Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1605: Last time to speak

   Chapter 1605 The Last Speech

  The people who came back from a business trip took gifts and left with money.

  But Zhang Weiyi, Liu Jian, Liu Xiaomei and other high-level officials stayed, and Jiang Xiaobai was going to pick them up at night.

  "Brother Xiaobai, I heard that you are a daughter..."

   "Well, Xiaogongju, I tell you that you can't lose any new year's money, you must make up..."

  Jiang Xiaobai laughed and chatted with a few people about family life, and some people said they wanted to marry Jiang Xiaobai.

   Then he was scolded by Jiang Xiaobai, saying that if his son Jiang Langlang marries a wife, you can get married.

  I want to get married with his daughter, but there is no door at all. His daughter Jiang Xin stayed with him if she didn't marry all her life.

  Of course, this is a joke, but everyone can see that Jiang Xiaobai is a real baby of his girl, and he wants more baby than his son Jiang Langlang.

   "Come on, have another cup."

   "Let's go..." That night, Zhang Weiyi, Liu Jianming were drunk, and even Liu Xiaomei and other lesbians drank too much.

   Staying abroad for a long time, the work pressure is high, and the intensity is high.

  Not to mention that there is no time to rest at all, but there is not enough time to rest.

  Besides, when people are abroad, they are always mentally strained. Now that they return to China, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, so everyone can have a good rest.

   Jiang Xiaobai did not drink much, Zhang Weiyi, Liu Jian and others did not drink too much. They have known each other for many years.

  Gathering together to drink is to be happy, but it is not necessary to drink too much and get drunk.

  Alcohol, if you are willing to drink more, drink more, but if others are unwilling, it is not good for you to persuade you to drink.

   Jiang Xiaobai drank slightly, stood at the door of the hotel to send Liu Jian, Zhang Weiyi and others left.

  In the end, Liu Aiguo himself was left. Jiang Xiaobai called Liu Aiguo into his car and personally took him home.

  He and Liu Aiguo are classmates, and they grew up at a young age. They grew up together, and then started a business together in Jianhua Village.

  Although Liu Aiguo left for a while, he is back now.

  "How about staying abroad? Are there any difficulties or unaccustomed things..."

  "My family is okay, I have been busy recently, and I don’t have time to see my younger siblings and children..."

   Jiang Xiaobai and Liu Aiguo were chatting together, and soon the car arrived at the gate of Liu Aiguo.

   Jiang Xiaobai helped Liu Aiguo and sent Liu Aiguo in. He also sat down for a cup of tea before getting up and leaving.

On the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, Huaqing Holding Company held its year-end summary meeting.

  Liu Aiguo, Liu Jian, Liu Xiaomei, now as people of Huahai Holding Company, participated in this meeting.

  Last year, the annual output value of Huaqing Holding Co., Ltd. reached 1.2 billion yuan, and the net profit reached more than 400 million yuan.

  Here, Huade Satellite Technology Company contributed more than 50 million yuan in profit.

  The remaining 300 million yuan is contributed by various companies.

  The profit of 400 million yuan, if it is placed in future generations, it is needless to say that the top 100 in China.

   is the top 100 in the province. It is very difficult if it is in some developed provinces in the south.

   But at this time, the top ten in China can still be ranked.

  This result is absolutely brilliant, after Shi Sheng reported it.

  I looked at the people in the conference room. This may be the last time I gave a report to Huaqing Holdings. It may be Zhang Weiyi next year.

"The first time I came into contact with Huaqing Holding Company, it would be the establishment of an educated youth cannery. The company does not say profit, but there should be foreign debts, right? Dong Jiang?" Shi Sheng did not sit down, and when the applause subsided a little, Shi Sheng continued to talk. .

  Some procedures were not in compliance with the normal procedures, but Jiang Xiaobai did not stop them.

  Shi Sheng may have sent this message with feelings. It was not his participation in the company's last year-end summary meeting, but he would give the report. It may really be the last year.

  In the future, Shi Sheng retired, even if he participated in the annual meeting, he may have participated as a shareholder instead of the general manager.

   "Yes, I remember that the educated youth cannery had just completed the construction of the factory, and it should owe tens of thousands of dollars to outsiders.

  I can’t remember the specific amount of tens of thousands of dollars. Anyway, tens of thousands of dollars was an astronomical figure for Huaqing Holdings at that time.

  Just after the New Year, I ran back to Longcheng to celebrate the New Year. There is no way, because I don’t have money to pay back..." Jiang Xiaobai said truthfully.

  Many people have smiles on their faces. Now at the headquarters of Huaqing Holding Company, not many people still know about it.

  Wang Chao, Wang Meng, Li Laosan...

  Many newcomers were very curious when they heard about this for the first time.

  Compared with the current annual output value of more than 1 billion yuan, and the net profit of more than 400 million yuan, it turned out that Jiang Dong was still in debt because of tens of thousands of dollars when he ran away.

  Just like later generations, people always like to hear stories about Hangzhou horses who couldn’t get wages when they started their business at the time. They will be passed on to successful people, and people are willing to pass it on.

   can give entrepreneurs motivation, can give dream chasers a hope, and can let people persevere when they can’t continue.

  After all, Ru Jiang Xiaobai also had a difficult time.

"Now? Our company's net profit has exceeded 400 million yuan. What is the concept of 400 million yuan is not clear to everyone... It turned out that we used to say 40,000 compatriots. If it turns out, we can give all compatriots a dollar. It sounds like Not much..."

  Shi Sheng smiled awkwardly, this example is not good, everyone did not understand, and the applause was sparse.

  So Shi Sheng went on to say: "Now we are talking about 10,000 yuan households. If our net profit this year is divided, we can create 40,000 10,000 yuan households..."

   "Papa." This time the applause became intense.

  10,000 yuan households is still a hot word at this time, and many people are working hard to become 10,000 yuan households.

  And the annual profit of Huaqing Holding Company can create 40,000 million households.

   "There were dozens of educated youth canneries that year, and no more than a hundred people were hired temporarily when they were busy. Now, the total number of employees in all our companies is tens of thousands..."

   "That year, educated youth brand canned food was only famous in some places in Shangdang City, but today our products have been exported..."

   "That year, the highest culture in our company was graduated from junior high school, and now college students, graduate students, and doctoral students are there."

   "That year, we worked hard for our company for a year, and being able to fill our stomachs was our greatest hope, and now we can create 40,000 million households in a year..."

   "That year, our company..." Shi Sheng said a lot of that year, and it was a bit like reminiscing about bitterness and sweetness.

  However, this kind of thing is usually done by Jiang Xiaobai. What Shi Sheng said today is somewhat surprising to everyone.

  But I listened quietly one by one. Because of that history, the achievements of Huaqing Holdings Company today are even more difficult.

  (End of this chapter)

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