Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1658: Personnel System

   Chapter 1658 Personnel System

   "I just came back from Beijing yesterday. I invited the experts you brought back from abroad to the magic city and just settled down." Mao Zhenghua said.

   "Dong Jiang, we are preparing to report to you. The bidding plan has just been completed. Take a look..." Tian Yuan handed a plan to Jiang Xiaobai.

   "Okay, sit down." Jiang Xiaobai asked the two of them to sit down, and then watched for himself.

  The bidding plan and the bidding plan for the two buildings are basically the same. The security deposit and the bidding method are basically the same.

  The only difference is that the scale of the car factory is not that big.

  Relatively speaking, it is much simpler.

  "Where is the production line? Have you discussed with Liu Jian?" Jiang Xiaobai glanced at the bidding plan, and then threw the bidding plan aside.

  Then asked about the production line.

  "It has been negotiated. The factory here starts basic work, and the production there will be sent to the domestic side. It is a whole production line..." Mao Zhenghuahui reported.

   "Okay, if you have anything you don’t understand, please communicate with President Liu and him more. If it doesn’t work, let Liu Jian send a group of technicians to assist in the construction..." Jiang Xiaobai said

  The basic strength of the domestic Huahai Automobile Factory is very weak. Although Jiang Xiaobai has brought back some experts and technical talents from abroad before, it is still far from enough compared to an automobile factory.

  "Already talking with Mr. Liu, basically it's almost there, and there will be a group of technical support personnel coming by the end of this month.

  The three-month period is mainly about the construction of the plant, including the installation of some production lines in the later period..."

  After I finished speaking, he paused and said, "Jiang Dong, talk about talent.

  I think we still need to cultivate our own talents.

  In fact, the company is not only short of talents on our Huahai Automobile Plant, but the entire Huaqing Holding Company lacks talents. "

   Jiang Xiaobai nodded and motioned to Tian Yuan to continue.

  "I noticed that although our company has been recruiting talents in the graduation season each year in recent years, the results have not been very effective, so I wonder if our company can organize a large-scale recruitment this year..."

  "Large-scale recruitment?" Jiang Xiaobai muttered. Since the past few years, Huaqing Holdings will go to several universities in a targeted manner to recruit a batch of graduates.

  Beijing Normal University in Beijing, which is Jiang Xiaobai’s alma mater, is the university with the most recruiters.

  Others are the few schools in Longcheng, Jin Province that recruit the most. However, how many talents can be recruited is a big question mark.

  In addition, some college students ran away after staying for a period of time, which caused brain drain, which was also a problem.

  More importantly, the relocation of the company's headquarters this time is a serious brain drain.

   Jiang Xiaobai knows all these problems, but he has always felt that they are caused by the times.

  By the time it is two more years, college students will not be allocated assignments after graduation. After the expansion of college enrollment, when it is difficult for college students to find a job at that time, these problems can be solved logically.

  "Yes, organize a large-scale recruitment work. We can set up recruitment sessions in Beijing, Magic City, Pengcheng, Yangcheng and other major cities.

  Each company of the company conducts recruitment in a unified manner, and recruits employees on a large scale for targeted training..."

  Tian Yuan talked about his own thoughts, and became more excited as he talked about it, and finally even talked about the company's personnel system.

  "For the company's personnel issues, it is necessary to introduce a new personnel system plan to form a company's personnel rotation system.

  This can solve certain corporate headquarters laziness problems and..."

  Tianyuan still has some insights on personnel issues.

  "At that time, we can set up a warning sign at the door of the company, and organize employees to carry out some activities from time to time, such as mountain climbing, such as long-distance running... and the development of these activities must not be a formality.

  We must design a reward and punishment system, and if we fail to pass, we will resolutely expel...

  Jiang Xiaobai sounded a little speechless. This system is unnecessary. The company recruited employees to bring benefits to the company.

  It’s okay to carry out some activities appropriately, but if you can’t climb the mountain, you will be expelled. This kind of thing is a little weird and unkind.

  However, this point cannot be used, and some other problems can be used for reference.

   Jiang Xiaobai thought about it and stopped talking, Tian Yuan also suddenly realized and asked: "Jiang Dong, am I talking too much?"

   "No, no." Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand again and again: "It is very good, you continue to say..."

   "Okay." Tian Yuan was also polite, continuing to talk about his thoughts.

  Jiang Xiaobai listened patiently, and from time to time he took a pen to write in the notebook.

After Tian Yuan finished speaking, Jiang Xiaobai looked at Tian Yuan and asked, "Tian Yuan, do you have this personnel work experience?"

   "No." Tian Yuan shook his head: "Jiang Dong, this is just a suggestion. If there is something wrong, just treat it as I didn't say anything."

   "No, no, no." Jiang Xiaobai stood up and poured a cup of tea for Tian Yuan: "It is very good, and it has benefited a lot. I think the company should organize a training course for the personnel department.

  Call people from the personnel department of the headquarters and personnel departments of various companies over, listen to you, and let them study hard..."

   "Dong Jiang won the prize." Tian Yuan had a smile on his face.

   "Pastoral, do you want to do some personnel work?" Jiang Xiaobai's face showed the look of Grandma Wolf.

  Dianyuan hasn't reacted yet, Mao Zhenghua on the side hurriedly said: "Jiang Dong, now the SAIC Huahai Automobile Plant has just started. There are so many things in the work, can I leave the field?

  Otherwise, I can’t be too busy by myself, then I have to choose..."

  "Don't talk for now." Jiang Xiaobai glared at Mao Zhenghua, then looked at Tian Yuan gently: "What do you think of the manager of the company's personnel department? Are you interested?

  First exercise for a while. If you do well, I will immediately promote you to the person in charge of the personnel department, that is, the director of human resources, CHO. what do you think? "

   Jiang Xiaobai threw out his own bait, although Huaqing Holding Company has not yet divided its responsibilities.

  But sooner or later, the positions of CEO, CFO, CTO, CAO, COO, etc. will be allocated in detail.

   Jiang Xiaobai already had an idea about this matter. It's just that the company has just moved to the magic city, and there is a lot of work. Jiang Xiaobai hasn't spared time to plan this.

  But it did not hinder him, Jiang Xiaobai first took out a position to seduce Tian Yuan.

  (End of this chapter)

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