Chapter 1635

  After a little meal at noon, Jiang Xiaobai continued the meeting in the afternoon.

"We have a lot of things to do in the new relocation of Huaqing Holding Company. It can be said that there are many things to do. The new Huaqing Building and the two buildings of Huahai Center are going to be built. This matter, Wei Yi?" Jiang Xiaobai turned his head and looked towards Zhang Weiyi.

   "Dong Jiang?"

  "You are in charge of the two buildings as a whole and set up two working groups. However, President Mao and their opinions should be respected on the issue of Huahai Center. After all, Huahai Center will use them for Huahai Automobile in the future." Jiang Xiaobai ordered.

   "Okay, I see, the design team at Huahai Center, Mr. Mao, they can join in, and try their best to give priority to their opinions. I will be a housekeeper in charge of service." Zhang Weiyi said with a smile.

  Mao Zhenghua quickly stood up and said that he didn't dare to let Zhang Weiyi help him.

  "There is also the construction of the Huahai Automobile Factory, and the demolition of the two main factories of the garment factory, the home and the beverage factory.

  The garment factory should have moved a long time ago. The traffic is not convenient on the Shangdang side. If you move to the magic city, it will be much better in terms of geographical advantages and talents.

After the relocation of the main factory of the    home and the beverage factory, the Longcheng side is temporarily regarded as a branch factory. If there are opinions from the local side of Longcheng, the factory will be redeemed..." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  Now Huaqing Holdings has moved, leaving only a home and a branch of the beverage factory, and there may be some embarrassment.

  But Jiang Xiaobai didn't care. After moving away, there will be only one branch. If the other party is embarrassed, just cash out the factory.

  If the embarrassment is too severe, then Huaqing Holdings is no longer in Longcheng anyway, so it’s fine to directly contact reporters and media.

  Huaqing Holding Company is not a small street stall, it can be handled by anyone.

   "Okay, Jiang Dong, I will arrange this after the new factory is built." Sun Jianyun said.

  "Well, the garment factory doesn't need to think about it, just redeem it directly, there is no need to be a branch factory..."

  Jiang Xiaobai thought about what to say when he talked about the meeting, arranged one by one, and basically arranged all the issues that he could consider.

  The meeting ended at six o'clock in the evening, and the company arranged a dinner in the evening.

  At the dinner, the content of the meeting began to circulate.

  A large-scale allocation of company shares is a new thing at this time, and it is also a very encouraging news.

  At this time, it is not like a later generation. It has become a norm for company executives to take shares in the company.

  At this time, it is absolutely unprecedented to allocate shares to the company’s executives.

  Especially now that Huaqing Holdings has developed so well, the value of any company's listed stock will double.

  Originally, after the relocation of Huaqing Holding Company to Magic City, people's minds were a bit unstable, but as soon as the news spread, everyone immediately had a new goal.

  Jiang Xiaobai allocated shares to the company's senior leaders this time, maybe next time it will be middle and upper-level leaders who are close to the senior leaders.

  The leadership of the company has stabilized, and basically all employees have stabilized.

After eating, Jiang Xiaobai took Wang Chao and Wang Meng to Lujiazui with his little brothers.

  "Here will be our office building from now on. It’s not easy to get here today, Superzi, Mengzi, we all cherish..."

  Jiang Xiaobai didn’t know why, and suddenly felt a little bit emotional. He may have been standing in this place, having realized the dream that he felt illusory in the previous life.

  It may be that Shi Sheng left today and feels that something is wrong.

  It may also be that I drank too much tonight, a little sad.

   Jiang Xiaobai is not clear, but standing here, scenes from previous lives will always unconsciously come to mind.

   "I know Brother Xiaobai, but in the daytime, is this share given to us too much..." Wang Meng said.

  Wang Meng's personality was very reckless in his earliest days.

  He will say whatever he thinks of. After so many years, Wang Meng has also become a lot smoother.

  In the daytime, he just wanted to say, but the allocation of shares is not just for himself.

  There are other people who don’t want so much, but it doesn’t mean that others don’t want it.

  If he said that, he might have offended everyone else, so Wang Meng held back it. Now that he, Jiang Xiaobai, and Wang Chao are the three of them, he just said.

   "Yes, Brother Xiaobai, for so many years, you have always allocated your share of shares, instead of giving up part of it together and recalculating..."

  Wang Chao also said that, logically speaking, if the company wants to allocate new shares, it should be that all shareholders change their shares at the same time, giving them part of the new shareholders.

   However, every time Huaqing Holding Company needs to allocate shares to new shareholders, it is Jiang Xiaobai who is surrendering his shares.

  In the earliest days, Jiang Xiaobai had 90% of shares and Wang Meng had 10% of shares. Now Jiang Xiaobai has given up so many shares, and now only more than 70% of shares are left.

  Wang Meng is still 10% of the shares, and it has never changed since the beginning.

   However, the two of them were interrupted by Jiang Xiaobai before they finished talking.

  "Super son, Meng son, you two, including Liu Jian, Zhang Weiyi, Shi Sheng, you follow me at work without day or night, and you can't see your children several times throughout the year with your family.

  Everyone is working together and starting a business. If you succeed, the company already has your share, and I have the most shares in my hand.

  So I will give you a little bit. To be honest, the company’s shares are not suitable for being too dispersed. Otherwise, I can allocate more shares for you.

  When each subsidiary is listed, not only do you have shares, but you also have to allocate shares to middle and high-level company leaders...

"The company has made money, and everyone has a share. I hope that the company can produce some multi-millionaires, ten or one hundred. This is also an effect. At that time, everyone will want to work in our company more and more. , Dreaming of becoming the next millionaire, multimillionaire..."

   Jiang Xiaobai said, although Wang Chao and Wang Meng didn't understand them too well, they could hear the magnificence in Jiang Xiaobai's words.

  Yes, Xiaobai’s structure has always been huge, and his work is also magnificent.

  If you change other bosses, you don’t need to mention the shares of your life’s life. Even the normal salary might be unwilling to open.

   But when I get to Jiang Xiaobai, I just don’t have to take the initiative to give it to you, so that everyone can make money. Following such a boss, following such an entrepreneur, is luck and good fortune.

  (End of this chapter)

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