Chapter 1607

  On the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, Huaqing Holding Co., Ltd. officially closed.

   Jiang Xiaobai is cooking at home, waiting for a young man who might be his future brother-in-law to come.

   After confinement, Zhao Xinyi became active at home.

  The nanny did not leave and was left behind. Jiang Xiaobai gave a big red envelope.

  A full two thousand yuan, which is more than half a year’s salary for the babysitter.

  The babysitter is very excited, and the enthusiasm and enthusiasm for the work during these two days is high.

  Jiang Xiaobai was cooking in the kitchen, and he just made a dish, just a little bit of meaning.

  Jiang Tieshan is watching TV holding Jiang Langlang.

   "Brother Jiang, who is coming today? Are you cooking yourself?"

   "Maybe the future brother-in-law!" Jiang Xiaobai said uncertainly.

   "Is Mei's boyfriend?"

   "Yeah." The two chatted with each other. After Jiang Xiaobai cooked a dish, he went out. If he was expected to cook for dinner, everyone would not have to eat.

   Jiang Xiaobai made a cup of tea by himself and went to the living room to watch TV with his father and son.

  "Are you busy today?" Jiang Tieshan asked casually.

   "Well, it's the 29th of the twelfth lunar month. I have been busy for a year. I always have to rest for two days." Jiang Xiaobai said.

   "Tomorrow morning, my eldest brother, my second brother and they will make an appointment to burn paper for my mother..."

   Jiang Xiaobai has not had much communication with his father Jiang Tieshan recently. Since Jiang Tieshan knows that Jiang Xiaobai is going to relocate the company, he has spoken coldly to Jiang Xiaobai.

  However, this matter has been going on for a while, Jiang Tieshan’s attitude has softened, and he may have accepted this fact in his heart.

  In fact, he was mainly reluctant to bear his grandson Jiang Langlang, but he knew it in his heart. Jiang Tieshan knew the great truths Jiang Xiaobai said, even if he didn't say it.

  It's just that I can't accept it in my heart. After a long time, I will accept it.

   "Well, let's go, go once less, and if I go later, I probably won't take care of it." Although Jiang Tieshan has decided to accept it, he still wants to stimulate Jiang Xiaobai with words from time to time.

   Jiang Xiaobai smiled bitterly, not knowing what to say.

  Jiang Tieshan’s voice turned and said, “By the way, Xiaomei’s boyfriend will come over for a while, and you will give her a good check. It can be regarded as one of the things you did for her before leaving as your brother.”

   Jiang Xiaobai nodded with a wry smile.

  At the gate of the family yard of Huaqing Holding Company, Jiang Xiaomei and her boyfriend have been inking at the gate of the yard for a long time.

  If the security guard at the door knew Jiang Xiaomei and knew that this was Jiang Dong’s family, he would have to come over and inquire. After a long time, he would walk around the door without going in or leaving.

  It seems to be stepping on...

   "No, are you going or not?" Jiang Xiaomei asked as she watched her boyfriend hate iron and steel.

   "I'm definitely going, but I'm a little nervous, wait a moment for me to relax and calm down." Liang Kang quickly replied.

   "No, I just saw my dad and elder sister-in-law, and no one of the family is waiting for your third court trial. What are you afraid of!" Jiang Xiaomei frowned and said.

   "What am I afraid of? I'm not afraid. I'm just a little nervous." Liang Kang said with some force.

  Actually, he is also aware of the situation between him and Jiang Xiaomei. The gap between the two is somewhat large.

  But he didn't know it at the beginning. The two of them were working in the unit, and Jiang Xiaomei was not the kind of high-profile propaganda person.

  I usually ride a bicycle to and from get off work, and I live in a hutong, which looks like an ordinary person.

  Although I usually wear it, I can see it a little, and the conditions at home should be better than ordinary people, but I don’t feel any better.

Although Jiang Xiaobai, a Huaqing holding company, is relatively well-known, there are many Longcheng surnamed Jiang.

  It is impossible to have a surname Jiang, so I think it has something to do with Jiang Xiaobai.

  It turned out that Jiang Xiaomei told him that Jiang Xiaobai was her elder brother after the two got the target.

  Jiang Xiaobai is the legendary boss. He consciously thinks that the two of them are not in the right place. He wants to be separated from Jiang Xiaomei several times.

   But I couldn’t bear it. After all, I didn’t go for Jiang Xiaomei’s family at first.

   And if he parted without trying hard, he was a bit unwilling.

  Now when it comes to the official meeting, he is very nervous.

  I was worried about the future of myself and Jiang Xiaomei. It was also the first time I saw a big man like Jiang Xiaobai and was worried.

  Of course, the former is the main one, and even he thought, if Jiang Xiaomei was not Jiang Xiaobai’s sister, it would be fine.

  In this case, things might go a bit smoother.

  In the end, Liang Kang was urged by Jiang Xiaomei, and walked into the Huaqing Family Building Community after half-pushing.

  After entering Huaqing’s family member Lou Liangkang, he felt that his eyes were not enough.

  Huaqing Family Building Community, Jiang Xiaobai is planned according to the high-end community of later generations, green belt, playground, leisure area...

  In the entire community, uniformed security guards are patrolling, as well as property staff responsible for sanitation. They are performing the final cleanup.

  This year is New Year’s Eve. In addition to their staff on duty, they also have holidays.

  However, before the holiday, the entire community must be cleaned up without dead ends so that the owners in the community can spend a clean year.

  Clean and stylish, this living environment is really, so people can’t help but envy it and want to live here.

  If I could own a house here, how great...

  But I heard that the houses here are only part of the external sale. The price is too expensive, and it needs to have a relationship to be able to do it.

   "Why? Fancy the house here?" Jiang Xiaomei asked, looking at her boyfriend.

  Liang Kanggang was about to nod his head, but suddenly realized that this is the property of his girlfriend's brother, so he shook his head again.

  If I say I like it, it seems to be for money.

  "Hypocritical, I feel good if it is good here. This is the planning of my third brother. Needless to say, Longcheng is a very good residential area in the country.

  You are not the only one who likes..." Jiang Xiaomei stuck her tongue out and said as she looked at her boyfriend.

   "Your third brother is indeed extraordinary and powerful." Liang Kang nodded, and did not deny it. After the praise, he added the word "big man."

"Hey, what big person is my third brother. He loved me the most when he was a kid. Don't be nervous, don't treat him as a big boss, just my brother..." Jiang Xiaomei tried to comfort her boyfriend. As far as it is useful or not, she just I no longer know.

  The elevator stopped in front of them, and then went straight to the door of the house.

  Jiang Xiaomei had the key to the house, so she didn’t need to knock on the door, she opened the door with the key, and walked in with her boyfriend Liang Kangyou.

  (End of this chapter)

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