Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1625: Before leaving

   Chapter 1625

  "Dong Jiang, I’ll pay you a respect, no matter where you go in the future, after all, you left from Jin Province or Longcheng. This will not change." Zhang Zhifeng said with a wine glass.

   Jiang Xiaobai didn’t understand what medicine Zhang Zhifeng sold in the gourd, and said with a smile: “Yes, I came out of Jianhua Village. This will not change.”

  Zhang Zhifeng was taken aback, Jiang Xiaobai was reminding him that Huaqing Holdings had to talk about roots, and it had nothing to do with Longcheng.

  It's a passerby if you die, but you can't talk about roots and the like.

  Zhang Zhifeng smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Dong Jiang misunderstood, that's all I said."

   "Hahaha." Jiang Xiaobai smiled.

   "Well, Jiang Dong, anyway, we will be friends in the future. Your family is also in Longcheng. If you can help with related parties, I will definitely help take care of it, such as Sanjin Restaurant."

   "Thank you, Chairman Zhang," Jiang Xiaobai said.

  Eating a meal is quite pleasant, Jiang Xiaobai can also see that Zhang Zhifeng really has no bad thoughts today.

  Maybe it's just that I want to make a good destiny before I leave.

  Jiang Xiaobai does not matter, hello, I have been talking for a long time.

  Although he left, Sanjin Restaurant is still in Longcheng.

  In the next few days, Jiang Xiaobai, while doing the aftermath work of Dragon City, said goodbye to some friends and business partners.

  Finally, there is Sanjin Restaurant. Jiang Xiaobai also made some arrangements and asked his business partners to take care of Sanjin Restaurant.

  Sanjin Restaurant is not a big deal. Although Huaqing Holding Company is gone, Huaqing Holding Company has not gone bankrupt.

  And the development is getting better and better, so although people are gone, there is still deterrence.

  In these years, the Huaqing Holdings Company is in Longcheng, and it is not that they have no personal connections.

  Although the restaurant owners and people who teach and teach others need relationships in all aspects, Huaqing Holding Company’s remaining prestige remains unabated, and it can still be shocked to live.

   "Big brother, second brother, I have made arrangements for the restaurant here, don’t worry, if you can’t do it anymore in the future.

  You can also go to the magic city, so don't worry about everything..." Jiang Xiaobai looked at Jiang Zijian, and Jiang Zijun said.

  Today is April 27th, and in two days, he will also set off to the magic capital.

  "I know, the third child, you don’t have to worry about us here. The key is that it’s not easy for you to stand firm. Don’t worry about family affairs. We are in the family’s affairs."

   Jiang Zijian said, the entire Jiang family has been basically supported by Jiang Xiaobai over the years.

  They who are the eldest brothers and the second elder brothers are also covered by the light of Jiang Xiaobai, so that they can live so nourishment.

  They all understood these things in their hearts. This time Jiang Xiaobai left Longcheng. The two of them were the eldest brothers. The second brother was also anxious in his eyes, but there was no way.

   "Don't worry, the magic city is very welcome to us, all kinds of land policies, don't worry." Jiang Xiaobai said with a light smile.

   "Dad's side, I don't think I will leave anymore, eldest brother, second elder brother, please take good care of you. If you have any questions, please call me in time." Jiang Xiaobai warned.

   "Let him go out more, don't stay at home all day, go out for a walk, etc., take care of it..."

   Jiang Xiaobai exhorted a few words, the three brothers had a meal, and then went to his mother’s grave the next morning.

   went to Zhuxiang and talked about the conversation. In fact, at the beginning, Jiang Xiaobai had no feelings for his parents in this life.

  But after living for so many years, Jiang Xiaobai has deep feelings for Jiang's mother.

  After returning home, Jiang Xiaobai called Zhao Gang and his wife that night.

  Jiang Xin is still young, just a hundred days after birth, Jiang Xiaobai didn't want to let her girl out at night.

   "Dad, Mom, tomorrow I will leave for the magic capital, Xinyi's work is being arranged and transferred, and I will pick them up when I buy a house there." Jiang Xiaobai looked at Zhao Gang and said.

   "Well, all right, after two years, I am retired, and your mother and I will also go to the magic capital." Zhao Gang said.

   "Okay, I bought two sets when I bought the house, and I will decorate it in advance." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

  Zhao Gang and Han Lin did not refuse either. I heard that the house price in the magic city is still quite expensive.

   "By the way, Xiaobai, I heard that you are going to build two buildings at once. Will it be a bit difficult?" After eating, he entered Jiang Xiaobai's study, and Zhao asked just now.

  Just now in front of Zhao Xinyi's mother and daughter, he didn't want to say more about this kind of thing, and didn't want them to worry about them.

   "It's okay, Huaqing Holdings is now worth a few billion in market value, but it has no debt at all.

  This relocation, two buildings will be built, and the bank can get some loans. "Jiang Xiaobai said.

   "Furthermore, it is really not possible. Our own bank can also issue loans."

  Zhao Gang was taken aback, and then laughed: "Yes, I forgot that you have a bank yourself. Talking is just having a lot of money."

   "Haha, I can't talk about wealth and wealth, it's just a little more convenient with money." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

   "Okay, then I can rest assured. With these two buildings, your Huaqing Holding Company will have a firm foothold in the magic city." Zhao Gang said, he sees this very clearly.

"There is also the situation on the owner of Qiu Zhuang. Don't interfere. I listen to people. The capital has already known about this. The order has been given to deal with it seriously. While developing the economy, we must strengthen the legal system... "Zhao Gang suddenly remembered the matter of Zhuang Master Qiu, and said.

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "I know the seriousness of this matter. I called and asked about the situation that day.

  Afterwards, it should have been from Jinmen that someone was looking for someone. The Magic City also called to persuade him, but then I never asked again.

  The master of Qiu Zhuang is good, but in the past two years, people have been a little erratic, and they have done a lot of unscrupulous things. That’s why this time..."

   Jiang Xiaobai said with emotion.

   "Yes, I met the Master Qiu during a meeting in the capital. He was very energetic and vigorous. It's a pity..." Zhao Gang recalled the scene when he met the Master Qiu.

  In that year, the owner of Qiu Zhuang just became the vice president of the Private Entrepreneurs Association, which was the time when Da Qiuzhuang became vigorous.

   "Alright, Dad." Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about things on my side, Dad. I know in my heart. The key is that you and your mom should pay attention to your health.

  You two live in Longcheng on your own. Dad, you are getting older. Don’t work hard like this. You should retire after two years..."

  (End of this chapter)

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