Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1458: Have their own opinions

   Chapter 1458

  A good understanding and familiarity conference, and it almost became the new car launch conference of Ha Qiao's father automobile factory.

  Various models, everyone was stunned.

  Different from the Volga Automobile Factory I saw yesterday, the Ha Qiao Father Automobile Factory seems to be engaged in research and development.

  There are all kinds of models, but they are not like a serious car factory.

  It’s dark after listening to the “Auto Show Introduction Meeting”. According to the previous plan, familiarize with the information in the first two days, and then compare the pros and cons of the two companies in the next two days, and finally determine the negotiation plan.

  Only the fifth day will contact these two auto factories.

  The third day...

  In fact, comparing the pros and cons of the two companies, this kind of thing means that the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise.

  Jiang Xiaobai sat on the main seat and looked at the crowd and asked, “Let’s talk about it. Which of the two companies do you prefer?

  It’s not that which one you prefer, we can win which one, but we must have a preparation in our hearts before we can make a plan. "

   "Okay, everyone can speak freely, starting with Zhang Weiyi, talk about it one by one, Xiaojin, you are responsible for the record."

  After finishing the two sentences, Zhang Weiyi did not refuse, and immediately began to say his own thoughts: "I think we should focus on the Volga Automobile Factory.

  It is a complete automobile production line, and the key is its high profit value. As long as we can complete the acquisition, then it is our own production line.

  If you don’t relocate, you can make adjustments. After a month, the first car of our company will be off the production line.

  Register a car brand and we can sell it.

  It’s okay to move back to China directly, it just needs to waste some time..."

  Zhang Weiyi said, a lot of people showed approval on their faces. The Volga Automobile Factory is indeed very good.

  Even if only one-third was divided, it made them startled.

   "Patriotic." Jiang Xiaobai looked at the next one.

   "I think Ha Qiao's father car factory is good. On the surface, this car factory looks not very serious..." Liu Aiguo said, and everyone in the conference room smiled.

   doesn’t seem very serious, this sentence is not used to describe a person, but an automobile factory.

  I don’t know what the employees of Ha Qiao’s father car factory thought after they heard it, but everyone sitting there felt this way after they learned about the information of Ha Qiao’s father car factory.

  "However, behind the unscrupulous Ha Qiao father car factory, it has a profound accumulation of technology. They can build cars, liberation trucks, amphibious vehicles, and even a combination of planes and trucks.

  Acquisition of such a factory, as long as we take a moment to build a production line, it is equivalent to having a heavy truck factory, a small car factory, a luxury car factory..."

  Liu Aiguo’s views have also been recognized by many people, and even Zhang Weiyi nodded.

  Liu Aiguo’s words are not unreasonable. Many people did not realize this. It was yesterday that Ha Qiao’s father car factory was confused by the fancy and wide variety of cars.

  But as everyone knows, behind these seemingly absurd, it is the profound technical accumulation of Ha Qiao Father Automobile Factory.

  Yes, there are many cars made by the Ha Qiao Father Automobile Factory, but they do not seem to be sold, but it is because the Ha Qiao Father Automobile Factory is not specialized.

   But if it is acquired by Huaqing Holdings, they can build a production line specifically, and they will have extra energy in the follow-up, or they will spare some effort. After one type of car has achieved success, they can also build another one.

  No matter how bad it is, it can be divided.

  "I agree with Liu Aiguo's point of view that although the Volga Automobile Plant is a ready-made production line, it may be too single.

  The Volga Automobile Factory is for the whole country. They are in the sales type, and they have no interest in other models or types. If..."

  Mr. Huang also came to the meeting, speaking his views in his half-baked Mandarin.

  He was invited by Jiang Xiaobai to attend the meeting. Originally, he was only in charge of the bank, and Zhang Weiyi was in charge of the investment department.

  He had never participated in a car project before Jiang Xiaobai came, but Jiang Xiaobai felt that one more person would have more strength.

  So let Mr. Huang come over.

  "I think the Volga Automobile Factory is good. A ready-made production line, from the production of individual parts to the composition of the final car, is very fast.

  Our Huaqing Holding Company has no accumulation of automobile technology. Now it is a piece of white paper. What can be digested is one-third of the Volga Automobile Factory, a complete production line from parts to complete vehicles.

  As for the father of Ha Qiao, there is too much technology, but it is a bit cumbersome. I think I still have to specialize..."

   "I agree with Liu Aiguo's ideas and agree to focus on the Ha Qiao father car factory..."

  "I agree with Zhang Weiyi's idea..."

  The people in the conference room hold their own opinions. Some think that the focus should be placed on the Ha Qiao father car factory, and some suggested that the focus should be placed on the Volga car factory.

  Anyway, both sides have their own reasons, and this reason is very sufficient.

  In the end, everyone's eyes focused on Jiang Xiaobai.

  Jiang Xiaobai also has a headache. If you can... children do multiple choice questions, and adults want them all.

   But with the strength of Huaqing Holding Company, it is enough to eat one. It is impossible to eat two.

  "Let’s do two plans, plan A, focusing on the acquisition of Volga Automobile Plant, and plan B focusing on the acquisition of Haqiao Father’s Automobile Factory.

  We have a red heart. Let's prepare with both hands. The plan is only a plan, and it does not mean that it will be successful.

  Whether people are willing or not, it is unknown how the negotiation is going. "

  It's not that Jiang Xiaobai is unwilling to make a decision, but that he is reluctant to both. Then it can only be handed over to follow-up contact and negotiation.

   "Okay, make plans tomorrow, and formally contact the two auto factories the day after tomorrow. Let's first contact the Ha Qiao father auto factory."

  Jiang Xiaobai announced his decision, no one had any objections, and he hurriedly acted.

  It is not that Jiang Xiaobai is more fond of Ha Qiao's father automobile factory, and Ha Qiao's father automobile factory is in Mosco.

  The Volga Automobile Plant is further afield in Tolyatti, which is more than 1,000 kilometers southeast of Moscow.

  Zhang Weiyi and others also understand Jiang Xiaobai’s consideration.

  After everyone left, Jiang Xiaobai stood by the window with a headache.

  Sometimes, the two auto factories are so good that there is really no choice.

  But in the end, no matter which auto factory is acquired, it is a major improvement for Huaqing Holdings.

  (End of this chapter)

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