Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1606: The grace of knowing

   Chapter 1606

   "Thank you for your support to me and the company for so many years..." Shi Sheng finished and bowed deeply.

   There was fierce applause in the conference room.

  Shi Sheng sat down, and whispered to Jiang Xiaobai, "Sorry, it took a while."

   "What's so embarrassing about this, speak slowly." Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand.

   "It's over." Shi Sheng shook his head.

   Jiang Xiaobai finally stood up and bowed to Shi Sheng.

  Shi Sheng suddenly had time to stop, Jiang Xiaobai straightened up.

   “It’s not easy for Huaqing Holdings to have today. I hope everyone can remember the people who have contributed to the company.” Jiang Xiaobai said and started talking about the company.

  In fact, Jiang Xiaobai likes to arrange the next year's work at the year-end summary meeting at the end of the year.

  Today, various departments also came with New Year's plans, but Jiang Xiaobai didn't mention it, and did not arrange this procedure.

  The high-level year-end summary has passed, and it was over in the afternoon, and dinner was arranged as usual.

  Wang Chao and the others have already gone to eat, Jiang Xiaobai accompanied everyone from the strategic development department to the restaurant, chatting as they walked.

  At the beginning, there were five groups in the strategic development department. Later, Chen Dongsheng and others from the first group went abroad and came back yesterday.

  Feng Lun and others in the second group have left after finishing the plan.

  However, the others stayed. The three groups of big idea king Heyang, Guo Fansen, and Adam also wanted to leave several times, but Jiang Xiaobai stayed.

  After talking about the new year, give them a chance to practice.

  In these three groups, Heyang is not too determined to leave.

  After all, their company only needs to have ideas, can help people come up with ideas, and make marketing plans.

  Now that he can learn something in Huaqing Holdings, it is of course good. He regards this as a transformation of his life.

  In addition, Huaqing Holdings has heard that it intends to relocate to the capital or the magic city. If Huaqing Holdings really relocates to the capital, it will be more convenient for him to work.

  Adam team doesn’t matter, since they are here anyway, they certainly want to do a career when they come to China.

  The only one who is anxious to leave is Guo Fansen and his group, who have resigned several times.

  Jiang Xiaobai knew it in his heart, so the one I want to talk about now is Guo Fansen.

   "You are ready to do something, have you thought about it?" Jiang Xiaobai asked casually as he walked.

   "There is probably an idea in my heart." Guo Fansen did not hide it.

  "Okay, after the Chinese New Year, you come back to the company and talk to me about your ideas. If you need investment, I can invest for you.

  If you don’t need investment, I can also give you some suggestions. Are you optimistic? "Jiang Xiaobai said.

   "Thank you Jiang Dong, I am really..." Guo Fansen was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to speak.

  In all fairness, Jiang Xiaobai treats them really well. He needs treatment and treatment, and status and status. It can be said to be Bole to them, and it can be said that he has the kindness of understanding.

   But he also pretends to have big things in his heart, there is really no way, and now he is leaving.

  Jiang Xiaobai also helped the horse to send himself a ride.

  Investment, if Huaqing Holding Company invests, it will not only solve the funding problem of starting a business, but also give many customers confidence.

  After all, the success of a canned food for planes and a Huade Satellite Technology Company has proved the investment vision of Huaqing Holding Company or Jiang Xiaobai.

  Mou Qizhong’s Nande Group, some of its investment projects have succeeded, and some have failed.

  And Jiang Xiaobai has not been defeated so far. This is the guarantee of Jiang Xiaobai’s investment.

  If the project you want to do, Jiang Xiaobai invests, that is the guarantee of profitability, and many difficulties in starting a business will be omitted.

  If there is no need to invest, Jiang Xiaobai also said that he can give himself some advice, which is also precious.

   And this is the condition given by Jiang Xiaobai to leave.

   "Well, don't thank me, I know you all have big ambitions in your heart and want to make a career.

  You have this ability, and I also believe that you are excellent. Although we will leave Huaqing Holdings in the future, we are still partners on the road to entrepreneurship.

  If you encounter something, you can come back and say, as long as I can help, I will definitely not say anything.

  Whether it’s the need for funds or connections, I’m just one step ahead. I hope you can..."

   Jiang Xiaobai said, Guo Fansen was already speechless, and his red eyes nodded vigorously.

  When Feng Lun left, his eyes were red, and he asked him what’s wrong, but he didn’t say anything.

  I just kept admonishing myself to follow Jiang Xiaobai and work hard, Jiang Xiaobai is a good boss.

  And now I understand that Jiang Xiaobai is not only a good boss, but also a good friend and a good partner on the road to entrepreneurship.

  Now there are capable private entrepreneurs, township and village enterprises in China, from south to north, New Hope, Qiu Zhuangzhu, Lu factory manager, Sichuan Airlines, South Germany... and so on.

  They don’t know how wide Jiang Xiaobai’s contacts are. Since Jiang Xiaobai is willing to be their leader, it will save them a lot of trouble.

  "Okay, don't think too much, drink a few more glasses later, and then tomorrow I will arrange a car to take you home, or if you can drive yourself, drive home by yourself for the New Year.

  I'll be here after a few years, after discussing the matter, I will see you off again. Jiang Xiaobai patted Guo Fansen on the shoulder, and then strode forward.

  While eating, Guo Fansen held a wine glass and toasted Jiang Xiaobai three cups of wine in succession.

   Jiang Xiaobai also gave a lot of face, and also drank three cups in a row.

   Regarding Guo Fansen and other future generations, Jiang Xiaobai also has some considerations of his own, and he has ideas in his heart.

  If you forcefully stay, it’s not that you can’t do it, but if you stay here and there, you’ll be a grudge.

  It is better to ask for funds to fund, ask for people to connect with people, and then let them out.

  Meeting together, I was so helpful when I started a business, and they will become bigger in the future, which is also good for Huaqing Holdings.

  What kind of line will each big boss of later generations engage in? What kind of line. In the Huaqing department, Guo Fansen and the others who went out of the Huaqing Holding Company are naturally the Huaqing department.

  A person's pen is not a pen, but a group of people is a real pen.

  At that time, everyone looked at the good guys. It turned out that so many people from Huaqing Holding Company were all mixed up very well. One is better than one.

  As for the Huaqing Holding Company, everyone knows what it is, and it will be more able to attract talents.

  (End of this chapter)

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