Chapter 1622

  This is often the case. Under objective historical conditions, many things can be explained.

  If Jiang Xiaobai hadn’t been familiar with the direction of history, he might now wonder if the wind direction is about to change.

  Why Factory Manager Lu ran over in the first place? Except for the business of Zhuang Master Qiu, perhaps he was more or less worried in his heart.

  In 1993, there was no good news at the beginning of the year.

  Last month, Great Wall Corporation collapsed. It was actually a high-interest fund-raising, but it still made people palpitate.

  The Great Wall Company incident did not arouse anyone's attention, but now the owner of Qiu Zhuang followed closely.

   Two things rushed together, it is easy for people to misunderstand, and make many people feel a little uneasy.

  After all, Zhuangzhu Qiu is different from others, and this is almost a representative of township and village enterprises.

  Jiang Xiaobai comforted the Liu family brothers, and received several phone calls in the morning. Basically, other private business owners who were close to Jiang Xiaobai and Huaqing Holding Company called to ask about the owner of Qiu Zhuang.

   Jiang Xiaobai also soothed one by one. In the afternoon, Director Lu arrived.

  Director Lu really has a lot of first-hand information about the owner of Qiu Zhuang.

Starting from their last gathering, the owner of Qiu Zhuang hurried back on the night of the incident in early December, hiding and harbouring the offender. Later, the forensics officer was illegally detained for 12 hours, then the card was set up, and tens of thousands of workers were finally mobilized to guard the village Confronted with relevant departments at various intersections...

  It can be said that since the Lord Qiu Zhuang returned from him last year, he has been rushing all the way on the wrong road without making a correct choice.

  Until the final arrest...

  In fact, Daqiuzhuang and the time in Jianhua Village were similar to the time before, but Jianhua Village was not so intense at that time, and Jiang Xiaobai handled it in a timely manner.

  Acknowledgment was also timely, so it passed safely.

   "In fact, this happened before." Factory Manager Lu sighed and continued.

  "In May last year, Jinmen elected a representative. Without him, Lao Qiu issued an open letter to the outside world, with a bit of resentment and antagonism.

  Before, I didn't care about it, but now I think about it, it should be from that time, Lao Qiu's mood is not right.

  This time is just an extension of the last incident..." Director Lu was a little bit emotional. He has a good relationship with Master Qiu.

  Every year when new tea comes down, he will give some to the owner of Qiu Zhuang, of course, Jiang Xiaobai also has one.

  And the owner of Qiu Zhuang also gave him a Nissan car, the friendship is not shallow.

  Now that the other party has something wrong, he is not feeling well.

   "Oh, Lao Qiu is too capricious." Jiang Xiaobai said helplessly.

  Director Lu said: "After I went back, I learned about the relevant situation and wrote him a note, asking him to compromise to settle the matter. It was obvious that he did not listen..."

  Director Lu said, seeing Jiang Xiaobai not answering the conversation, he fell silent, and asked for a while, "Xiaobai, what do you think we should do now?"

  "Do you think there is a possibility of saving people?" Jiang Xiaobai asked rhetorically.

  Director Lu shook his head. He had thought about this possibility when he was on the plane.

  Basically impossible, Qiu Zhuangzhu’s matter, if it had not been arrested, everything was possible.

  After all, Zhuangzhu Qiu is a representative figure of reform, but now that he has started, there is no room for maneuver.

  "Call Jinmen to ask about the situation!" Jiang Xiaobai suggested.

  Actually, the call is not good at this time, and Jinmen may think it is putting pressure on it.

   "Or go to Jinmen to ask about the situation, and see if you can see Master Qiu Zhuang."

   Jiang Xiaobai put the two choices in front of Director Lu, letting Director Lu choose.

   "Or just make a phone call, let's go, it may cause some misunderstanding, but it is not very good." Director Lu said after thinking about it for a long time.

   "Okay, I'll call." Jiang Xiaobai slapped over, but didn't get through.

  It is estimated that many people are asking Jinmen what is going on at this time.

  The influence of Qiu Zhuangzhu is still very large at this time, and it is not much better than the later generations of Hangzhou horses and Huawei.

  In addition to the current social atmosphere, Mr. Qiu Zhuang has an accident. Regardless of whether the relationship is good or not, inquire about the situation so that you can know it. This is what many people are doing.

  It took a long time for Jiang Xiaobai to get through the phone. After hearing that it was Jiang Xiaobai from Huaqing Holding Company, the other party was still very polite.

  But Jiang Xiaobai didn't embarrass people. He just inquired about the situation of Master Qiu, and then tried to talk to Master Qiu.

  But when the other party refused, Jiang Xiaobai didn't care, and then hung up the phone.

  Then Director Lu, also called, and asked for a call again after asking about the situation. No surprise, he was still rejected.

  However, Jiang Xiaobai and Factory Manager Lu are all well-known figures in domestic private enterprises, so they call at this time.

  Jinmen City still feels a lot of pressure, that is, Jiang Xiaobai and Factory Manager Lu are not the kind of messy people.

  Otherwise, their pressure will be even greater.

   But that’s it. After answering the phone calls between Jiang Xiaobai and Factory Director Lu, the staff reported all the way up.

  Jinmen City has also had a lot of headaches recently. The master of Qiu Zhuang was arrested, but too many people came to inquire about the news. It was all pressure.

  The public opinion of the outside world can be imagined, and at the same time they also feel very wronged, this matter originally had nothing to do with Qiu Zhuangzhu.

  People were not killed by him. You are not shielding them. What are you doing to hide them? As a result, now Master Qiu is also a hot potato in his hands.

  Of course, it is this hot potato, they must hold it and eat it.

  "Leader, I just reported that Jiang Xiaobai of Huaqing Holding Company and Factory Manager Lu called to ask about the owner Qiu Zhuang.

   and offered to make a call, but was rejected. "

   "Well, rejection is right. Have you tested whether the two of them will come to Jinmen?" a leader asked.

"This does not."

   "Oh, troublesome autumn, we still have to do something to prevent the situation from exaggerating, such as not letting people like Jiang Xiaobai and Factory Director Lu come to Jinmen at this time.

  Otherwise, in case they come, if we continue to mess around and let us let go, what shall we do? Get caught again, then something will really happen..." the leader said with a headache.

   "Leadership, it's impossible, Jiang Xiaobai and Factory Manager Lu should not be the kind of foolish people."

   "In case, we still have to prepare in advance, the situation can't expand, let me make a few calls." The leader shook his head with a wry smile.

  (End of this chapter)

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