and walked towards the office building with a confused look.

  I've been slapped, slapped, what do I want to do, raise pigs.

  Is it true he raised a group of pigs, Jiang Xiaobai had been to the factory for a long time, but no one noticed it.

   "Is it the second uncle of the concierge, who is here and fired me." Sun Jianyun waved to the deputy director and called the deputy director over and said directly.

   "Okay, there is also the doorman in the building, who will send me away together, blindly opening my eyes every day, they are all decorations."

  Sun Jianyun also cursed. At first, he was a college student and would not swear at others, but after staying in Huaqing Holdings for a long time, he would not swear at talents.

   "Okay, I'll do it now." The deputy director responded, and then persuaded: "Director, don't be anxious to get angry, I think Jiang Dong is now in anger. It will be fine if he is angry."

   "No." Sun Jianyun secretly glanced back at Jiang Xiaobai who was busy, and then dared to complain: "You said, I have no credit and I have hard work. Even if you beat me, you have to arrange a place.

  It doesn’t matter even if you go to raise pigs for He Guanghua next door..."

  "Director, it's not enough. If you change the director for such a trivial matter, the factory can't change the leader every day, so it's not messy.

  Jiang Dong just said casually, don't take it to heart. "The deputy director persuaded.

  He thought so, Sun Jianyun felt a little nervous, but he thought the same way.

   After all, there is such a thing, Jiang Xiaobai is not enough to regenerate, after all, the plum tree is okay.

  After finishing his busy work, Jiang Xiaobai let Li Bin go, then he took out the newspaper from his bag, and began to mutter.

  On the other side, the educated youth cannery had already jumped, and the two guards were fired.

  It seems that there is nothing in the job of a doorman, it can be done by an individual, and it is easy to fire.

  But it is not the leader's relative or the leader's relative who can do the job of the guard.

  Expulsion is a big event after all, and it’s a mess.

  So Sun Jianyun just said that he would fire two guards, and someone immediately came with them.

  One is the deputy section chief in charge of finance, and the other is the section chief in charge of sales.

  Two people came with the guard.

   "Director Sun, we brought them here to apologize..." The two apologized, and Sun Jianyun stared coldly.

   didn't say a word, he knew what the two of them wanted to do, nothing more than pleading at the end.

Sure enough, when it was almost time to apologize, the two began to intercede.

   "Director Sun, it’s not easy for them both to be so old. It was just a momentary negligence. Now that you know it’s wrong, you just let them go."

  The Deputy Chief of Finance said.

  Sun Jianyun glanced at the deputy chief of the finance department, and said coldly: "You are also the deputy chief of the finance department, and you also do financial work.

  A momentary negligence, is the same with your financial work? Oversight? "

   "Director Sun, no, of course my financial work is not like this, but they work as a guard..." The deputy chief of the Finance Department explained bitterly.

  He heard that it seemed that Sun Jianyun had been trained by Jiang Xiaobai just now, and he might be in a bad mood now.

   "Dr. Sun, you can rest assured that this kind of thing will never happen again in the future." The sales section chief on the side also explained.

  A sales department chief and a finance deputy chief, neither of them took it seriously.

  Looking at them like this, Sun Jianyun was happy. He really didn’t know that he was dead, and the two of them didn’t take it seriously!

  (End of this chapter)

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