Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1652: Freedom of the boss

  Chapter 1652 Freedom of the boss

  Jiang Xiaobai took his family, plus Zhao Xiaojin and Liu Hui to eat out.

  At the dinner table, Zhao Xinyi and Zhao Xiaojin said that they would be Wenju if they went to each other's house for a meal recently.

  The next day Jiang Xiaobai went to the company. He probably took a look at the situation. The company has basically settled down in Demon Capital.

  Zhang Weiyi knew the news of Jiang Xiaobai’s return, and immediately came over with the tender plan.

  The bidding for the two buildings is not a trivial matter, and Zhang Weiyi’s bidding plan is still very cautious.

  The whole project adopts the method of hidden bidding and bidding.

  Bidder companies need to pay a certain deposit, which is about 20 million yuan. The money is not small, but if it is placed on the entire project, it is still not much.

   "Okay, let me make a few requests. You can write them down and see if they can be changed..." Jiang Xiaobai said, and Zhang Weiyi began to take out his notebook.

After finishing talking about the bidding plan, Zhang Weiyi talked about the progress with the bank.

   "Jiang Dong, when the bank took out the loan, it went smoothly, but you still need to come forward and have a meal with the relevant parties and say hello..."

  Zhang Weiyi said.

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "Yes, you can arrange the time. I am a tool person."

   "Huh, tool man?" Zhang Weiyi was taken aback.

   Jiang Xiaobai smiled and explained: "Haha, it means the background board, just take it out if you need it..."

   "Haha, it's pretty good, but Jiang Dong, you are not a tool person. You still need to control the general direction of the company. I just do some specific work..." Zhang Weiyi said with a smile.

  "Okay, you can arrange it. There is one more thing. You can make a reservation for me. I want to have a meal with the director of the Modu Diesel Engine Factory tonight. You can accompany me.

  And Director Zheng will also come..." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  "Sister-in-law Xinyi's work, right?" Zhang Weiyi asked.

   "Well, they came here yesterday and have a meal together." Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said.

   "Okay, I have an appointment. I will call you. By the way, I will call when Wen Ju, I will go to see the child." Zhang Weiyi said.

   "Okay." Jiang Xiaobai agreed, and Zhang Weiyi was not an outsider.

  Stayed in the company for a while, nothing happened, Jiang Xiaobai went home, and being the boss is the advantage.

  When there is nothing wrong, you can skip work at any time.

  No one checked...Of course, I also need to travel continuously when I have something to do, and there is no overtime pay.

  Zhao Xinyi and the children have just arrived in the magic city, and they are all unfamiliar with their lives. Jiang Xiaobai is not too relieved.

After returning home, Jiang Xiaobai accompanied Zhao Xinyi and Li Lan to the nearby vegetable market and shopping mall...

   "Xiao Bai, you have to pay close attention to the things that Langlang goes to school. I don't know that the textbooks of Longcheng and Magic City are the same. Can Langlang be able to adapt to school..."

  Zhao Xinyi said with some worry.

Jiang Xiaobai patted Zhao Xinyi's hand holding her arm and comforted him: "Okay, don't worry, I will let someone do it when I turn around. It's definitely no problem. Langlang is so smart. If it doesn't work, let Langlang alone make up for it. Make up class..."


  “Also, I’ve already asked the manager of the Modu Diesel Engine Factory to meet, and have a meal together. Then you can see, if you want to go to work any day, you can go to work anytime...”

  Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said, “I’m still the deputy director of the branch. After getting familiar with the situation, I’ll see if I can mention it again and go directly to the director of the branch..."

  Zhao Xinyi gave Jiang Xiaobai a white look: "I didn’t want to be an official. Whenever there is such a thing, I always wanted to be the director of the branch factory..."

   "What's the matter? My wife is so good. For so many years, if it weren't for family reasons, you might have taken Director Zhao's class in Longcheng..."

   "Hey, you can really talk nonsense." Zhao Xinyi smiled.

   "Hehe, I didn't talk nonsense." Jiang Xiaobai was shopping with Zhao Xinyi. He hadn't been with Xinyi for a long time.

  Zhao Xinyi also enjoyed the tenderness of this moment. By noon, the two of them went home.

  The same thing the next morning, Jiang Xiaobai went to the company and only spent more than an hour to deal with the matter, and then went home.

   just arranged for Zhao Xiaojin to coordinate with Jiang Langlang for going to school.

  On the third day, Zhang Weiyi called and said that he had an appointment with Director Liu of the Magic Diesel Engine Factory for dinner.

   "Okay, I see. At the old restaurant at night, right? Okay, I see. I will be there on time when the time comes." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  Hang up the phone, Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Xinyi said.

   "Ah, tonight, so fast, then I will clean up." Zhao Xinyi checked the time and it was already past three in the afternoon.

  Although she is not the first day to come out to work, it turns out that the big leader in the factory is her father.

  So all aspects are very casual, and now this is the first time to work under the wings of my father.

   "It's okay, don't worry, there is a husband here!" Jiang Xiaobai patted Zhao Xinyi on the shoulder and said.

   "Okay, I see, I will clean up, and let Xiao Li take the children at night." Zhao Xinyi went to clean up.

  On the other side, Liu Changfu hung up and told his assistant about his evening schedule.

  The assistant looked at Liu Changfu and asked, “Mr. Liu, the Huaqing Holding Company is now a popular man in the eyes of the leaders.

  Waiting for Jiang Xiaobai’s wife to come to us, this is another little ancestor..."

   "Well, what can be done by the leader, saying that his wife was originally the branch manager in Longgang.

  Longgang, I remember that Lao Zhao is the director of the factory. He still had contact with him. He often met during meetings. In the past two years, there has been less contact.

  For this Jiang Dong’s wife, I really haven’t heard Old Zhao say..."

  Liu Changfu is also a bit distressed. He knows a little bit about the Huaqing Holding Company, an enterprise in Shanxi Province. Some time ago, the leaders of Magic Capital wanted Huaqing Holdings to settle in Magic Capital.

  It took a lot of effort. Of course, after the Huaqing holding company came to the magic city, it did not live up to the expectations of the leaders.

  Suddenly develop two 500-meter-high buildings in Pudong, and then see a clothing factory and a beverage factory.

  Plus an automobile factory, he doesn't know how much money will be needed to invest in these, but it will be more than 2 billion to say nothing.

  Such a big investment, of course, it is a joy for the leaders.

  So I arranged the wife of Huaqing Holding Company Jiang Dong's with me, and I had no room for rejection at all.

  Huaqing Holding Company is mad at the mountains and rivers, and he can only wait on it.

  (End of this chapter)

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