Chapter 1649

  When Jiang Xiaobai was leaving, he still talked to his father about the move, and Jiang Tieshan fell silent.

  It took a long time to say: "Then have dinner here at noon, eat dinner before leaving."

   "Yeah." Jiang Xiaobai nodded and asked the little nanny to go out to buy groceries.

  I accompany his father Jiang Tieshan sitting in the courtyard drinking tea.

   "Dad, after so many years, nothing has changed in the yard!" Jiang Xiaobai suddenly realized that this small yard seemed to be the same as when he was reborn.

  The plants and trees in the yard are still so familiar.

   It’s just that there is no such a big family noisy, no sense of hustle and bustle, and a little bit of the breath of life.

   "What has changed? This yard has always been like this for so many years. It looks comfortable and reminds me of the time when you were still a big family..."

   Jiang Tieshan said, and suddenly changed the subject.

   "Yesterday I played chess with your Uncle Zhang. This old man is getting worse and worse now. My nirvana with a serial cannon made him regret it. It's too shameless..."

   "Old Liu Tou at Hutongkou, I used to have two bowls for a meal. I went for a stroll with him that day. I was tired and asked him to have a meal outside at noon. As a result, I ate a small bowl and couldn't eat..."

  "And the former worker in our workshop..."

  Jiang Tieshan babbled, and the words were full of trivial things between these neighborhoods.

  But when you listen carefully, you can feel the old man's twilight.

  Jiang Xiaobai has always been able to talk, but at this time he didn't know what to say.

  I was reborn for more than ten years and is now 31 years old.

  The oldest eldest sister in the family is over 40 years old, and my father is over 70 years old. The age is here, so how could she not be old?

  Years are the most ruthless thing that can take everything away.

  However, Jiang Tieshan still tidyed himself up every day, his hair was neatly combed, and his clothes were straight.

  However, the old man never wears a suit. A straight tunic suit can spend the spring, autumn and winter. In summer, he puts on a long-sleeved white shirt.

   also said that only leading cadres can wear such clothes.

  As for the suit, he would become a capitalist, although sometimes he would be jokingly becoming the father of a capitalist when he was with his old workers.

  But the old man won’t admit it...

  Jiang Xiaobai did not speak, but listened to his father's whispering words, adding a little water to his father from time to time.

In his previous life, Jiang Xiaobai had just graduated from college in his twenties. His parents were not young, and he had never experienced the feeling that his parents were getting older.

  Mother Jiang was too sudden when she left, very sad, her son wanted to support her and didn’t want to kiss her, but now she is watching her father grow old a little bit. This feeling is very weak and uncomfortable.

  But at this time, I can't be by my side, which makes this feeling even worse.

  Thinking, Jiang Xiaobai really wanted to desperately get his father to the Demon Capital and accompany his father by himself.

  It's not that there is no way, there is a way, as long as you find a way to arrange the work of other brothers and sisters in the family, there is no problem.

  At that time, the children will not go to the magic capital in Longcheng, and the father will naturally follow the magic capital.

   But this way, it is equivalent to taking his father away from the familiar environment. Jiang Xiaobai and his children have to go to work again after they go to the magic city.

   Only Jiang Tieshan is left, the environment is unfamiliar, and there is no familiar person, and it will only be even more sad.

   "Oh." Jiang Xiaobai sighed in his heart. Even if he has made a lot of money, sometimes money is not everything, and there will be many problems that cannot be solved.

  "Dad, please contact your old workers and friends to form a tour group. You will be the group leader, I will pay, and you will all have fun.

  Don’t be stuck in Longcheng, come out for a walk..." Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while and suggested.

   "The tour group..." Jiang Tieshan was a little moved, but he refused: "Forget it, our old arms and legs..."

Jiang Xiaobai didn't wait for his father to finish speaking, so he said: "It's okay. Get on the bus. I will arrange the person in charge. It will definitely make you comfortable. Go out for a walk. It's not like staying at home all day. Go out and broaden your horizons..."

  Jiang Tieshan saw that Jiang Xiaobai insisted, he was also a little moved, so he said: "Then, I will ask those old friends if they would like to go out for shopping."

   "Okay." Jiang Xiaobai nodded.

   "If you go all the way, there may be more than 30 neighbors in the neighborhood, wouldn't it be too many?" Jiang Tieshan asked again.

  Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said, "Why, there is no problem with more than 30 people, that is, more than 50 people and 100 people. You have organized to call me.

  I’ll go to Zhangluo...In addition to going to the magic capital, if you want to go to other places, you can also! "

   "Okay, let me take a look." Jiang Tieshan didn't calculate the expenses. He didn't know how much his son had.

  It’s just that when I was chatting with old workers, I heard someone say something, and I saw something in the newspaper, it should be an astronomical figure.

  How much is specific, no one outsiders can tell.

  Waiting for someone to go out on this trip, it may be that for the son, he will worry more about their safety and physical health. As for the cost, it is not within the scope of his plan.

   But if you can go out with the old workers... Jiang Tieshan's mind will still become active.

   put forward several plans, let Jiang Xiaobai help advise.

   Jiang Xiaobai is very experienced in this matter and gives many suggestions.

  After a while, Jiang Xiaobai received a call from his daughter-in-law Zhao Xinyi, saying that he could not come back at noon, and he would have a dinner with his colleagues in the work unit.

  There may be some friends who want to have dinner in the evening.

   "Okay, you're done, I will let Longquan pick you up." Jiang Xiaobai nodded, he expected.

  Zhao Xinyi resigned, how could she simply say hello? There will surely be colleagues who propose to have a dinner.

   After all, Zhao Xinyi didn't quit her job and went back to be a housewife.

  Instead, I went to the magic city. This is considered to be transferred to a big city to work, and I went to a higher place.

What's more, Zhao Xinyi just resigned and went back to be a housewife, and Zhao Gang, the director of the factory, and Jiang Xiaobai were there, so who could not save face.

  After eating in the small yard at noon, Jiang Xiaobai wanted to take the child to accompany his father for a while.

  But my father was anxious to go out to Zhang Luo, an old worker, to organize a tour group.

  In addition, Jiang Xin wanted to drink milk powder and was going to bed. It was inconvenient for his father here. Jiang Xiaobai got up and left his father to go home.

   "Okay, what day do you leave? Plane?"

   "Let's drive the day after tomorrow morning." Jiang Xiaobai replied.

   "Okay." Jiang Tieshan nodded, and sent away his son, grandson, and granddaughter.

  (End of this chapter)

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