Chapter 1648 Conditions

   "I..." Li Lan was considering how to speak, and wanted to organize the language to show his heartfelt things, for example, when it comes to Modu, I will do it well.

  It is not easy to find such a good job. She was still worried before that Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Xinyi would not take themselves to the magic capital!

   "This is Xiao Li, if you are willing to follow Qumodu, your current salary is 400 yuan a month, and your monthly salary will double by then."

  Jiang Xiaobai looked at Li Lan hesitantly, and suddenly said that the salary of 400 yuan a month in Longcheng is definitely a high salary.

   And after going to the magic city, if you turn a cup, that is 800 yuan a month, although it is a drop in the bucket for Jiang Xiaobai.

  But for ordinary people, it is definitely a high salary.

  After all, the average worker at this time is about 300 yuan a month.

  "I will reimburse you for all travel expenses, boarding and lodging expenses such as train tickets, air tickets, bus tickets, etc. during the New Year or holidays.

  And I can find a way to transfer you to the account of the magic city..." Jiang Xiaobai made his own terms.

  At this time, there is still a difference between urban hukou and rural hukou.

  Although it is not as different as in the planned economy era, there are still differences.

  Especially the hukou in a city like Demon Capital, it is not easy to get it just for later generations.

  And not to mention at this time.

   "Jiang Dong, don't use such Jiang Dong, it's too good I can't afford..." Li Lan shook his head quickly and refused. The conditions were too favorable.

   shocked her. If she didn't know her appearance, Jiang Xiaobai would not be able to look at her and she would be able to do anything for Jiang Xiaobai.

  She is afraid of this good condition...

   "It's okay, you follow us to the magic capital, the mountains are high and the road is far away, and it’s not easy to be far away from home. It is okay to pay you a little more salary, and we will be a family when we go to the magic capital.

  If you can do it, I can arrange a job for you, a formal job when the girl gets older and does not need someone to take care of it. "

   Jiang Xiaobai once again threw out a condition that made Li Lan's heart moved.

  Unable to refuse, Li Lan knew that he shouldn't take so much, but there was really no way to refuse, as long as he agreed.

  A little girl who has no culture in a mountain village, even if she really goes out, she will have a bright future in the future!

  Urban registered permanent residence, formally work, and then find a local boyfriend in the magic city, from now on he will be a magic city person.

  If there is no way to refuse, I can only accept it.

   "Thank you Mr. Jiang, thank you Mr. Jiang, I will work hard and work hard in the future, I am stupid, Mr. Jiang, you will see my performance in the future..." Li Lan said excitedly.

  If she weren't in the car now, she would have to bow to Jiang Xiaobai.

   "Okay, I'll be back from school at that time, I will arrange a car to take you back, you tell your parents, two days later, we will set off to the magic city." Jiang Xiaobai nodded.

   "No need, no need..." Li Lan waved his hand: "Mr. Jiang, I had called my parents to talk about this before.

  If Mr. Jiang takes me away, I’ll follow you directly and go home again during the New Year..."

   Jiang Xiaobai laughed dumbly, unexpectedly Li Lan wanted to follow along.

   "Okay, it's up to you."

  After arriving at the school, Li Lan walked around the school gate holding Jiang Xin, and Jiang Xiaobai took Jiang Langlang to the school.

  Find the teacher to explain the situation.

   "Transfer? Go to the magic city?" The teacher was a little surprised, and looked at Jiang Xiaobai with confusion.

  She is unfamiliar with Jiang Xiaobai, Zhao Xinyi always comes over if something happens.

   "Teacher, this is my father." Jiang Langlang proved to Jiang Xiaobai.

  The teacher brought Jiang Xiaobai to the dean to talk about the transfer.

  Someone will handle the follow-up procedures. Today Jiang Xiaobai just brought Jiang Langlang over to say hello.

   "Dad, I want to go to the class and say goodbye to my classmates." Jiang Langlang held Jiang Xiaobai's hand and raised his head and said seriously.

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded, then handed the child to the teacher, waiting for him at the teaching office.

   Twenty minutes later, the teacher came back with Jiang Langlang. Jiang Langlang was not too emotional and seemed a little sad.

  Jiang Xiaobai took him to the entrance of the school. Jiang Langlang did not speak and Jiang Xiaobai did not comfort him.

  This may be the first time in Jiang Langlang's life that he parted with his friends. Such things will happen in the future. You have to learn to adapt.

  Out of school, Jiang Xiaobai took his two children to see his father Jiang Tieshan.

  The weather in mid-June was already hot. Jiang Tieshan was sitting on a recliner in the yard listening to the radio, watching a piece of Huangmei opera on the radio.

   "Grandpa." Jiang Langlang shouted and rushed in. Jiang Tieshan immediately got up from the reclining chair.

  The agile Jiang Xiaobai wants to give a thumbs up.

   "Oh, my dear grandson, why are you here?" Jiang Tieshan's old face smiled and he was in good spirits over the past two years.

  Several children are very filial, he is with a nanny and a few daughters, the son's family takes turns to live.

  I came back to live on my own when I was bored, and I was okay to play chess with a few older brothers.

   Then talk about my current life and make my brothers envious.

   Then listen to them saying that their children are not good, and they are not filial. Hearing them sighed, it was obvious that everyone was a workmate, and they were almost the same back then. Jiang Tieshan was able to live so nourished.

  Educated children are so filial...

  At this time, Jiang Tieshan’s old face full of wrinkles will be full of smiles.

  However, he knew in his heart that in fact, when it comes to educating children to be filial, everyone is the same.

  When the eldest eldest married married, the eldest daughter-in-law was not too filial to the couple.

  Later, the younger son Jiang Xiaobai became well-developed, and the younger son was filial, and others naturally became filial.

  This is a causal relationship. Everyone looks at the younger son without worrying about eating and drinking. Without the troubles in life, it will naturally be more harmonious.

  The only pity is that my wife left early and did not enjoy the blessings.

   "Miss Grandpa." Jiang Langlang's mouth was sweet.

   "Haha." Jiang Tieshan was full of smiles, and he went in with Jiang Langlang in his arms and brought Jiang Langlang some delicious food.

  Jiang Xiaobai called his father’s babysitter into the house and took out some money.

  "Starting from today, the salary will be increased by two hundred yuan every month. Take care of the old man. We have left in these two days.

  If there is anything, you can call me, you can call my eldest brother or the others, you must take good care of the old man..."

   Jiang Xiaobai repeatedly warned that the only thing he was worried about when he left Longcheng was his father.

   "Thank you, boss Jiang, you can rest assured, you are so good to me, you can rest assured." The little nanny also promised again and again.

  (End of this chapter)

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