Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1459: Trillions of rupee to sell?

  Chapter 1459 Are Trillions of RUB Selling?

  "Welcome Chairman Jiang to visit the Ha Qiao Father Automobile Factory."

   A huge banner hung at the entrance of Ha Qiao's father's automobile factory... Of course this is impossible. Jiang Xiaobai has not yet had such a big face in front of Ha Qiao's father's automobile factory.

Needless to say, it is only an intention now. Jiang Xiaobai has not acquired the Ha Qiao father car factory, but Jiang Xiaobai has completed the acquisition.

   After a while, I couldn’t straighten it out.

  In fact, at the entrance of Ha Qiao’s father’s car factory, only three or five people were waiting to greet Jiang Xiaobai.

  However, among the three or five people, there is a deputy factory director, Ilya.

  This is enough to illustrate the sincerity of Ha Qiao's father car factory.

  Zhang Weiyi introduced to both sides, Jiang Xiaobai and Ilya shook hands.

  Then a group of people walked into Ha Qiao’s father’s car factory while Ilya introduced Jiang Xiaobai.

  Ilya's introduction, although Jiang Xiaobai has already seen it on the materials and is familiar with it, but now combined with the actual inspection on the spot, it still makes people feel more deeply.

  I did not go to the meeting room, but started to visit the production workshop.

  I got on the car produced in the factory on the way to the production workshop.

  There is no way. This is a car production workshop, not a canned food or garment production workshop. It's just that big and the production line is not far away.

  This is a car production line, although the production line of the Ha Qiao father car factory is not as exaggerated as the production line of the Volga car factory, reaching 270 kilometers.

  But the production line of Ha Qiao's father is also dozens of kilometers, and it is almost hundreds.

  Such a long production line, if you just walk and visit, you can't finish it in one or two days.

  No, it’s not bad to be able to walk from the door of the factory to the production workshop in the morning.

  So there are special tour vehicles in the factory.

  One-by-one production and processing workshop for parts and components, around the edge of the production line.

Starting from individual parts, start assembly on this production line, starting from the frame, various new engines, car seats, horns, wheels, tires, and assembling parts one by one, until it becomes a car off the line... …

  All morning, Jiang Xiaobai only walked about a quarter of the production workshop.

  At noon, the director of Ha Qiao's father automobile factory arrived and came forward to receive Jiang Xiaobai.

   "It's amazing, I really didn't expect it, it's so spectacular, from the production of individual parts to a car..." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

  Sergey listened to the translated content, with a smile on his face.

  Even though the factory is experiencing difficulties now, it needs to find some funds to be able to continue and even be acquired.

  However, the glory of Ha Qiao's father automobile factory should not be disrespected. This is their last pride.

  Like many domestic state-owned enterprises, the brand of brilliance and pride is vividly reflected on every factory worker.

   "Thank you, and welcome Jiang Dong." Sergey said with a smile, and calmly accepted Jiang Xiaobai's appreciation.

  Although he is not the first director of the Ha Qiao father automobile factory, the first director of the Ha Qiao father automobile factory is Ha Qiao father, in order to commemorate Ha Qiao father, so the automobile factory is called Ha Qiao father automobile factory.

  But he is the current director of an automobile factory.

  All are some northern specialties. Jiang Xiaobai is not used to eating too much, but fortunately, the main thing is to talk between the two sides.

  Sergei, on behalf of Ha Qiao Father Automobile Factory, welcomed Jiang Xiaobai’s investment, and Jiang Xiaobai also expressed his strong willingness to invest in Ha Qiao Father Automobile Factory.

   "I don't know how Jiang Dong plans to invest?" Sergey asked directly.

  Jiang Xiaobai did not expect Sergey to be so direct. This was the first time we met and everyone had a conversation.

   However, he was slightly startled, and then he reacted.

   said: "I believe that our general manager Zhang has already talked about it before. The lowest bottom line of our investment is holdings, or even wholly-owned acquisitions."

   Jiang Xiaobai also showed his bottom line.

  Sergei frowned tightly and stood in his position as the factory director of Ha Qiao's father car factory.

  Now the factory is difficult, but what he wants is to introduce a certain amount of capital to let the factory continue to develop.

  Even if a part of the shares are allocated, 10% or 20% of the shares, this choice is of course the best.

  But it's different from Jiang Xiaobai's standpoint.

  Invest 10% and invest 20%. It's not just taking money to make trouble, he wouldn't do that kind of thing.

  Originally in a foreign country, investing 20%, even if it is more, as long as it can’t hold a controlling stake, it’s a waste of water.

  It means to make money. If the auto factory says that it doesn’t count, it is also paying dividends to itself. If you only earn such a small amount of dividends, what is not good to do with such a large investment.

  Smashed into such a bottomless pit, and it is still a foreign enterprise. Wouldn't it be scolded to death after returning to China?

  Of course, it should not be possible at this time. You may think that Chinese people can become one of the owners of a foreign automobile factory and be proud of it.

   But it is also a flashy thing.

  So the point of disagreement between the two sides is here.

   "Dong Jiang, our father Ha Qiao Automobile Factory is an automobile factory worth trillions of rupee. Do you have the ability to eat it?" Sergey stood up and looked at Jiang Xiaobai and asked.

  The atmosphere in the private room suddenly froze. Sergey was more than 1.9 meters. Looking down at Jiang Xiaobai, it was still very stressful.

It's just that Jiang Xiaobai smiled, looked at Sergey and asked.

   "What? Are you selling for trillions of rupee?"

  Everyone in the conference room was taken aback, and then Sergey was like a punctured balloon, and was immediately discouraged.

selling? Of course not for sale.

  It was he who was secretly changing the concept just now. In fact, it was worth less than 5 billion RUB before the Ha Qiao father car factory.

  Later, the renminbi depreciated wildly, and now one dollar can be exchanged for more than one thousand renminbi.

  So he just doubled the calculation a thousand times on this basis.

  Of course, now the domestic rupee is in chaos, one price today, another price tomorrow, the exchange rate of rupee to US dollar is different in each place on the same day.

  But after he secretly exchanged the concept, Jiang Xiaobai also directly paid the bill in rupee, a trillion rupee, which is equivalent to about 1 billion US dollars at this time, or even lower.

  At around 700 million US dollars, 700 million US dollars. If the Ha Qiao father car factory can be taken, then even Jiang Xiaobai is confident to take a part of the Volga car factory and control one-third of the production line.

  Thinking about it, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly understood that before, he felt that there was no hope for taking Volga. Now it seems that Volga Automobile Factory does not have much market value.

  Compared with Ha Qiao father car factory, you can feel it, how much is it worth? Ten billion dollars?

  (End of this chapter)

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