Chapter 1662 Report

   "Yes, you go to learn a driver's license. If I am busy with work and Xinyi is also busy in the future, you can drive to pick up the two children to and from school." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  Cars are luxury goods for many people at this time, but for Jiang Xiaobai, who owns the car factory, it is just a commodity.

  As long as there is a need, many cars can be prepared at home.

   "I, I... can it work?" Li Lan pointed to herself and asked a little hesitantly.

  To learn to drive, Li Lan, of course, would like it. At this time, the driver is a gold-collar job.

  There is a driving skill, but this time it is a very high skill.

  And listening to Jiang Xiaobai’s tone, he might also equip himself with a car, and then he will drive the car in Modu...

  A little girl who came out of her own small village, she did not expect such a day.

  Thinking about this scene makes people's heart fascinating...

   "You can do it, just drive, you are young and smart, you will be able to learn soon." Jiang Xiaobai said.

   "Okay, thank you boss Jiang." Li Lan stood up excitedly and said.

  Recently, Jiang Xiaobai was at home all day, and Li Lan became familiar with Jiang Xiaobai.

   "You are welcome." Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and said.

  Zhao Xinyi asked about her son’s performance in school again.

   Jiang Langlang said distressedly: "Many students in the school will say what they are here..."

   "What are you talking about?" Jiang Xiaobai didn't understand it all at once.

   "Little chick..." Jiang Langlang said vividly.

   "Haha." Jiang Xiaobai laughed directly.

   "You are still smiling, what did you learn at this young age..." Zhao Xinyi taught her son with a stern face and enduring a smile.

  But at the end, she laughed out loud.

  The atmosphere at the dinner table was very good, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly mentioned casually about going abroad for a while.

   "Well, you go, don't worry, don't worry." Zhao Xinyi comforted, he knew what Jiang Xiaobai was worried about.

   "Well, Wen Ju the next night, Xiao Li, please prepare, there may be a few people coming over." Jiang Xiaobai ordered again, without saying anything more.

  To be on a business trip is to be on a business trip. To be ashamed of Zhao Xinyi and their mothers is to be ashamed of their mothers. There is nothing to say.

  The next morning, Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Xinyi packed up their things and took Jiang Langlang to school.

   "Dad, mom, you all go to work, or let me take care of my sister at home!" Jiang Langlang said babblingly.

  Not only to take care of his sister at home, but also to cook at home and clean up the housework. Jiang Langlang made many promises, regardless of whether he could or not.

  However, Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Xinyi ignored all Jiang Langlang's suggestions.

  Sent to the school gate, resolutely let Jiang Langlang go to school.

   Then Jiang Xiaobai sent Zhao Xinyi to the factory. At the door of the factory, Jiang Xiaobai got off the car too, and wanted to send Zhao Xinyi.

  But was stopped by Zhao Xinyi: "Well, Xiaobai, I am not a kid anymore, and I will send you to work."

   "No, I am not... worried..." Jiang Xiaobai explained.

   "Well, what are you worried about? I can still be bullied with you. It is estimated that many people in the factory at this time are a little afraid that I am a second-generation ancestor, a pretty unreasonable Miss Jiao." Zhao Xinyi said with a smile.

  She could feel it from Liu Changfu’s words and expressions that day.

   Even Liu Changfu, the factory manager, feels that she is unwilling to provoke, but has to accept it.

  Not to mention other people, so the attitude of other people in the factory towards her can be imagined.

   Jiang Xiaobai got in the car and watched his wife disappear in his sight, which made Li Longquan start the car and walk towards the Asia Building.

  Zhao Xinyi came to report and the first stop was of course Liu Changfu’s office.

  Liu Changfu is very polite to Zhao Xinyi, there is no way to be polite, the background behind Zhao Xinyi is too hard, she can't afford it.

  Not to mention Zhao Gang, who is far away in Longcheng, Zhao Gang doesn't care, anyway, after leaving Jin Province, his influence has decreased a lot.

  However, Zhao Gang is also an old friend of his own. The daughter of an old friend comes to work here. If she can't take care of her, it won't be nice to be told.

It’s not the most important thing that    doesn’t sound good. The key is that there is Jiang Xiaobai behind her. Jiang Xiaobai is in the magic city, but she has a great influence.

  Liu Changfu arranged a welcome banquet for Zhao Xinyi in the factory in the evening, and the personnel department took Zhao Xinyi to their branch to report.

  The deputy director of a branch plant took office, and the director personally arranged the welcome banquet, which is very clear.

  Instead, he called the person in charge of his personnel department directly.

  Wang Bo knew who Zhao Xinyi was in an instant, Jiang Xiaobai’s wife, no wonder, no wonder she was able to become Jiang Xiaobai’s wife.

  It’s a bit too pretty, but Wang Bo just took a look and then looked back, don’t look at any indecent.

  No matter how beautiful she is, it has nothing to do with her. If the wife of Huaqing Holding Company Jiang Xiaobai dared to provoke her, she probably wouldn't know how to die.

  Also, such a beautiful woman, if it were not for Jiang Xiaobai’s wife, it is estimated that she would end up...

  The person in charge of the personnel department, Wang Bo, thought to fly and brought Zhao Xinyi to a branch factory.

  The director of the first branch was also very shocked by Zhao Xinyi, shocked by Zhao Xinyi's beauty, but this is conceivable, after all, it is the wife of the chairman of Huaqing Holding Group. If she is not beautiful, it can become the wife of the chairman!

  However, he was more shocked by Zhao Xinyi's youth than he was shocked by Zhao Xinyi's beauty.

  Looking at how old this look is, it’s about twenty-five years old, Zhao Xinyi's information and files have been transferred to Long Gang, but he did not look carefully.

  Recently, the factory was busy restructuring, and he didn’t have time to look at these things.

  Even if you die, you won’t be over twenty-eight years old.

  Look at Zhao Xinyi, who turned out to be the deputy director of the branch at such a young age.

  I have worked hard all my life, and now I am just a branch manager.

  In the world, I am afraid of comparing two words. Think about myself, I have worked hard for a whole life, and I have come to today.

   And they just look good and have a good life. When married to Jiang Xiaobai, he easily became the deputy director of the branch factory.

  Wang Bo was envious, and even a little jealous, but the director of a branch factory is a person who has lived for most of his life after all, and has a big picture and political consciousness.

  Notify the senior and middle-level leaders of a branch plant to meet in the afternoon and announce the news of Zhao Xinyi's appointment.

  Originally, a welcome banquet was held for Zhao Xinyi in the evening, but Wang Bo stopped him and said that Director Liu Changfu was sitting in the east and welcoming Zhao Xinyi.

  For an instant, the manager of a branch factory felt sour in his heart.

  (End of this chapter)

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