Chapter 1659

  CHO, Director of Human Resources, Tian Yuan is a little moved, and he can be promoted to the top of the company in no time.

  Human Resources Director, this definitely belongs to the top in the company, and it is still more important in the top.

   "CHO, human resources..." Tian Yuan mumbled.

Mao Zhenghua beside    was anxious to death. He obviously brought the countryside to report his work, but now he is about to report to the people.

  However, Jiang Xiaobai refused to let him speak, and now he can only use his eyes to pray for Tian Yuan to read the feelings of his classmates, stay and do not leave the car factory.

  Jiang Xiaobai looked at Tianyuan, waiting for the decision of Tianyuan.

  Look at Mao Zhenghua and Jiang Xiaobai in the pastoral field. It was a little difficult to decide for a while.

   "Dong Jiang, or give me some time to think about it," Tian Yuan said.

  Jiang Xiaobai frowned: "A big man, a mother-in-law, do it if you want to do it, or pull it down if you don't want to do it.

  All work in the company, but a small adjustment in the position does not go to other places, but also consider.

  You are so indecisive, I don’t think you can do anything..."

  After being scolded in Tian Yuan, his face was black and he didn't know what to say. It was not the first time he saw Jiang Xiaobai scolding someone, but it was the first time he was scolded.

  I have long heard that Jiang Xiaobai has a moody temper. It is normal to be scolded when working with Jiang Xiaobai.

  But he did not expect that the first time he was scolded, it turned out to be because of this.

   "Just think about it here, I'll give you three minutes." Jiang Xiaobai said irresistibly, then lit a cigarette and watched the time go by.

  One minute later, Tianyuan Yangbo said: "I think it's still the car factory."

Although    was scolded, it did not affect the judgment of the pastoral.

  Although after arriving at the headquarters, it seems that the future is open, as long as the personnel do a good job, you can be the director of human resources.

  Becoming one of the company’s top executives, Jiang Xiaobai’s words still count. He trusts 100% on this point. Jiang Xiaobai is not the kind of leader who draws big pie.

  But when I came to the company, I didn’t get any results. I was directly involved in personnel work, and there was a problem in terms of qualifications.

  Also, it seems that I am a little unreliable. It is better to make a little achievement in the car factory first, and then if there is such a suitable opportunity again.

   Then it’s not too late to come by yourself.

   "Think about it, this kind of opportunity isn't always there!" Jiang Xiaobai reminded.

   "Think about it." Tian Yuan said.

Mao Zhenghua beside    was a long sigh of relief. Although he had an idea in his heart, he was still young.

  Now and Tian Yuan, both of them are doing this very hard.

  If Tianyuan leaves at this time, it will be very difficult for him to be in charge of such a large automobile factory by himself.

  Now that the garden can stay, two people can discuss this if there is something to do.

   "It's okay, let's do it in the car factory for a while." Jiang Xiaobai didn't care too much. He just said it casually.

  Since Tianyuan wants to take root in the car factory to make some achievements, he has no objection.

   "However, for the talent recruitment technology you mentioned, I will come back to get a plan and send it over. I will take a look. If possible, you can be the person in charge of this matter, and then let the headquarters personnel department cooperate with you..." Jiang Xiaobai said.

   "Huh?" Tian Yuan looked distressed, and let Jiang Xiaobai catch the young man again. The car factory was already busy.

   "Okay, go, go." Jiang Xiaobai waved away the two people.

  After leaving Jiang Xiaobai’s office, Tian Yuan’s face was still a bit bitter.

  But I was very happy. Although he did not choose to come to the headquarters to take charge of personnel affairs, Jiang Xiaobai seemed to be a young man in the end, but it also gave him a chance to get in touch with personnel work.

  If you can work at the Huahai Automobile Plant, you can also do a little work on the personnel side of the headquarters at the same time.

  That is simply the best of both worlds.

   "Man, to be honest, I was really afraid that you promised Jiang Dong just now, so what can I do if I leave my brother alone.

  Don’t talk about other things, brother enough, talk about loyalty, I will invite you to drink tonight..." Mao Zhenghua said proudly, patting Tian Yuan’s shoulder.

   "One meal is not enough, three meals." Tian Yuan also took the opportunity to ask.

  It turned out that when they were in Beijing, even though they were also classmates, it wouldn’t matter how good the relationship was.

   But now they come to work at Huaqing Company, and their relationship is relatively better.

   "Oh, by the way, Dongsheng should be back from Xiangjiang soon, right?"

   "It's coming soon, that is, at the end of this month, I have already contacted Dongsheng." Mao Zhenghua said.

"Okay, when he comes back, let's have a good drink. I heard that he is going to be an auction house. After this step, the ups and downs of starting a business will not be easy..." Tian Yuan said with emotion. .

  Chen Dongsheng’s going out is definitely free, and the future is full of infinite possibilities.

  But it will also face many problems. There will be a lot of ups and downs in the future. Unlike the two of them working in a car factory, Jiang Xiaobai will protect them from the wind and rain.

  The path chosen is different!

  On the other side, as soon as the two people left Jiang Xiaobai’s office, Jiang Xiaobai received a call from Liu Jian.

   "What's wrong, Mr. Liu, just now Mao Zhenghua and Tian Yuan came over, and we were talking about you." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

  "What about me? I'm not bad to these two boys. These two boys are not suing me!" Liu Jian asked with a smile.

   "No, I say you support their work. How are you doing with Mosco?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

   "Very good, I called today just to report to you about the work in the factory." Liu Jian said.

   "Okay, just tell me, I just have some time to listen to you chat." Jiang Xiaobai opened the phone hands-free and said.

  It has been a while since Liu Jian has been to the North Huahai Automobile Factory, half a year ago. Jiang Xiaobai has never asked what the situation is. He trusts Liu Jian very much.

  Everything but asking, let Liu Jian toss himself.

   "This is Jiang Dong. Today, not only I, but also Manager Huang are here. We have formally reported to you on the affairs of the two companies in the last period of time." Liu Jian said over the phone.

   "Okay, let's go ahead." Jiang Xiaobai said casually, but he was a little confused about when Liu Jian and Mr. Huang got together, but the two were still reporting on work together.

It stands to reason that one of them is an automobile factory and the other is a bank. Although Huahai Automobile Factory is a subsidiary of Flower Bank, there is no overlap in the work between the two. How can they report to work together? Up.

  (End of this chapter)

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