Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1628: Wind banquet

   Chapter 1628

  "The third floor is the personnel department and the security department..."

   "The fourth floor is..." Jiang Xiaobai, accompanied by Shi Sheng and Zhang Weiyi, walked over one by one.

  Show up in every department and say two words of comfort.

   "Jiang Dong, this is your office."

  "Fifth floor, number 9." Jiang Xiaobai looked at the house number, and said helplessly: "Who arranged this, room number nine, fifth floor, ninety five supreme?

  There is no need for this. Although I am a businessman, I don’t care about it..."

   "Dong Jiang, would you like to change it?"

  Jiang Xiaobai said, "Change? Then forget it, this is also the heart of others, it is not good if you let it down..."

  Speaking, Jiang Xiaobai opened the door and walked in.

  Shi Sheng, Zhang Weiyi, and Zhao Xiaojin looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths smiled.

  Spacious and bright office, needless to say about decoration and the like. Starting from Huaqing Building, Jiang Xiaobai’s office has always been luxurious.

  Before the floor-to-ceiling windows, only the scene on the Huangpu River can be seen.

  On the opposite side, the Oriental Pearl Tower is still under construction, and the long fleet on the river has formed a line, which still looks quite artistic.

  "Xiaojin, I have time to arrange someone to come over and arrange a photo. It's a memorial. Just stand in my position and take a photo.

  After the two buildings of ours are built in a few years, I will take another photo and compare it. I think it must be very interesting..." Jiang Xiaobai gestured, and Zhao Xiaojin agreed.

   "Jiang Dong, the time is almost up, let's go over. It's the first time to have a meal in the magic city and the locals. It's okay to be late..." Zhao Xiaojin reminded.

   Jiang Xiaobai looked at the time, and it was half past eleven.

   nodded and said: "Okay, drive two cars, and the four of us will go over."

  Jiang Xiaobai, Shi Sheng, Zhang Weiyi, and Zhao Xiaojin attended the appointment. Li Longquan and another driver drove.

  Zheng Qingyun is the chief executive, who arrived early and is arranging dinner.

  Jiang Xiaobai and the others just got off the bus at the door, and Wangshi arrived.

   "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my treat hurriedly, and I still fell behind Jiang Dong..."

  "We just got off the car..."

   "The leader was going to come over, but there was something wrong temporarily, so I can only see you another day." Wang Shi said.

Jiang Xiaobai still knows the status of Huaqing Holding Company.

  Needless to say, others will catch the wind and go to report work by yourself. It is not bad if they can spare a little time to receive themselves.

  After all, Jiang Xiaobai is not a person with extensive interpersonal relationships like Qiu Zhuangzhu. Today, the appearance of the king city of Fengyan Banquet is already a matter of face.

   "Where, where, when you have time, Wangshi, I will go to the leader to report on my work..." Jiang Xiaobai also said politely.

  A group of people walked into the Old Magic Hotel with talking and laughing.

  Many people in later generations travel to the magic city, and they only know Dexing Pavilion. In fact, the history of the old hotel is longer than Dexing Pavilion.

   is the birthplace of authentic magic dishes, and has also received many celebrities.

   "Jiang Dong, recently the old restaurant has dug a national-level technician to serve as the chef, and I will have to taste it later." Zheng Qingyun said with a smile.

   "Really? It really has to be tasted." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, if it weren't for Zheng Qingyun's introduction of the history of the old restaurant, Jiang Xiaobai wouldn't understand it.

  He visited the magic city in his previous life, and also tasted the local dishes of the magic city in Dexing Hall.

  In the private room, the waiter serves food very quickly.

  After all, the people who came for dinner today are different, and we will give a detailed introduction to every dish.

  "Eight Treasure Spicy Sauce, Bad Pot Head, Fried River Shrimp, Salt and Pepper Ribs, Shrimp and Big Black Ginseng..." All are special dishes.

   "Dong Jiang, I toast you a glass. On behalf of the magic city, we welcome you Huaqing Holdings to come to the magic city." Wang Shi said, holding the glass.

  At this time, there is no rule not to drink alcohol during working hours. Everyone just toasted, tested by alcohol.

  The reception feast is actually nothing to talk about, because it is noon, in the afternoon, Wangshi, Zheng Qingyun, they all still have jobs, and basically they don’t have much to drink at their level.

  In addition, Jiang Xiaobai will come here now and have some time to drink together, so everyone just tasted it and simply drank two glasses.

  Tasted the magic dish, and then it was gone...

   "Back to the company." Jiang Xiaobai said after getting in the car, the rest suite in the company office had already been arranged.

  But the taste of the company is still a bit big, Jiang Xiaobai got up after a short rest.

  In the afternoon, Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Xiaojin went to the staff dormitory for a tour. With so many people from Huaqing Holding Company, Jiang Xiaobai could not ignore it.

  So I rented a house in some communities and turned it into staff dormitories, and everyone lived in for the time being.

  In the later period, Changxingju Real Estate Company developed a real estate.

  In other words, directly taking over the development of an unfinished real estate, if now, it is impossible to take over the unfinished real estate.

  The real estate market is very hot, mainly due to the influence of Qiongzhou.

  Since last year, the real estate industry in Qiongzhou has been very lively.

  To what extent is it being hyped up? I bought a house on the 6th floor on the first floor, and when I walked from the first floor to the upper floor, the house increased in price and made money.

  Thinking of this place in Qiongzhou, Jiang Xiaobai was also a little speechless. In the 1980s, when he fought car approvals, kindergartens were doing approvals and reselling cars.

The Crown car that Jiang Xiaobai drove before was a smuggled car.

   was later called off by the upper side, and then it disappeared. How long does it take to fry the land again?

  Furthermore, the land scrambled this time is worse than the car scrambled last time.

  It’s just that the protagonist has changed. He is no longer a local. Moreover, people who come from Beijing and other parts of the country still follow the same routine. They take loans from banks and engage in land plots.

  If the land is obtained, it will not be developed, so it will be resold directly. If a piece of land has not been developed, it is no longer known how many lots have been dumped.

  Everyone is playing the game of drumming and passing flowers. Compared with the last time we fought cars, the danger has increased a lot.

  And local people are not without a way to make money. Just registering a company does not know how many local scalpers make a profit.

  But this has nothing to do with Jiang Xiaobai. After a while, after the real estate collapse in Qiongzhou, the magic city will also be affected to a certain extent.

  At that time, it is estimated that there will be some unfinished buildings in the magic city...At that time, it will be easier to take over, and the investment will be relatively less.

  (End of this chapter)

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