Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1626: Departing Magic City

  Chapter 1626 Departing from the Magic City

  On April 29, Jiang Xiaobai got up early in the morning with a suitcase, said goodbye to his wife and children, and got in the car.

   "Drive." Jiang Xiaobai said.

   "Okay." Li Longquan started the car, and then headed towards Huaqing Holding Company.

  When Jiang Xiaobai arrived at the company, there was a bus parked in front of the Huaqing Building, and more than 20 employees were already standing next to it.

   Seeing Jiang Xiaobai getting off the car, they gathered around.

  "Dong Jiang, Dong Jiang..."

   "Where is Zhao Xiaojin? Didn't you come here?" Jiang Xiaobai asked after taking a look at the crowd.

   "No." Everyone looked at each other. Today is the departure date of the company's last personnel. If they don't come, it should be...

   "You get in the car, I'll go up and turn around again." Jiang Xiaobai sighed.

  Zhao Xiaojin has been following herself for many years, and she has been using it smoothly, doing things neatly, and very capable, and sincere to herself.

  I originally thought that if Zhao Xiaojin followed him to the magic city, he would be promoted to the assistant chairman of the board and then take part of the company's shares.

  But I didn’t expect Zhao Xiaojin to come here today...

  But it’s normal to think about it. Zhao Xiaojin is a woman who hasn’t married at this age, so she’s fine in Longcheng.

  Now Huaqing Holding Company is relocating to Magic City. It is thousands of miles away from home. It is normal for a girl to be so far away from home.

   "Dong Jiang, I will go up with you." Li Longquan was behind Jiang Xiaobai.

  Two people went upstairs together.

  It turned out that the glass door at the entrance of Huaqing Holding Company was locked, and the logo of Huaqing Holding Company that could be seen through the glass door was gone.

  Only the empty glass door was locked. After the company personnel moved out, there were still some desks and chairs.

   still looks a little run-down.

   "Dong Jiang." Li Longquan was about to step forward to open the door, but was held by Jiang Xiaobai.

   "Forget it, just take a look outside and don't go in." Jiang Xiaobai shook his head.

   "Okay." Li Longquan nodded.

   Jiang Xiaobai stood in front of the glass door for a while, then turned and went downstairs.

   "Go." Jiang Xiaobai got in the car, and Li Longquan was about to start the car, and a taxi stopped in front of the Mercedes-Benz.

  Li Longquan frowned and was about to turn to leave when he saw a figure getting off the car.

  Li Longquan watched as he stepped on the brake again, turned his head and looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

   "Jiang Dong, look at it?"

   "What are you looking at?" Jiang Xiaobai subconsciously raised his head, and then looked at the figure who was getting off the taxi from the front, picking up luggage, and a smile appeared on his face.

  Getting down from the taxi, the figure carrying the suitcase turned out to be Zhao Xiaojin.

  Li Longquan got off the car and helped Zhao Xiaojin put his luggage.

   And Zhao Xiaojin also opened the door and sat in the passenger seat.

   "I thought you weren't coming, and you will be a housewife after you stay in Longcheng and marry!" Jiang Xiaobai smiled.

   "You are just a housewife, even if you stay in Longcheng, you are also a corporate executive." Zhao Xiaojin said with her mouth curled.

   "Haha, then why did you follow along instead of staying in Longcheng with your parents?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

   "I can't bear Jiang Dong chanting." Zhao Xiaojin joked.

   "Don't make trouble." Jiang Xiaobai's face was black.

  "I really hate the company, I hate you, I have been working in the company since I graduated, and so many years have passed in a blink of an eye.

  Leaving the company suddenly now, what do I think, how do I feel reluctant. "

  Zhao Xiaojin thought about it all night last night, tossing and turning, thinking for a long time.

  I got up early in the last morning, took the luggage that I packed up overnight, and when my parents got up, I told my parents about the coming.

  Father and Mother Zhao were unwilling to follow Jiang Xiaobai to work in the magic city, but the changes in the family over the years were all because of the girl.

  So the two of them hold an attitude of neither supporting nor opposing,

  So Zhao Xiaojin was able to take a taxi all the way after leaving his parents.

   "Okay, let's go to the magic city, no matter how good your career is, your assistant to the chairman should also be appointed.

  When the company re-adjusts its shares, I will also give you a point..." Jiang Xiaobai said.

   "Okay, Jiang Dong, don't do this, otherwise you are not easy to say to other people, and the company is not following me alone. It is a bit bad for me to be alone." Zhao Xiaojin shook his head.

  This treatment, if she dared to follow it up before, but now it’s not good. If a bunch of people follow the demonic capital, she will be promoted and raised. Then others will definitely have opinions.

   "I have an arrangement, don't worry about it." Jiang Xiaobai said and waved his hand.

  Li Longquan got in the car, Jiang Xiaobai's Mercedes-Benz started, followed by the bus, and drove slowly towards the airport.

  On this day, Huaqing Holding Company officially left Longcheng and Jin Province.

  Compared with the news when it opened, the departure of Huaqing Holding Company is somewhat silent.

  Except for some people who are in contact with Huaqing Holding Company and those with Jiang Xiaobai who know about the departure of Huaqing Holding Company, no storms and waves have been caused.

  On the other side, Magic City Airport is not only the pick-up staff from Huaqing Holding Company, Shi Sheng, Zhang Weiyi and others, and Zheng Qingyun also took some staff to pick up the plane at the airport.

   also printed a banner welcoming the chairman of Huaqing Holding Company, and there were several reporters next to it.

   "Director Zheng, this is too polite." Shi Sheng smiled and greeted Zheng Qingyun.

  "It was all arranged by the leaders. The city attaches great importance to the establishment of Huaqing Holdings, and specially sent our office to come over." Zheng Qingyun said.

  He came here today on behalf of the city, not himself. I have to make this clear.

  It’s his personal business to pick up Jiang Xiaobai from the wind and clean up the dust, and to do his best to the landlord’s friendship.

  Come here today, with the staff in the office, with reporters, this is official business.

   "Thank you, Director Zheng, I still need a lot of care in the future. Starting today, Huaqing Holdings will officially come here..." Shi Sheng said.

   "What cares and does not take care of, in the future, the economy of the magic city will depend on your Huaqing Holding Company to make more contributions..."

  Shi Sheng and Zheng Qingyun greeted each other for a while, and they were all words on the scene.

  However, Zheng Qingyun brought people and people from the city office, which in itself was a kind of expression.

   Soon, the broadcast began to announce that the flight from Dragon City had begun to land.

  Shi Sheng, Zheng Qingyun and others suddenly reduced their smiles, staring in the direction of the exit, waiting for Jiang Xiaobai and others to come out.

   Soon, Jiang Xiaobai took Li Longquan, Zhao Xiaojin and the left-behind staff of Huaqing Holding Company, a total of more than 20 people carrying luggage, and appeared in the sight of everyone.

Although the number of    is small, but the momentum is very sufficient.

  (End of this chapter)

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