Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1604: Look at people first

   Chapter 1604

  It is precisely because the third brother in the family has the final say, so she never talked to the third brother.

  Because Jiang Xiaobai is her last hope, if Jiang Xiaobai disagrees, then not to mention that the whole family opposes now, even if the whole family agrees now, this is impossible.

   But if Jiang Xiaobai agrees, then others will change their attitudes.

  In fact, his father Jiang Tieshan did not support him, and his attitude of not opposing him was quite good, so that the third brother would have no scruples when he made a decision.

  She also has a small abacus in her heart. She originally wanted to wait for the Chinese New Year when Jiang Xiaobai was happy, and she would go over it.

  The third elder brother is just such a younger sister. She still spoils herself very much, and begs the third elder to agree to her when the time comes.

   But I didn’t expect that it was not yet Chinese New Year, and the third brother suddenly proposed it.

   "Langlang, go see my sister, and sister-in-law will take you out in a while." Jiang Xiaomei sent Jiang Langlang away.

  He just looked upright and crooked Jiang Xiaobai's side, holding Jiang Xiaobai's arm and acting like a baby.

   "Brother 3, you usually dote on me the most. Although he is poor at home, he is aspiring, Brother 3..." Jiang Xiaomei shook Jiang Xiaobai's arms and prolonged her voice, saying reluctantly.

   "Does anyone disagree?" Jiang Xiaobai scratched his sister's nose and asked with a smile. He really loved this sister very much.

  When I was young, I followed my **** all day long. Now I’ve grown up in a blink of an eye, and I’m at the age to talk about marriage.

   "No... Um." Jiang Xiaomei finally admitted, because she knew that it would be useless if she didn't admit it. The third brother is very smart, and she knows it after a guess.

   "Well, if he doesn't go back to celebrate the New Year, the twenty-ninth lunar month, you bring him home, I'll look at people and talk about it." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  The attitude of the others in the Jiang family, he didn't have to guess or knew that he would definitely disagree.

  But what they are considering is nothing more than family conditions. In fact, family conditions and the like, to the level of Jiang Xiaobai, basically don't care.

  If the person is nice and the younger sister likes it, then that’s fine.

  "Okay, he didn't go back to celebrate the New Year. He was on duty at the unit. I will tell him when I look back and let him come home in two days." Jiang Xiaomei became excited immediately.

  Although Jiang Xiaobai has not explicitly expressed his consent, as long as there is no objection, it is a good thing.

   Jiang Xiaomei bounced around and took Jiang Langlang out to play.

  Although I still feel a little unsure, I don’t know if my boyfriend can enter the third brother’s eyes.

  Third brothers, although they have treated her as always, there has been no change because of the big business, but she also knows,

  The third brother has been different in recent years, the business has grown bigger and bigger, and he has become a big man in the mouth of others.

  Big people, people’s vision and standards are naturally high.

   But now, she can only hope that her boyfriend will behave better, otherwise, there is really no way.

On the 27th of the twelfth lunar month, around ten in the morning, Jiang Xiaobai and Shi Sheng took the motorcade to the airport.

  Zhang Weiyi, Liu Jian and others returned to China today.

  Zhang Weiyi has completed the job in the north, and will prepare to take over the position of general manager of the company after returning to China.

  And Liu Jian straightened out the work in the north a little bit, came back for a year, and then went back.

  The team of Huaqing Holding Co., Ltd. went on a business trip to the north, with a total of about ninety people.

   There were a hundred people when I went, but some of them promised that Liu Jian would be in the north and would not come back for the New Year.

   And among the ninety people who came back, more than ten people also agreed to Liu Jian to stay abroad and work.

  It’s just the New Year, they also want to come back, and then pass after the New Year.

   Liu Jian of course knew that after these more than a dozen people returned home, there might be variables.

  Maybe after the Chinese New Year is persuaded by his family, he is reluctant to go, but he has nothing to do.

  Huaqing Holding Company is engaged in business, not kidnappers. You can't let people go home because they might repent.

   "Thanks." Jiang Xiaobai walked towards Zhang Weiyi and hugged him.

  Zhang Weiyi has been abroad for several years, and today he finally completed his mission successfully.

   "It should be." Zhang Weiyi shook his head. Although he was very happy when he came back and had to go out, he was always a little uncomfortable.

  But this time, I don’t have to leave when I come back. I can stay in the country steadily, and my mood is always more beautiful.

   "Thanks." Jiang Xiaobai hugged Liu Jian again. Liu Jian is also in a good mood.

  Although he will leave after the Chinese New Year and come back is short-lived, but he has just taken over the car factory, which is when he is ambitious and ready to make a career.

  It is a good time to come back at this time and take a short rest for a year, and then set off again.

   "Thank you." Jiang Xiaobai said as he looked at the people behind.

   "Unfortunately," everyone said in unison.

  Then a group of people walked outside, got in the car and went back to the company.

  Directly into the large conference room, Jiang Xiaobai looked at everyone on the stage and said with a smile: "When I went out for more than half a year, it was not easy for everyone to run around and tired. I, Jiang Xiaobai, thanked everyone here.

  Of course, it’s meaningless to just put your mouth on it. It depends on what I have prepared for everyone. "

   Jiang Xiaobai clapped his hands, and an employee walked in with a cart.

  "One person, one meal, you are coming back late, but I have prepared it for you." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

   "Send it to everyone."

  "Thank you Jiang Dong, thank you Jiang Dong..." There were smiles on everyone's faces. Although the new year's goods were not too expensive, it was very touching.

  "Don’t worry, thank you. There is also a business trip subsidy, 10,000 yuan per person, not much money, but it is my heart."

  Zhao Xiaojin walked in with the box and opened it on the stage.

  One million, neatly placed in the box.

   "Thank you Jiang Dong."

   "Thank you Jiang Dong..." This time everyone shouted more loudly than before. If you say that the new year's goods just now were a kind of heart.

  The subsidy is a great gift. The actual benefits, the 10,000 yuan travel subsidy, are really a lot.

  Many places are still reporting 10,000 yuan households, but now one million yuan households were born all of a sudden.

   "I, Jiang Xiaobai, never play virtual. When many people followed me to start a business more than ten years ago, I said that there is wine and meat to eat..." Jiang Xiaobai's sentence once again detonated the audience.

  The applause was thunderous and prolonged.

  Jiang Xiaobai raised both hands falsely and pressed it down, and the meeting room became quiet: "Next, everyone will have a good rest and adjust their status. Our tomorrow will definitely get higher and higher."

  When Jiang Xiaobai stepped down, the crowd realized that the meeting was over.

  Receiving gifts, sending money, not much to say, but it makes everyone happier. With such a boss, what is not enough.

  (End of this chapter)

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