Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1624: Determine the design drawing

  Chapter 1624 Determine the design drawing

  The German design drawings ranked first.

  The designer stood up and introduced Jiang Xiaobai to them.

"Our design plan for Building No. 1 here is a 502-meter-high building. The building adopts a tower-like structure. The entire building has 20 viewing platforms. On the topmost platform, there is a full 1,000 square meters of viewing platform. .

After    is completed, it will become the tallest building in the magic capital..."

  Jiang Xiaobai also looked at the design drawings. It looked like a pagoda-like structure, but there were some viewing platforms on it.

  If you look at the renderings, it’s pretty pretty, and there are elements of national style, but when I look at Lujiazui, I always feel a little out of place.

   "Building No. 2, here is designed based on your country’s ritual vessels. The entire building is 498 meters high. There is also a viewing platform on the top floor... After it is completed, you can overlook the entire magic city..."

   "Papa." After Jiang Xiaobai finished the introduction, he took the lead and applauded.

   "Okay." Shi Sheng looked at the design drawing and his eyes lit up.

  The height of the two buildings is almost 500 meters, which is not comparable to the Huaqing Building. Looking at the two buildings, if they are really built, the majestic appearance seems to be no problem with funding.

   "The second design group." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  “Our plan for Building One is a 93-story, 1,739-foot, 530-meter building. The facade has a gentle undulating curve, which helps reduce the wind on the structure...

The design scheme of   Building No. 2 is called Huahai Tower.

  This building extends to the sky with its twists and turns, which is very visually impactful.

  And this shape is not only a good-looking appearance, it also helps the building better withstand wind and waves..."

  A group of designers introduced their designs.

  There was constant applause in the conference room. To be honest, the design of each group was very good.

  All the design teams have been introduced, Jiang Xiaobai is measuring with a few design drawings.

   "Dong Jiang, which design scheme do you think is better?" Shi Sheng asked.

   Jiang Xiaobai was silent, and then asked, "Old Shi, what do you think of Lao Zhang?"

   "I think they are all very good, a little difficult to choose." Shi Sheng held a few design drawings in his hand, entangled with the hard to choose.

  "I prefer the design structure of the Huahai Tower. It is a spiral structure. After such a high building is built, it must be beautiful and have a visual impact... it can become a landmark building in the magic city." Zhang Weiyi put forward his own suggestions.

  Jiang Xiaobai and Shi Sheng both nodded. The spiral-shaped structure of the building has a great impact.

  Whichever Shisheng is, they are all beautiful and majestic.

"That's it. Building No. 1, that is, our Huaqing Building uses British design drawings. The Huaqing Building is 540 meters high and is dominated by a rhombus structure. There are 120 floors above the ground, and the top six floors are all Design drawings of the viewing platform.

The second building adopts the design drawings of the second design group. It is named Huahai Center with a spiral structure, a total of 510 meters, and has a total of 105 floors, of which 98 floors, 99 floors, and 100 floors, with viewing platforms. Design plan..."

After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, he asked Shi Sheng, Zhang Weiyi and others for their opinions.

   "I have no opinion." Shi Sheng shook his head.

   "I agree." Zhang Weiyi also nodded. In fact, there are no advantages or disadvantages in these design drawings, it just depends on which design scheme you like.

  "Okay, that's it. Congratulations to the two designer teams. In addition to your original design fee, which is 200,000 US dollars, the other team has a 100,000 US dollars reward."

  Jiang Xiaobai announced that before, it was said that which group’s design scheme was adopted would give each group 200,000 US dollars.

  Now a team has adopted a design plan for a building, and of course the 200,000 USD bonus should be divided into two parts.

   "Okay, thank Jiang Dong." Everyone applauded, especially the British and French designers, who were even more pleasantly surprised.

  The design fee of 200,000 US dollars, plus the 100,000 yuan bonus, makes a total of 300,000 US dollars.

  They are making a lot of money this time.

  "Well, these two design schemes should be perfected, and the other design schemes will be sealed." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  Other solutions are not adopted, but Huaqing Holdings has spent money, so it can’t make others cheaper.

  Jiang Xiaobai, Shi Sheng and others left with the two adopted design drawings, and they went back to the office for another conversation.

  In the next period of time, Jiang Xiaobai took calls from other private entrepreneurs and asked about the owner Qiu Zhuang.

  The whole spring of 1993 was not so peaceful. The Great Wall Company collapsed and Qiu Zhuangzhu went in.

  At the time of spring and summer, Huaqing Holding Company began to relocate.

  Zhang Zhifeng took the time to come over and had a meal with Jiang Xiaobai, which was regarded as seeing off Jiang Xiaobai.

  Zhang Zhifeng is, after all, a friend of his father-in-law Zhao Gang, Jiang Xiaobai was too embarrassed to refuse.

  Moreover, Zhang Zhifeng is still the president of the Provincial Private Entrepreneurs Association. Of course, it doesn’t matter whether he is the president Jiang Xiaobai.

  No longer in Dragon City anyway.

   "Dong Jiang, I think you have almost relocated!" Zhang Zhifeng looked at the scene of Huaqing Holding Company and said with some emotion.

  The entire Huaqing Holding Company is different from the usual times. In the past, the people of Huaqing Holding Company were busy, but today, there are only a few people left in twos and threes.

  It seems to be cleaning up documents and handling some simple tasks. Many workstations are already empty and empty.

  How do you say it, it looks a bit bleak, if you didn't know that Jiang Xiaobai was going to relocate, he thought it was bankruptcy of the company.

   "Well. It’s almost done. Even if it is officially relocated at the end of this month, I was planning to sell these layers of the company, but the company’s operations department thinks it’s better to stay.

  After all, I still have feelings for Huaqing Building, so several floors have been rented out during this period.

   is two building materials companies, these office supplies will be left to each other..." Jiang Xiaobai also said with some emotion.

  "So fast?" Zhang Zhifeng was a little surprised.

"Unhappy, it has been brewing for half a year. If we don’t move, it will take too long. It’s not appropriate. Forget it, let’s not talk about it. Chairman Zhang, let’s go. I booked a seat at the Jinling Hotel below. I'll eat some food, have a chat, I don't know when we meet again..." Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and said.

   The two stood up and walked outside. It is now late April. Shi Sheng and Zhang Weiyi have gone to the magic city and are permanently stationed there.

   Jiang Xiaobai is at the headquarters, just waiting for the final relocation.

  (End of this chapter)

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