Chapter 1615

  Three days passed, Chen Dongsheng and the others came to Jiang Xiaobai's office again.

   "How are you thinking about it?" Jiang Xiaobai asked as he looked at the three of them.

  "If things are not too urgent, I can give you some time to think about it, but there is no time now.

  The newly established joint venture company needs manpower, so what is your decision? "

   "Sorry, Jiang Dong." Chen Dongsheng stood up and said apologetically.

   Jiang Xiaobai's complexion did not change, and he shook his head and said, "Don't be embarrassed, I respect your choice."

   But my heart ached, Chen Dongsheng, who is also a big brother of the later generations, unexpectedly refused.

  Hey, one million, sure enough money can’t buy real talents. If ten million is spent, Jiang Xiaobai estimated that Chen Dongsheng might stay for profit.

  But that will change the taste, and maybe it will ruin a real talent. Forget it, it will rain and my mother will marry. I can’t stop it.

   Then Jiang Xiaobai looked at Mao Zhenghua and Tian Yuan.

Although these two people are not as famous as Chen Dongsheng in later generations, they have also made a career and are also leaders in the industry.

   is also a rare talent. Since Chen Dongsheng is going to leave, if these two people can keep one, they won’t lose money.

   Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes were full of expectation, but he concealed it well. Having been the boss for so long and being in a high position, this point of concealing his emotions is still easy to grasp.

   "I will stay." Mao Zhenghua said.

   Jiang Xiaobai smiled and made no secret of it, nodded and stood up with a smile, and stretched out his hand towards Mao Zhenghua.

  "Welcome, welcome to join Huaqing Holding Company. In the future, everyone will be colleagues, and we will work hard together for the cause of Huaqing Holding Company."

  "Thank you Jiang Dong for his trust, I will work hard and live up to your trust." Mao Zhenghua said, since he has decided to stay,

  As Chen Dongsheng said a few days ago, we must work hard so that we can't live up to Jiang Xiaobai's respect.

  Otherwise, your conscience will be uneasy.

  Although I had hesitated before, once the decision is made to stay, then other messy ideas will not be considered.

  Jiang Xiaobai looked at the garden again, no matter what, if there is one left, it is not a loss.

  After all, my expectations are not so high.

   "I will stay too." Tian Yuan said with a smile.

   "Hahaha, welcome, welcome." Jiang Xiaobai laughed, this is an unexpected joy.

  The one who seeks the upper one gets among them, the one who seeks among them gets the lower. And now, this is the one who asks for it.

  Three people stayed two. Although they left Chen Dongsheng, who is the most famous, they might be able to play a bigger role if they stayed.

  After all, working in Huaqing Holdings does not need to have a lot of autonomy and creativity like starting a business.

  There is no need to look for profitable directions, profitable projects, because the company already has a plan, just play within this framework.

  So it is more appropriate to be able to perform specific affairs and play within the framework.

  As for Yu Chen Dongsheng, let him go, and he will also be a member of the **** Huaqing department.

   But Jiang Xiaobai this time. I haven't talked to Chen Dongsheng about the arrangement of his departure. At this time, Chen Dongsheng looked at the two friends and classmates.

  I feel a little envy and blessing in my heart. Compared to my unexplored future, I may not get anything in the end because of the bumpy road.

  And the two friends stayed behind to reach the sky, and the good days are already beckoning.

  Besides the blessing, he was also a little envious. He didn't know how many years later he would regret his decision today, but at least he did not regret it at this moment.

"Okay, sit down and talk, Dongsheng, I won't go around with you anymore. Since you don't want to stay, what do you want to do in the future?" Jiang Xiaobai greeted the three people to sit down, and don't worry about arranging Mao Zhenghua and Tianyuan. .

  They are already their own, and there is no time to arrange work later.

  But now Chen Dongsheng decided to leave, Jiang Xiaobai was afraid that he would leave without saying goodbye because of his two friends.

  Although people in this era have inconvenience in communication, they are still very emotional when they are romantic.

  I have finished talking about things today, and I can't take care of it for a while. Maybe when Jiang Xiaobai thinks about it again, Chen Dongsheng has left a farewell letter and is going to the world.

  "I am going to be an auction house. I knew that there was an auction in Xiangjiang, and I always wanted to go and take a look.

   But there is no time to establish the first domestic auction house..." Chen Dongsheng did not hide Jiang Xiaobai, talking about what he thought.

  This is not a business secret. He had already talked about his thoughts with some people before.

  He even talked to Mao Zhenhua and Tian Yuan about how to do it.

  Instead, Jiang Xiaobai asked. He would rather talk about it. Maybe Jiang Xiaobai could give some suggestions. Jiang Xiaobai is someone who has proven himself in the business field.

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded as he listened. It seems that Chen Dongsheng has not taken a fancy to the insurance industry at this time.

  But it’s normal to think about it. At this time, the domestic insurance industry has just started, and it is still blank.

  "Do you need funds? I can invest for you, and then use the company's partners to take you to Xiangjiang and see the auction house over there..." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  Huaqing Holding Company is a joint venture company established by Huaqing Holding Company and Xiangjiang Huaqing Holding Company.

  This was to avoid some things at the time... But Huaqing Holdings also had contacts with Xiangjiang.

   "Thank you Jiang Dong, me..." Chen Dongsheng was a little excited and went to Xiangjiang.

  At this time, Xiangjiang hasn't returned yet. It's harder to go abroad than to go abroad.

  Either stay on your own to apply. I don’t know how long it will take to complete the application.

  The same goes for going abroad. It is very difficult for ordinary people to go abroad to apply for a visa, but if there is an invitation from a foreign company, it is very simple.

  Chen Dongsheng himself does not have this personal network and relationship, but all this is no problem for Jiang Xiaobai.

   "No thanks, how much money do you need?" Jiang Xiaobai continued to ask.

   "Jiang Dong, to be honest, I don't have a bottom line in my heart. Why don't you wait until I come back from Xiangjiang to talk about it, can't you be outdated?" Chen Dongsheng joked.

   "Sure, there won't be this store after this village." Jiang Xiaobai nodded.

  Everyone laughed in the office.

  "Okay, I will let Xiaojin arrange for you. Let's talk when you come back from Xiangjiang. Don't worry, take a good look and learn. If you want to do it, then do the best and be the first."

  (End of this chapter)

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