Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1661: Ready to travel again

   Chapter 1661 Ready to travel again

  After Jiang Xiaobai waited for Mr. Huang to finish speaking, he said, “I agree in principle. You make a plan first. After I get to the north, we will discuss the details.”

   "Okay, Jiang Dong." Mr. Huang responded on the phone, he did not expect, Jiang Xiaobai directly agreed on the two things he said on the phone.

  Such a big matter, it must be met and discussed.

  The reason why he asked Liu Jianxian to report is to know if Jiang Xiaobai will come to the north.

  If Jiang Xiaobai does not come to the north of Mosco for the time being, he will prepare to return home after he finishes reporting on the phone.

  Hang up the phone, Jiang Xiaobai sighed and was going on a business trip again.

   "Xiaojin, find Mr. Zhang for me." Jiang shouted.

   "Okay." Zhao Xiaojin responded, and soon brought Zhang Weiyi over.

   "Lao Zhang, I just called the north side. I may need to go to the north side some time later. Mr. Liu and the others have already designed a low-end car..."

   Jiang Xiaobai probably informed Zhang Weiyi about what Liu Jian and the others reported just now.

   "That's okay. You took care of Wenju's affairs before you left. Everyone recognizes them. I know you don't worry about your sister-in-law and them.

  Don’t worry, there are so many people in our company in the magic city, so my sister-in-law must have no problem here..."

  Zhang Weiyi looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said, he knew what Jiang Xiaobai was worried about, but he couldn't do it for Jiang Xiaobai.

  And he has a lot of things on his own.

   "Well, okay, then the day after tomorrow, let's go over and lively together," Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while and nodded.

   "By the way, there is one more thing. For those companies in the north, such as steel resources, the Flower Bank is going to dump out a batch.

  I agree with this, but I always feel a little uncomfortable selling it to other countries.

  You are like this, let out the news that Flower Bank is going to sell a batch of steel plants.

  See if anyone in China is interested! "Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while and said.

   "There is no problem in releasing the news, but what is the identity?" Zhang Weiyi asked, on the face of it, there is nothing to do with Flower Bank and Huaqing Holdings.

  Flower Bank is a foreign bank in Mosco in the north of the foreign country, while Huaqing Holding Company is ostensibly a Xiangjiang enterprise.

   On the surface, the two companies have nothing to do with each other, so Zhang Weiyi is to release the news of Flower Bank, and he also needs to have a suitable identity.

  Zhang Weiyi can’t figure out Jiang Xiaobai’s thoughts, is he trying to explode foreign companies?

  "Moscow Huahai Automobile Factory, which cooperates with Shanghai Huahai Automobile Factory, is a subsidiary of Flower Bank, so it would be fine to release it under the name of the news.

  If someone is interested, let them get in touch and show them the information. If you have any ideas, you can follow me to the north to discuss in detail..." Jiang Xiaobai exhorted.

  If foreign companies can not be exposed, it’s better not to expose them. You should leave a way for yourself, no matter what time it is.

  Of course, Jiang Xiaobai does not regard the confidentiality work of foreign companies as an important matter.

  If it is not exposed, it will not be exposed. If it is exposed, anyway, those companies are all abroad, and their assets are all abroad.

   "Okay, I'll do it now." Zhang Weiyi stood up and said, as for the information on the Flower Bank, he doesn't need to pass Jiang Xiaobai.

  The Flower Bank is where he used to work. Just say hello to Mr. Huang.

  Zhang Weiyi left, Jiang Xiaobai looked at the sky outside, and it was getting late, packed up his things, and then drove to pick up Jiang Langlang.

  After taking the child home, Zhao Xinyi mentioned the plan to go to work in the diesel engine factory tomorrow morning while eating.

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded, and greeted Liu Changfu after having dinner. It was not good for Zhao Xinyi to report.

  "Well, tomorrow morning, after we go to send Langlang to school, I will drive to see you again, and then let someone send you a car in the morning."

  Zhao Xinyi's car did not come over in Longcheng, so it was left to Han Lin to drive.

"Okay." Zhao Xinyi nodded, but said again: "Don't have a good car. I'm the deputy director of a branch factory. The driving is already very high-profile. If you drive another luxury car, it won't be good. "

  After all, I’m in the magic city now, not in Dragon City. Many places are still different, but I just came to a new place, and I need to pay more attention.

   "Okay, Santana." Jiang Xiaobai said. If Zhao Xinyi didn't say anything, he would be ready to run his tiger's head to Zhao Xinyi.

  After all, Hutou Ben hasn't been driving for a long time. Although he has changed cars now, Hutou Ben is still brand new.

  If you drive to someone else, Jiang Xiaobai feels a little bit separated. After all, there is a saying called "Car and wife are not forbidden to borrow."

  If it is the same as before, and the car is not enough to drive, Jiang Xiaobai’s original Dongfeng Citroen will also be driven by other people in the factory.

  If there are conditions now, Jiang Xiaobai will of course not be willing to let others drive the car.

  But such a good car, it hasn't been long since it has been driven, and it has been left in the garage now. Jiang Xiaobai feels a bit wasteful.

  It is just right for the daughter-in-law Zhao Xinyi to open it.

   But if Zhao Xinyi doesn’t want it now, he can only replace Zhao Xinyi with another one.

  But the company's car, now the worst is Santana.

   "Okay." Zhao Xinyi nodded.

  "It’s not a new car. You can drive it for a while, and after our auto factory officially starts production, we will customize a car for you.

  A little more comfortable, but at the same time low-key, others don’t know what car you are driving. "Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

  Currently, the SAIC Huahai Automobile Plant is preparing. After the automobile plant is put into production, the worry of the daughter-in-law Zhao Xinyi will not be a problem.

  My own car factory can customize a car for Zhao Xinyi, just like my own car now.

  Customized, others don’t know how much it costs, so it’s not good or bad.

   "Don't be so troublesome." Zhao Xinyi waved her hand and refused, but she was also a little happy in her heart.

  Others may still need to buy a car to set off her identity, but she needs to customize the car to keep a low profile.

  Of course, Zhao Xinyi knows that Jiang Xiaobai customized the car for herself mainly because of safety issues.

   "It's no trouble, just listen to me." Jiang Xiaobai smiled and patted Zhao Xinyi on the shoulder, and then looked at Li Lan on the side.

   "Little Li, I will arrange it another day. You can also learn a driver's license if you take the time."

  "Should I learn a driver's license?" Li Lan's eyes widened suddenly, full of doubts.

  (End of this chapter)

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