Chapter 1653 Remembrance

  Liu Changfu is a little helpless, a little helpless to speak of, some years ago, Modu Diesel Engine Factory was also a big domestic coffee maker.

  The tonnage is so big, you have to sit in the front row wherever you go for meetings.

   was originally called Wusong Machinery Factory, but in 1947, it was renamed Modu Diesel Engine Factory.

The name    sounds like ordinary, not so tall.

  However, the history is very glorious. In 1958, Modu Diesel Engine Factory designed the first fully domestic diesel engine in China, that is, the 6135 diesel engine.

   can also be regarded as a pioneer in the manufacture of medium-power high-speed diesel engines in China.

  At the same time, it can be regarded as establishing the position of Modu Diesel Engine Factory in the country.

  In those years, the Modu Diesel Engine Factory was infinite.

   But these years have passed, not to mention that the diesel engine factory is lonely, at least some of the stamina is insufficient, unlike the original.

  This time, Huaqing Holdings will invest more than 2 billion in Modu alone, and now the total assets of Modu Diesel Engine Factory are about 2 billion.

  How to compare with others, there is absolutely no way to compare.

  Madu Diesel Engine Factory is no longer beautiful, Huaqing Holding Company, a private company.

  If this was placed ten years ago, would Huaqing Holding Co., Ltd. still have a turn to dictate to itself?

  Huaqing Holding Company can’t even reach the heels of Modu Diesel Engine Factory.

  In the past few years, private enterprises have grown bigger and stronger.

   While state-owned enterprises have generally become lonely, even if they are not lonely, they also lack stamina.

  Restructuring, restructuring, and restructuring issues he has been thinking about since 1979, so he will remember to have a meeting in Beijing and discuss this issue with Mr. Zhou from Shougang.

  At that time, there was a small glass factory in the capital that did a good job. The person in charge was a young guy who had ideas.

what do you say that is? I can't think of it anymore, but later I heard that he was also dismissed from the position of factory director for the reform.

  I never saw it again, and I never heard of any more reforms.

  Liu Changfu’s thinking has been particularly proliferated. Perhaps this is how people are getting older, and they are always willing to recall some things in the past.

  Speaking of which, that young man is very good, but he was a little too arrogant. At the time, Mr. Zhou Lao of Shougang did not invite him as an assistant to the factory director.

  At that time, I wanted to invite that young man, but unfortunately, even Shougang refused, not to mention Mordu Diesel Engine Factory.

  Now that young man doesn’t know what’s going on anymore. If he chose to come to Modu Diesel Engine Factory with himself at the beginning, he might be one of his own cadres now.

   "Okay, get ready. You and I will go over tonight, although someone invited us to dinner.

  However, Director Zheng will also come to attend, we still have to go early, can't hold it, hold it. "

  Liu Changfu confessed, and then sent the assistant away.

  After the assistant left, he originally wanted to call Longgang’s Director Zhao Gang Zhao to find out the situation of Zhao Xinyi.

  After all, he and Zhao Gang are familiar with each other, but as soon as he picked up the phone, a deputy came in with the company's restructuring plan.

  Modu diesel engine has been developed for decades now, and it is time to change it completely, otherwise, there may be no chance for restructuring in the future.

  Yes, Modu Diesel Engine Factory is also preparing to change into a joint-stock company.

  On the other side, Baoshi Apartment, watching the time is almost up, Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Xinyi also set off from home.

   Jiang Xiaobai wore a more casual dress, just a white long-sleeved shirt, a pair of slacks, and a pair of beige leather shoes.

  Zhao Xinyi is more solemn, a yellow shirt with three-quarter cuffs.

  A pair of black flared pants, plus a pair of high heels.

  The whole person looks very tall and prominent, with a long black hair pierced at random behind his head.

  Although she is already thirty years old and the mother of two children, Zhao Xinyi still looks like a girl.

  The face has both the playfulness of a girl and the flavor of a mature woman.

  Li Longquan drove the Huahai No. 1 car and waited downstairs on time. Li Longquan’s dress was going to be much more formal, with black leather shoes, suit pants, and long-sleeved white shirt.

   "Dong Jiang, Director Zhao." Li Longquan took care of him.

  He is older than Zhao Xinyi, and it is not appropriate to call his younger brothers and sisters, and it is not good to call him by name directly, so he has always addressed Zhao Xinyi's position.

   "Brother Li, let's go." Zhao Xinyi nodded and said.

  Here, Jiang Xiaobai set off, and Zhang Weiyi has already taken someone to the Magic City Old Hotel to start making arrangements.

  And Liu Changfu also set off from Modu Diesel Engine Factory.

   Soon, Jiang Xiaobai arrived at the door of the Magic City Old Hotel.

   "Lao Zhang." Jiang Xiaobai greeted.

   "Dong Jiang, Director Zhao." Zhang Weiyi is also called the same as Li Longquan.

   "Brother Zhang." Zhao Xinyi smiled: "Thanks for your hard work, I came here to work so early."

   "Hey, what's the hard work of this, it should be." Zhang Weiyi waved his hand and said indifferently.

   Several people were talking, and a black Santana stopped next to it.

  Zheng Qingyun got off the car and looked at Zhao Xinyi and said, "Xinyi, it's been a long time."

   "Brother Zheng."

   "I am already the mother of two children, and my younger siblings are still so beautiful. Xiaobai is really blessed to have a good helper like you..."

   "Hehe, Zheng Ge is too rewarding." Zhao Xinyi said modestly.

   "No, no, brother and sister, I am really not exaggerating at all, really..." Several people chatted, none of them were outsiders.

  Zheng Qingyun is not an outsider, so he is more cordial when speaking.

  While several people were talking, another black Santana sedan, which looked a little shabby, stopped at the door.

  A man who appeared to be in his fifties got out of the car.

   "Director Zheng, hello, sorry, sorry, I'm late, how can you let you wait for me."

  Liu Changfu shook Zheng Qingyun's hand and said, not to say that his level as a Modu diesel engine factory is lower than Zheng Qingyun.

  But now Modu Diesel Engine Factory is undergoing shareholding reform. This plan needs to be approved by the city.

  People like Zheng Qingyun may not be of much help, they can only deliver a word or something.

  But if Zheng Qingyun wants something bad, there is definitely no problem.

   "Haha, I just arrived, not too late, not too late, come and let me introduce you." Zheng Qingyun smiled and shook hands with Liu Changfu.

  "This is Huaqing Holding Company...No, it should be called a group now, Jiang Dong of Huaqing Holding Group."

   "Dong Jiang, this is Director Liu of Modu Diesel Engine Factory."

  Zheng Qingyun introduced them to them.

  "Jiang Donghao." Liu Changfu and Jiang Xiaobai shook hands. It has been more than ten years since they met in Beijing in 1979. Liu Changfu did not recognize Jiang Xiaobai, and Jiang Xiaobai also did not recognize Liu Changfu.

  (End of this chapter)

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