Chapter 1627 Interview

  "Dong Jiang, did you officially move to the magic city this time when you came here?"

  "Dong Jiang, interview you. After the company relocation, where is the office of the city, there is news that the Pudong Development Zone government has granted you three plots of land for development. Is this news true?"

   "Jiang Dong..."

  The three reporters surrounded Jiang Xiaobai, and asked about the aura of a mighty army.

   Zhang Weiyi, Shi Sheng, Zheng Qingyun and others didn't come over with a smile, watching Jiang Xiaobai respond.

  "This time we come here, our Huaqing Holding Company has officially moved to Magic City. I hope that we can make a little contribution to the economic development of Magic City in the future.

  Our company is tentatively scheduled to hold a press conference on the day after tomorrow, that is, May 1st, to formally hold a press conference to publicize this matter. Then, if you have any questions, you can ask questions at the meeting. Thank you..."

   Jiang Xiaobai answered in a hurry.

   "Okay, Jiang Dong, I look forward to meeting at the press conference."

  "Welcome Jiang Dong to the magic city." The reporters did not question the roots anymore.

  Today these reporters were originally invited by Zheng Qingyun and his office, and they belonged to a political mission.

  I said it before I came here, click till it ends, make a form, just mention it in the newspaper.

  They are all regular big newspapers, and they are not paparazzi. How can they dig into the roots at this threshold and make public opinion news?

  If you don’t have any political consciousness, you can’t do it.

  What's more, Jiang Xiaobai also said that a press conference will be held in two days. Whatever you want to ask at that time, just ask at that time. There is no need to make people feel uncomfortable at this time.

After sending the reporter away, Shi Sheng, Zheng Qingyun and other talents came over.

   "Old Shi, Brother Zheng, you are not righteous. Seeing me being besieged by reporters, I was indifferent and didn't come to help solve the siege." Jiang Xiaobai complained.

   "You kid, kindly treat it as a donkey liver and lungs, we are giving you the opportunity to show off." Zheng Qingyun and Jiang Xiaobai spoke casually.

   "Hahaha, Brother Zheng, it would be a pity not to be a diplomat with your mouth." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

   Jiang Xiaobai and several people chatted as they walked outside. At this time, the airport of the magic city was already very large. Although it was not up to the scale of later generations, it was considered one of the larger airports in the country.

  Several international air routes have also been opened. After the bulls are up, they will no longer be under the control of the Civil Aviation Administration of Magic City.

  As an economic entity, people are managed by the Civil Aviation Administration of China.

  Later it was handed over to the Magic Capital Government...

  The weather in Dragon City on May 1st belongs to the period when it is warm and cold. Sooner or later it is still very cold.

  Starting from home today, Jiang Xiaobai woke up early and wore a coat.

  But when I came out of the airport, I felt a wave of heat coming from outside the airport.

   "Jiang Dong, give me the jacket." Zhao Xiaojin whispered next to Jiang Xiaobai.

   "Okay, the weather is really hot, everyone will suffer in the future." Jiang Xiaobai took off his coat and handed it to Zhao Xiaojin, saying with some emotion.

  "The weather here is incomparable to that in Longcheng. The weather in Longcheng is warm in winter and cool in summer. I remember this is especially true in the cave dwelling where I used to live.

   But here in the magic capital, people can die in the summer..." Zheng Qingyun himself is also a native of Jin Province, and he has been here for two years, and I feel a lot of emotion.

After getting on the bus, Zheng Qingyun asked Jiang Xiaobai where he was going. Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while and said, "Go to the company first."

   "Okay, that's the case, there is something to do with my unit, but at noon, Wang Shi prepared a banquet for you, and you must come over at noon..."

  After Zheng Qingyun reported the address, he got off the car, took the staff from his office and got into his car and left.

  He came over today just to pick up Jiang Xiaobai. He was the head of the office, and it was impossible for him to do nothing, just to accompany Jiang Xiaobai.

  Standing at the entrance of the Asia Building, Jiang Xiaobai seemed to have seen the scene of Shili Yangchang, which was extremely glorious at the time.

  Unfortunately today, the buildings on the Shili Yangchang side are basically a bit short.

  The height of only seven floors can still meet the office needs of Huaqing Holdings.

   "Go." Jiang Xiaobai jumped out a word straightforwardly, and then walked in with everyone.

  The lobby on the first floor is vacant, and a reception hall and rest area have been made, and it looks like a splendid decoration.

  It looks much more advanced than the reception hall of Huaqing Building. There are four security guards in uniforms standing at the door, standing upright, and when they see Jiang Xiaobai coming over, they salute.

   made Jiang Xiaobai a little bit dumbfounded, what he was doing, as if he was a big leader.

  "Dong Jiang." In contrast, the receptionist smiled and nodded hello, which made Jiang Xiaobai more acceptable.

   "Longquan, don't be so formal in the future. Let me tell people a joke. What are you doing in salute?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the situation on the first floor and exhorted at the same time.

  Behind him was Jiang Xiaobai's more than 20 last batch of employees, who had just been picked up by the heads of various departments to arrange work.

  At this time, Jiang Xiaobai was left with Shi Sheng, Zhang Weiyi, Zhao Xiaojin, and Li Longquan.

   "Well, I know Jiang Dong." Li Longquan said with a slight embarrassment, Jiang Dong criticized himself at the first stop when he arrived in the magic city.

  He is still in charge of the company's security department. The previous people reported that they have come to the magic capital, the big city.

  There are some differences, and a series of rectifications have been made, mainly from the clothing and some spiritual things.

  Including salute this way of greeting, Li Longquan also felt a bit redundant, but considering that this is the magic capital, he agreed.

   "It's a second in high school." Jiang Xiaobai muttered in his heart, and instead of going up the elevator, he went up the stairs one by one.

  One is to take a closer look at the Asia Building, and the other is to inspect the company and tell everyone in the company that he came here and said a few words, which has a calming effect.

   "Jiang Dong, the second floor of the company is the sales department and the logistics department."

  "Hello everyone, what will happen after coming to the magic city? Haven't been confused by the metropolis, haha.

  Everyone comes with me from Longcheng, Jiang Xiaobai. Then everyone is a family. If you have anything to do, you can talk to Mr. Zhang, Mr. Shi, or you can directly report to me.

  Whether it is work or life difficulties, you can..."

  "Everyone may not be comfortable with a new environment just now, it's okay, let's take it slowly..."

  (End of this chapter)

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