Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1616: Beginning of the team

   Chapter 1616

   Jiang Xiaobai encouraged Chen Dongsheng a few more words before letting Chen Dongsheng leave.

  "Mao Zhenghua, you are the general manager, the deputy of Tianyuan, and a person owns 2% of the shares. If you do well in the later period, I will add it to you.

  Normal salary, with an annual salary of 100,000. At that time, the company will have a unified dormitory in the city. If the family building is built in the future, the house will be divided at an internal price..."

After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, he looked at the two with a smile.

   "Look, don't hesitate to ask anything else!"

   "No, this treatment is beyond our imagination." Mao Zhenghua and Tian Yuan said quickly.

  2% of shares, which is 2 million. If listed, the market value may double. That is at least four million yuan.

   Add in the annual salary of 100,000 yuan, even if it does not increase, it will be millions after ten years of work, not to mention that it is impossible not to increase.

  Now the domestic annual salary of 100,000 yuan, and holding the company’s shares, may divide the house in the future.

  With a car, this treatment makes them really speechless.

  For later generations, it means that they have reached the pinnacle of life at a young age. What else can they be dissatisfied with?

   "Okay, then, I will organize a dinner in the evening. It is not a reception banquet, because you have not left. You were originally from the company.

   Congratulations to you for your promotion, and the people from Huahai Automobile Factory, but you are also familiar with it, so I don’t need to introduce it, everyone just have a meal together..."

   Jiang Xiaobai arranged to say that before, Mao Zhenghua, Tian Yuan and the others had been at the overseas Huahai Automobile Factory.

  I am also familiar with Huahai Automobile Factory. Now I am in charge of administration and it is relatively quick to get started.

   "Okay, Jiang Dong." The two did not refuse. This is the first time to meet with everyone after the two took up their positions. It is also good to have a meal and chat.

  The two left, and Jiang Xiaobai non-stop found Mao Yangmin, the original member of the first group, and Li Shaowen, who was originally left by Guo Fansen and his group.

   Asked their intentions, Jiang Xiaobai preferred them to go to the car factory for exercise first.

  However, they still have to consider their opinions. As the company gets bigger and bigger, Jiang Xiaobai finds that what he can do is becoming more and more deceptive.

  More often, grasp the general direction, and then mobilize personnel issues, and less and less intervene in other specific affairs.

  Professional matters are left to professional people. Over the years, Jiang Xiaobai has been very familiar with this set.

  Mao Yangmin and Li Shaowen had no opinion on Jiang Xiaobai’s arrangement, and they were kind.

  Then the two got 0.5% of the shares in the joint venture car factory, with an annual salary of 80,000 yuan, and the two of them were very satisfied.

  After thanking Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaobai told them about dinner at night.

  Mao Zhenghua, Tianyuan, Mao Yangmin, Li Shaowen, the frame of this joint venture automobile factory is even pulled up.

  However, there is still a lack of an old and heavy person, and the team will be complete by then. It is a pity that such a person is not easy to find in Huaqing Holdings. Jiang Xiaobai is still looking for it.

  In the evening, I ate at Jinling Hotel, Shi Sheng, Zhang Weiyi, Tian Yuan, Mao Zhenghua, and Liu Xiaomei who came back from abroad to represent Huahai Automobile Company and others.

  It was a little surprised that Jiang Xiaobai handed over the joint venture car factory to Mao Zhenghua, Tian Yuan, Shi Sheng, Zhang Weiyi, Liu Xiaomei and others.

  But they still agree with Mao Zhenghua and Tian Yuan, at least they agree with their abilities.

  At the beginning, a group of Chen Dongsheng and others were in the north to participate in the acquisition of Huahai Automobile Plant. When auditing and reorganizing, it was not just planning.

  Sometimes I can’t get too busy, and a few people can’t help being arrested. The abilities of young people are very outstanding.

  So although I felt a little surprised about this matter, I was surprised at Jiang Xiaobai's courage to use people, and the good fate of the two people.

  But it doesn’t feel too obtrusive, after all, it is a capable person.

  Although the dinner table is a celebration of two people’s promotion, they are still talking about work matters, including relocation, including the establishment of a joint venture car factory.

  "The repair work of the Asia Building has started, and the work of a group of members of the relocation team is progressing very quickly. Zhenghua, you should also hurry up to repair the favorable building.

  In addition to the problem of the factory area of ​​the automobile factory, you must hurry up and start building new projects. The magic city is also moving very quickly.

  Responsible for leveling the ground and connecting to water and electricity has already been done, you should contact us as soon as possible. The design plan of the plant area should be released as soon as possible, and foreign experts should be found and carried out in accordance with the model of the Volga Automobile Factory.

  One-stop, from the beginning of the parts to the complete vehicle off the assembly line......"

  While eating and drinking, Jiang Xiaobai arranged work.

  Recently, I’m busy at work. Jiang Xiaobai doesn’t waste any time, and just thinks about it, arranging work.

  In this promotion banquet, although the food was tasteless, neither Mao Zhenghua nor Tian Yuan felt that there was anything wrong with it.

  Instead, the blood boiled over. Listening to Jiang Xiaobai’s arrangement one by one, the two seemed to have seen it, neat, vast and full of modern factories.

  As if to see, one after another whole cars rolled off the assembly line, and they were even speeding on the road.

  The promotion banquet they had was originally different from the normal promotion banquet.

  Normal promotion banquet should be promotion after making achievements, gaining both fame and fortune, and having achievements that you are proud of.

  But now they have no results at all, and they are suddenly in a high position, and they are under a lot of pressure.

  I desperately want to do some achievements and prove myself.

  If you have achieved results, you are bragging at the celebration party at that time, and it is not too late to drink.

  Now instead of listening to Jiang Xiaobai's point, listening to Jiang Xiaobai's arrangement of work, I feel very happy.

  In February, Huaqing Holding Company was busy from top to bottom. Jiang Xiaobai, Shi Sheng, Zhang Weiyi, and other Huaqing Holding Company’s high-level channels visited Magic Capital.

  The relevant newspapers of the Magic City have reported that Huaqing Holdings is about to move to the Magic City.

  The news of the upcoming establishment of the SAIC Huahai Joint Venture Automobile Plant is also widely spread.

  It is said that a piece of land in the suburbs of Magic City has been circled, but Huaqing Holdings has not yet confirmed the news.

  However, the upstream and downstream enterprises of the automobile factory are constantly looking for people to inquire, and want to meet with the person in charge of the SAIC Huahai Automobile Factory.

  Looking at an automobile factory that feeds many upstream and downstream enterprises, this kind of thing is not surprising.

  So after the news came out, companies started to take action.

  However, the person in charge of the SAIC Huahai Automobile Plant has not appeared publicly, but the caring person has inquired about it. It seems that they are two young people. This is also in line with Jiang Xiaobai's consistent employment style.

  (End of this chapter)

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