Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1390: Hapless kid

   Chapter 1390 Unlucky Child

  Sun Jianyun sat down behind the desk.

  Looking at the two of them with a sneer and asked: "Shall I let them go?"

   "Hmm." The two section chiefs nodded.

   "Who will let me go?" Sun Jianyun asked back.

  The two of them were a little confused and didn't understand what Sun Jianyun meant, but Sun Jianyun quickly explained it to them.

   "Just because of this incident, my position as the director of the factory was slapped. Then, don't talk to me. Next..."

  Sun Jianyun pulled the two to the window and pointed to Jiang Xiaobai in front of the office building and said.

   "You go to Jiang Dong, Jiang Dong said to let them both go, I agree..."

   "Director Sun, don't be kidding, how could it be possible, just because of this..."

   "Yes, don't tease Director Sun..." The two of them didn't believe it, but looked at Sun Jianyun's serious face.

  They realized that maybe Sun Jianyun was really not joking.

   Jiang Xiaobai really kicked him up, because of this, this is a bit too exaggerated.

  The two of them realized that the problem was a little serious now, so they wanted to leave and don’t get angry.

  As for going down to find Jiang Xiaobai to intercede, they don’t have the guts yet.

   "We have waited until this day, but unfortunately, you didn't see..." Jiang Xiaobai finally muttered and got up and left.

  In fact, this time I suddenly wanted to come back and have a look. As for Sun Jianyun to talk about mobilizing work to the home and the beverage factory, that’s just a casual thing.

  You can talk on the phone, you don’t have to come back, or ask Shi Sheng to come back and talk about it.

  But he still came back, just wanting to read the news in the newspaper under the plum blossom tree.

  After so many years, many people may have forgotten it, but he will never forget Liu Mei.

  The stubborn girl was so stubborn to commit suicide that she was unwilling to tell a lie.

  She left a scar on her body, and she gave her precious life for herself.

  Liu Mei, as long as he sees this plum tree, Jiang Xiaobai can remember that morning, the blood plum blossoms on the ground bloomed and saved his life.

  Otherwise, the person who fell may be himself.

  Educated youth canned food has expanded its production capacity several times, but they have not moved out, because Jiang Xiaobai wants to let Liu Mei watch the educated youth canned food factory, a little bit of development and growth.

   Jiang Xiaobai turned and left, and walked into the office building.

The two section chiefs wanted to leave. It seems that there is no good way for Sun Jianyun, but he was stopped by Sun Jianyun as soon as he was about to leave. They said, "I think you should think about your own problems first, Jiang Jiang. Dong came up.

  If you ask who arranged it, how can you two explain to Jiang Dong..."

  The two of them felt aroused, and they hurried away toward the door, but they were heading into Jiang Xiaobai who entered the door.

   "Oh, sorry." Jiang Xiaobai asked.

   "Jiang Dong."

   "Dong Jiang." The two section chiefs thought about Sun Jianyun's words just now, and their expressions were normal, and they suddenly became flustered.

  And Jiang Xiaobai didn't care about it. It was normal for Sun Jianyun to report to Sun Jianyun’s office as the factory manager, but what did these two people look like?

   "Shi Fei, what are you doing?" Jiang Xiaobai knew the head of the sales department of an educated youth cannery.

   "Ah, it's okay, find Director Sun to report to some work." Shi Fei's expression was a little flustered, and he wanted to run after speaking.

   "Dong Jiang, it's okay, I'll go back first."

  Jiang Xiaobai saw the door guard wearing a security system behind Shi Fei.

   "Wait a minute, are these two door guards?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

   "Hmm." Shi Fei answered with a bitter expression, and Jiang Xiaobai understood what was going on.

   nodded and told them to leave.

  Jiang Xiaobai would not scold these employees, but after they left, he would scold Sun Jianyun again.

   finally said: "Sun Jianyun, if you go to the home and beverage factory, you still make it like this for me, and that home and beverage factory will be your retirement place in the future.

  You can go to the factory and be a worker for me. "

  "Home and beverage factory?" Sun Jianyun was taken aback.

   "Yes, Jiahe Beverage Factory, you thought I was joking with you for telling you not to be the director of the factory." Jiang Xiaobai said jokingly.

  Sun Jianyun, the director of an educated youth canning factory, must not be able to do it, no matter whether he made a mistake or not, because Jiang Xiaobai wants to mobilize him to his home and the beverage factory.

  Of course, as I said just now, I also wanted to scare Sun Jianyun.

   "The director Song of Jiahe Beverage Factory is leaving. After the company's research and decision, President Shi will also serve as the director, and you will be the executive deputy director."

   "Ah, Song always has to leave?" Sun Jianyun was also a little surprised when he heard the news.

   "Yes, I said I was tired. I have to go out and take a break. Anyway, I have enough money. Go if you want." Jiang Xiaobai said helplessly.

   "Yes." Sun Jianyun nodded.

   "It's also a fart, what's the matter? You also have the idea of ​​resigning, so get out of my job as soon as possible!" Jiang Xiaobai immediately cursed with a dark face.

   "No, no, I must work hard." Sun Jianyun shook his head again and again, what did I say, the reaction was so big.

  Jiang Xiaobai said: "Okay, after a while, the official confession will be issued by the company headquarters. I will come back this time to take a look, and I will tell you by the way.

  Sun Jianyun felt a little awkward after listening, so he came back to see and told himself by the way.

  Don’t say, there is a real possibility. Jiang Xiaobai might really come back to see the plum tree.

  I made a special trip for this matter, and I didn’t believe it when I said it.

   But you say it, although I don't believe it, but I am happy in my heart, and always tell the truth, can't people be a little sincere?

   "The two section chiefs are all given to me. For the bold stuff, the section chief becomes the deputy section chief, and the deputy section chief is sent to the logistics." Jiang Xiaobai ordered again.

  Never mind if you go to the factory, you have made mistakes, and the first time you bring it to intercede.

  I don’t know what to think.

   "Okay." Sun Jianyun nodded. The two of them can only blame their bad life, and they are going to leave. It happened to meet Jiang Xiaobai.

  If you can’t run into it, Sun Jianyun will not report to Jiang Xiaobai on purpose.

   "Ding Ding Ding." The phone on the desk rang.


   "Jianyun, it's me, Laosan Li, I heard that Jiang Dong is back, is it with you?"

   "Yes, here I am." Sun Jianyun nodded.

   "Okay, then I'll come over now." Li Laosan finished speaking and hung up the phone.

  Jiang Xiaobai heard it, smiled and asked, "Is it Li San? That loud voice."

   "Hmm." Sun Jianyun nodded, and the phone on the desk rang again.

  This time it was He Guanghua, who also heard the news of Jiang Xiaobai’s return to inquire about the situation.

  The difference from Laosan Li was that he knew that Jiang Xiaobai was here, so he didn't directly say that he would come over, and he asked Sun Jianyun for instructions.

  Jiang Xiaobai asked to come over, and then hung up the phone.

  (End of this chapter)

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