Chapter 1621

  Time passed bit by bit, Jiang Xiaobai paid attention to the affairs of Master Qiu.

   However, although I know that there is a lot of trouble in Qiuzhuang, and there are all kinds of things, but Qiu Zhuang himself does not seem to be affected in any way.

  Shi Sheng went to Beijing to represent Huaqing Holdings Company to participate in a conference about industry. After returning, he told Jiang Xiaobai that he had seen Zhuang Qiu in Beijing.

  Zhuang Zhuang Qiu is wearing a suit and carrying two entourages. It seems that the whole person is in a good state of mind.

  It's not like a problem with the company at all.

   Jiang Xiaobai felt a little emotional in his heart, this old Qiu is really amazing, and his heart is very strong, it's time.

  I can still laugh, and I can also go to the capital to attend meetings and chat and laugh.

  "Okay, take a good rest, Old Shi, I have been working hard in the capital these days, and it just happens that the design plan is coming out.

  In a few days, the repair work of the Asia Building and the Yi Building will also be over. At that time, we will have to visit the Magic City and take a look at it. After all, we will work in the Magic City for the next few years. "

   Jiang Xiaobai arranged and said.

  "The design drawings are coming out soon. Okay, I will take a look and go back to rest." Shi Sheng heard that the design drawings of the building were coming out, feeling a little impatient.

  In fact, it’s just coming out soon. It will take a while for the actual drawings to take shape.

   "Haha." Jiang Xiaobai smiled, without stopping, Zhao Xiaojin asked the person in charge of the sales department to come over.

  "After our company moves away, Huaqing Building will be vacant for several floors, whether it is rented out or sold out.

  In other words, the operating department of Huaqing Building wants to operate these floors by itself. After discussing it, just give me a decision..." Jiang Xiaobai arranged.

  During the construction of Huaqing Building. Just sell some floors, such as the floors of Jinling Hotel.

  At the same time, some of the stalls were sold according to the plan, but some floors were operated by the operation department of Huaqing Building.

  Now I'm moving away, and two more buildings are to be built. Jiang Xiaobai prefers to sell them all directly. If he can get back some money, he will get back some money.

  But he was afraid of nostalgia, so he was unwilling to sell Huaqing Mansion directly.

  After all, when the Huaqing Building was built at that time, it was not easy, and Longcheng was still their hometown of Huaqing Holdings.

  Everyone is here. If you want to leave a building in operation, Jiang Xiaobai can understand.

  So when arranging this work, Jiang Xiaobai had already considered it and gave everyone several choices.

  Rent, sell, or operate by yourself. There is no direct decision to die, but let everyone make their own choices.

  Time flew by, and in a blink of an eye it was early April. The repair work of the Asia Building and the Yi Building was completed two days ago.

   Jiang Xiaobai and Shi Sheng, Zhang Weiyi are going to the magic city to take a look, but just before boarding the plane.

  Jiang Xiaobai received a call, and Master Qiu was arrested.

  The call was made by Director Lu, and he said that he would be coming to Longcheng in the afternoon, and the two would discuss about the owner Qiu.

   Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while and said, "Okay, I am waiting for you in Longcheng."

   hung up the phone, and said to Shi Sheng and Zhang Weiyi, “It’s fine if you two go and take a look. I still have something to do. Factory Manager Lu is coming over, so I can’t leave for the time being.”

   "Okay." Shi Sheng and Zhang Weiyi nodded. Actually, there would be no problem for the three of them to go on a trip alone.

  It’s just that Jiang Xiaobai originally thought about going to the magic city, just in time for a meeting on the magic city, and the three of them can be regarded as a bright spot when they go there.

  As a result, this was all about to board the plane, and Jiang Xiaobai couldn't go to work.

  Shooting away Shi Sheng and Zhang Weiyi, Jiang Xiaobai left the airport and smoked a cigarette in the car.

   "Dong Jiang." Li Longquan saw that Jiang Xiaobai was a little bit thoughtful, and waited patiently for Jiang Xiaobai to finish smoking before asking what was wrong with Jiang Xiaobai.

   "Oh, it's okay, let's go, and go back to the company. In a while, Director Lu may come over today, and then you will pick it up." Jiang Xiaobai arranged.

   "Okay." Li Longquan nodded and did not ask any more.

  Jiang Xiaobai looked at the scene outside the car window and sighed in his heart.

  Qiu Zhuangzhu’s affairs, in fact, today is a foregone conclusion.

  This kind of thing is like this. Before it happens, it can work anyway, but once the mouth is activated, it is Thunder Fury.

  Basically, there will be no more room for maneuver.

When    was engaged in hairdressing, Jiang Xiaobai remembered that it should be in early December last year. After the incident, Master Qiu rushed back overnight.

  However, since Director Lu was coming over, the two of them had a chat and called to inquire about the situation, just to do their part.

  Jiang Xiaobai thought, the car returned to the company, Zhao Xiaojin was a little surprised, why is this back again.

   "Zhuang Master Qiu had an accident and was arrested in Jinmen." Jiang Xiaobai also said without hiding the little secretary.

   Then sat down on the sofa in the office, not to mention the sadness of the rabbit.

  But Jiang Xiaobai estimated that after this news spreads, it will have a certain impact on all private enterprises.

Sure enough, before Jiang Xiaobai sat down on the sofa for ten minutes, the phone on the desk rang.

  Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Zhao Xiaojin, Zhao Xiaojin went to answer the phone, then clutched the microphone and said, “It’s President Liu of New Hope Group.”

   Jiang Xiaobai got up and went to answer the phone: "Hey, Lao Liu."

  "Xiaobai, Master Qiu was arrested, do you know?"

   "Half an hour ago, Director Lu called me." Jiang Xiaobai said.

   "Xiaobai, what do you say is this? Are you going to start with our private enterprises?" Liu Yonghao asked anxiously on the phone.

   "Old Liu, don't worry, I haven't figured out anything now. It's too early to say anything.

  In this way, Director Lu should know some things. After Director Lu arrives and understand the situation, we will talk about it, okay? "Jiang Xiaobai soothed.

  He also has shares in the New Hope Group. What's more, he met the Liu brothers early, and the relationship between the two parties has been very good.

   "Okay, Xiaobai, tell me when you have news, otherwise you always feel flustered." Liu Yonghao hung up.

   Jiang Xiaobai sighed helplessly. Reform is to cross the river by feeling the stones.

  Before, due to repeated policies, many people became scared.

  For later generations, you may not be able to understand this behavior. How do you feel and how?

  But at this time, it couldn't be more normal. Before the return of Xiangjiang, a large number of enterprises fled.

  The richest man in Hong Kong, Li, every time he goes to the capital, he has to see if the ethnic murals are still there.

  (End of this chapter)

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