Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1636: Branch listing

   Chapter 1636 Branch listing

  Wang Chao and Wang Meng have traveled north and south for so many years and have met many people and many things.

  Sometimes it’s no problem that everyone suffers and fights hard together.

   But when it comes to success, when it stops moving forward, or simply when it makes a little money.

  There are all those who turn against each other for the benefit of their brothers, not to mention the entrepreneurial partners together.

  There are countless examples of this, and a few of them walked all the way, except for taking the initiative to leave, such as Song Weiguo.

  Jiang Xiaobai really did not treat anyone wrongly.

  The retirement of Shi Sheng today is the first retirement of Huaqing Holdings, but it is not the last.

Everyone has seen Jiang Xiaobai’s attitude towards Shi Sheng. This is a retreat of accomplishment, not to mention the name, and the profit is also given. 5% of the shares are returned without a premium, so let Shi Sheng leave with him. This is what Shi Sheng did. After years of hard work, the best is sure.

After eating a meal, everyone’s hearts are at ease. It is not only Jiang Xiaobai who released the shares in his hand and allocated shares to the senior staff of the company. It gave everyone hope, and more importantly, the attitude towards Shi Sheng. Peace of mind.

   "Song Weiguo just killed himself, otherwise, he is about to retire in the company now, so why not retire with tens of millions?

  It takes such an old age to toss in the coal mine. "Wang Chao said with some emotion.

  At first, I almost made a wrong choice.

"I remember you saying that, Lao Song is still working on his own coal mine? When the Township Entrepreneur Association held its annual meeting, I also met him. I was going to have a good chat with him, but unfortunately I didn't have time... …" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

   "Yes, I'm still working on a coal mine, but I opened a coke plant, which is a downstream enterprise of the coal mine. Now it is estimated that the total assets are about 9 million yuan."

  Wang Chao said that he still knows Song Weiguo's recent situation.

   Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while and said, “Nine million is not too small. When I left the company, the company’s shares were not worth the current value, which is about 900,000. Now they have almost doubled by about ten times.”

  The assets have doubled by about ten times, and now they are almost 10 million, not less. In Zhangxuan County, how many millionaires are there?

  Of course, the development speed of Huaqing Holding Company is definitely not comparable, and the future prospects are not comparable to Huaqing Holding Company.

  Ke Huaqing Holdings is led by Jiang Xiaobai, and basically every step is stepping on the pulse of the times.

  Some people say that in the 1990s, even a pig standing on a tuyere could be blown up.

  What's more, Jiang Xiaobai, a graduate of the economics department of later generations, knows exactly where the outlet is. It is strange if he is not successful.

   "Hehe, I don't contact him now, I heard that little fairy..." Wang Chao said cursingly, and there was no good tone to mention Song Weiguo.

  However, the voice turned and he said: "But when he left the company, my sister was also responsible. It was my sister who persuaded him to persuade him not to persevere."

   "Normally, your sister is an ordinary housewife. Besides, at that time, Jianhua Qing Building was indeed a bit risky based on our funds..."

  Jiang Xiaobai doesn’t matter. He understands very well that in the early 1990s, many companies were building high-rise buildings.

  It's like a competition. If you build 70 floors, then I will build 100 floors. If you build 300 meters, then I will build 400 meters.

  You are 400 meters away, and I am 500 meters away. People often ask when they build a building. How many meters and how many floors is the tallest building in the province?

  How many meters and how many floors is the tallest building in China?

   Then they compared each other to build buildings, so I don’t know how many unfinished buildings were born, such as the Giant Building of the Giant Group.

  Of course, many buildings have also been built.

  Until entering the 21st century, the country began to restrict the height of many buildings, which started to get better.

  However, many buildings over 500 meters have also been built.

  Therefore, if there is not enough capital flow in building a building, it is easy to cause problems.

  So Song Weiguo was unwilling to support at that time, Jiang Xiaobai also understood, not to mention Song Weiguo’s ex-wife, Wang Chao’s sister, was an ordinary housewife.

  A few people chatted for a while, and then took the boat back.

  The meeting continued the next morning, and finally the senior staff of the company gathered together. There are some things that everyone can gather in the meeting to discuss, or it is better to have a meeting to discuss some things.

   Jiang Xiaobai also raised a new topic, that is, the company's listing.

  "This time, Magic City gave our company a quota for listing, which will help the company get listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

  So let’s discuss, which company is better to go public? "

   Jiang Xiaobai said that he denied the possibility of Huaqing Holding Company going public as a whole.

  There is no sound in the conference room.

   Jiang Xiaobai said again: "Everyone speaks freely, old history..."

  Half of the words, Jiang Xiaobai was stunned, and suddenly remembered that the history student has not attended the meeting today.

   "Mr. Zhang, you can talk about it first." Jiang Xiaobai was silent for a while before speaking.

   "Okay, I think either a feed factory or a clothing factory can be used. There is no problem with either of them being listed." Zhang Weiyi said.

  "The size of the feed factory is not small, and it has a research room, and it can be regarded as a high-tech company. The market sales response of feed is also good...

  Not to mention the clothing factory. This is the most successful clothing brand our company has operated in the past few years. In the eyes of the public, it is the first-line big-name clothing and the public’s recognition is very high...

  Zhang Weiyi narrated his reasons.

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded, then looked at other people.

   "Our real estate company is listed..." Wang Meng said.

   But as soon as he spoke, he was interrupted by Jiang Xiaobai: "Your Changxingju Real Estate Company is now mainly focused on Pengcheng.

  You went to the Magic Capital to be listed. What do you think is that the listing should also be listed on the Pengcheng Shenzhen Stock Exchange. "

  Wang Meng stopped speaking. Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while and continued: “In this way, if your Changxingju Real Estate Company wants to go public, it will operate on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. I have no objection.”

   "Really?" Wang Meng asked excitedly.

  "Really, you wouldn't have this idea from the beginning, would you?" Jiang Xiaobai suddenly asked in confusion. Wang Meng would not have thought of this simple truth.

  Pengcheng's companies are listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, which makes no sense.

  Wang Meng said that this is the second best thing, and he wants to allow himself to agree to his listing on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

   "No, no, I swear absolutely not." Wang Meng said, patted his chest.

  Jiang Xiaobai glared at him, unwilling to say anything, and continued to let others speak.

  (End of this chapter)

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