Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1637: Establish a board of directors

   Chapter 1637 Establishment of the Board of Directors

  "I think our Huaqing Electrical Appliances can be listed. Huaqing Electrical Appliances now has more than 30 stores in East China and cooperates with more than 100 power plants.

  If we are ready to go public, we can open hundreds of stores throughout East China and North China, and then integrate half of the domestic home appliance industry, and then in one fell swoop..."

  Wang Chao talked freely, describing a scene of anger swallowing mountains and rivers, as if as long as Jiang Xiaobai agreed to his listing, the domestic home appliance market would be Huaqing Electrical Appliances. Wang Chao had the final say.

   "Boom boom boom." Jiang Xiaobai tapped his fingers on the table and looked at Wang Chao: "What do you want?"

   "Listing, Jiang Dong, what else can I think of." Wang Chao blinked his eyes.

   "Bullshit." Jiang Xiaobai scolded, Wang Chao's face went dark, looking at Jiang Xiaobai a little speechless.

  What kind of occasion is this, and I still talk like that.

   Zhao Xiaojin reminded in a low voice: "Jiang Dong, with so many people, you..."

   Jiang Xiaobai glanced at the people in the conference room and nodded.

  It’s true that it’s not the time for an educated youth cannery. It’s not good to scold your mother at every turn, but it’s fine to say a few words.

  "Going public, going public, starting from the old stereotypes of Magic Capital in the past few years, everyone knows that they will make money after listing.

  Capital market, everyone likes it, and I always feel that as long as it has enough access to the capital market, we can make a fortune.

  Last year, everyone bought and traded stocks in a swarm, but do you know what is written on the trademark of the stock subscription certificate?

  The stock market is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the market. I don’t know if anyone who jumped off the building reported in the news remembers it.

  The same is true for our listed companies, that is, a lot of funds can be raised after listing.

  The value of the company will also increase, but it is also risky.

  In the future, the company’s annual financial affairs need to be made public. While increasing transparency, many company secrets will also be revealed, and at the same time it may be maliciously controlled by others..."

  Jiang Xiaobai looked at everyone and said, “A company listed on the market is like a piece of toxic honey. It’s also toxic when you eat it. This is very important.”

Everyone nodded, Jiang Xiaobai looked at Wang Chao again: "Do you still want to go public?"

  Wang Chao nodded: "Well, go on."

   "Bantham, I've said it for a long time." Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help it, and spoke again.

  Wang Chao stalked his neck and said, “Yes, no matter how poisonous he is, I have to eat it. As long as he eats it, he is wide and fat, even if he is a little bit toxic, I will recognize it.”

   "You..." Jiang Xiaobai was speechless. This Wang Chao didn't care about anything for a bite.

   "Jiang Dong, don't blame me for lacking insight. We are really short of money now and want to expand the scale immediately." Wang Chao said pitifully.

  Jiang Xiaobai was really speechless, but still shook his head and said, "You Huaqing Electric is not suitable.

  Currently, the home appliance market in the country is not too mature. You still need to develop for a few years, and it is not suitable for listing.

  Wait a few years later, the timing is wrong..."

   "I..." Wang Chao still wanted to speak, but Jiang Xiaobai glanced at it and finally stopped.

  "I think the listing of a garment factory is the best choice for our company."

  "I think it is a feed factory and a clothing factory..."

  Others also expressed their opinions that the first company under Huaqing Holdings is going to go public. This is an important matter for the entire Huaqing Holdings.

  Everyone wants to participate, talking about their thoughts and reasons.

   Jiang Xiaobai excluded the head office, Changxingju Real Estate Co., Ltd., and Huaqing Electric Appliances, and other subsidiaries were mentioned.

  But to sum up, the number of mentions of garment factories is the most, the feed factory ranks second, and the remaining educated youth canneries, Jia and Beverage Factory, are not very popular.

   "Dong Jiang, what do you think?" Zhang Weiyi looked at Jiang Xiaobai and asked.

   "Let's discuss the two companies, Jiahe Beverage Factory and Garment Factory, together, and make the minutes of the meeting. You continue to have the meeting."

   Jiang Xiaobai let everyone discuss, got up and returned to the conference room.

  In fact, what he thought at the beginning was also measured by the two companies, Jiahe Beverage Factory and Garment Factory.

  Which company is more appropriate to go public? From the perspective of scale, it is the icing on the cake that the garment factory goes public, and it can take the garment factory to the next level.

  If Jiahe Beverage Factory is listed, it can expand rapidly, but the rapid expansion may also bring certain hidden dangers to Jiahe Beverage Factory.

   But like Wang Chao said, sometimes you still need to eat it if you know it is poison.

  After eating at noon, Jiang Xiaobai returned to the meeting room, read the meeting minutes, and most of them supported the garment factory.

  However, Jiang Xiaobai considered the consideration and said, “Jiahe Beverage Factory, through the listing, rapidly expands in the country, first occupy the market, otherwise it will miss this opportunity, and then talk about other things.

  As for the clothing factory, I will talk about it later, anyway, it can also be expanded quickly through franchise stores, and the current scale is not small in China, and there is no problem with slow expansion. "

   "Jiang Dong..."

   "Jiang Dong..."

  As soon as Zhang Weiyi and others were about to speak, Jiang Xiaobai interrupted.

  "Okay, that's it. After the meeting, you will stay with your family and the people from the beverage factory to discuss the company's listing.

  If you need the cooperation of other companies, please cooperate well with me. "Jiang Xiaobai said.

   "39; Okay." Zhang Weiyi nodded, and other people also spoke out, indicating that they would definitely cooperate.

  They understand Jiang Xiaobai’s habits, so that when discussing, they can say whatever they want, and there are no taboos.

   But once Jiang Xiaobai made a decision, all the company must cooperate.

  In fact, this is considered good, and now we are still discussing it. As before, Huaqing Holding Company did not discuss the decision at all. Generally, Jiang Xiaobai made the decision directly.

  It’s so overwhelmed. After discussing it with a few high-level officials, it was pulled down.

  "Okay, next is the reorganization of the company. The board of directors is formally established. Huaqing Holding Company is renamed Huaqing Holding Group. Everyone discusses a reorganization charter..."

   Jiang Xiaobai continued.

  This high-level meeting after the relocation may be the biggest internal change meeting of Huaqing Holdings in recent years.

  The adjustment of the position of the general manager of the company, the change of the company's shares, the company's selection of subsidiaries to be listed, and the company's reorganization to establish a board of directors.

  The conference lasted for a whole week, and the company finally decided to reorganize and set up a board of directors headed by Jiang Xiaobai.

   Jiang Xiaobai is the chairman of the board, and Shi Sheng, Wang Chao, Wang Meng, Zhang Weiyi, Zhao Xiaojin, and Li Laosan are the directors of the company.

  (End of this chapter)

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