Chapter 1650

  One or two days passed quickly. Li Longquan drove Jiang Xiaobai's tiger head, and there were two vans behind Jiang Xiaobai's door that stopped early in the morning.

   Then brought in the excitement and carried the luggage. In fact, Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Xinyi are not moving to the magic city. They didn't bring many things, but just took some things that they used to be used at home.

  Three suitcases are put on the car, even if it is moving.

  The people who moved are not professional movers, but people from the security department of the home and beverage factory and several security guards left by the headquarters.

  There are thousands of kilometers on this road, and it’s not like all future generations are highways, and the road is not necessarily peaceful.

  All more people will be sent there, and the safety on the road is guaranteed.

   "Get in the car," Jiang Xiaobai said. Zhao Xinyi hugged Jiang Xin and Jiang Langlang, Li Lan sat in the back row, and Jiang Xiaobai sat in the co-pilot, driving instead of Li Longquan.

   "Go." Li Longquan made two double flashes, a sea lion van cleared the way, the tiger head rushed to keep up, and a sea lion van broke behind.

  This time is not a minivan for later generations, only seven people can be seated.

  At this time, the Sea Lion van is a yellow-licensed car and can seat 12 people.

  A total of 24 people in the two cars, plus Li Longquan and Jiang Xiaobai, this is 26 people.

  There are still things in the car. Basically, I can deal with any emergencies.

  If in the later lives, more than a thousand kilometers, including the rest time, two days and one night time, tomorrow evening, how can you be able to reach the magic capital.

   But at this time, if he could get there in three days, Jiang Xiaobai would already be thankful.

  It's not that Jiang Xiaobai wants to drive there, but that he can't take a plane. As for the train, it's not very convenient at this time.

  In contrast, driving is better and more convenient, and I can find a place to rest at night.

  Otherwise, you will be too tired on the train.

  The three cars slowly set off from Longcheng, and stopped in the rest area at noon and took a rest.

  This morning's trip was relatively smooth, and there were no bandits or road tyrants.

   Jiang Xiaobai drove a long distance for the first time in 1978, drove Liu Mei home in a Jiefang truck.

  Fourteen educated youths will set off. It can be said that they are fighting **** all the way, and they are stopped after walking a short distance.

  The smaller level, just rushed past, without stopping.

  A more complicated roadblock can only stop hard.

  When we arrived at the place, there were 14 educated youths, the least injured were all with bruises and swollen noses, not to mention the severely injured.

  Compared with more than ten years ago, after the crackdown, the situation is much better now.

  At least, Jiang Xiaobai and the others haven't met the road bandits and road tyrants all morning.

   When it was getting dark in the afternoon, before entering a county town, I encountered a few roadblocks, but there were no roadblocks, just blocking cars.

  The sea lion van in front did not slow down at all and rushed over.

  The people who stopped the car were so scared that they ran away. After the three cars drove past, they shouted in shock.

   "Haha." Li Longquan smiled: "Jiang Dong, the current road bandits and road tyrants are much less courageous than before.

  If this is the original road bandits and road tyrants, dare to stand and let you drive over them. "

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "It is true, but this situation is also normal. It turns out that everyone can't eat.

  Hungry to death all day long, daring to do anything in a hurry, people who are hungry, it is not strange to do anything.

  Because they couldn’t grab something, they might starve to death, so they took the risk and even dared to grab the train..."

   Jiang Xiaobai said, Zhao Xinyi also answered: "The time I went to school in Beijing with Xiaobai, and went back to Longcheng during the holiday. When I encountered the train robbery, I almost didn't get scared to death..."

  That was her personal experience, and since that time, her feelings for Jiang Xiaobai have become different.

  Jiang Xiaobai looked at his wife in the rearview mirror, thinking about the amorous feelings of that night. At that time, Zhao Xinyi was still a little girl...

   "Dong Jiang, why are these robbers timid now?" Li Longquan asked curiously.

  "Is it because of the crackdown?"

   Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said: “There is a part of the reason. The crackdown scares some people, but more importantly, the implementation of the household contract responsibility system.”

   "Family-linked production contract responsibility system?" Li Longquan was taken aback. He had no idea that Jiang Xiaobai would even bring up this matter.

   "Yes, we are divided into fields, and everyone can fill their stomachs by farming. If you are full, you will naturally lose your life.

  And now the road bandits and road tyrants are all just to live a better life, and it is not that they can't survive, of course they will not lose their lives for this matter..."

   "Yes, Jiang Dong, this is the reason, why didn't I think of it." Li Longquan suddenly realized.

   "Speaking of the household contract responsibility system, Jiang Dong, I heard that you did it in Jianhua Village first, right?" Li Longquan asked.

   "Well, Xiaogang did it at the time. At that time, the environment was scared and he didn't dare to publicize it. First, he started experimenting with the contract during the autumn harvest, and then contracted in the winter.

  That will do this, mainly because the cannery needs work, and it’s too much effort for the big guys to eat a big pot of rice..."

   Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

  Li Lan listened from behind, she was not very old at that time, but she knew that the farm was under the house, as for the rest of it is not clear

  Now listening to Jiang Xiaobai and their conversation, there is a feeling of participating in history.

  Li Lan listened attentively. She came out this time, who had never traveled far, and felt that everything was very novel.

  The best hotel in the small county is not much better. Not everyone has come from hard times, and there is not so much attention to it.

  However, a group of people hurried into the hotel and shocked the waiter.

  If it hadn’t been for Zhao Xinyi and Jiang Xin, Jiang Langlang had two children, one young and one young.

   Knowing that there is no reason to bring children and such a beautiful woman to robbery, maybe they will call the police.

   casually ate a little, and then Jiang Xiaobai and others rested.

  Fulfilled enough energy, Jiang Xiaobai and others continued on the road the next morning.

  Compared with yesterday's excitement, Jiang Langlang is a bit tired. After getting in the car, he was still dozing on his back.

   But he is still very happy, as long as he doesn't have to go to school, he can do anything.

  Li Lan is still very energetic. Every place has its own characteristics. When passing by some villages, the strange names can make Li Lan mumble for a long time.

  Compared with the developed network of later generations, I don’t know that you can brag about looking up information casually. At this time, I really need to travel thousands of miles.

  (End of this chapter)

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