Chapter 1678

  At the end of the dinner, Jiang Xiaobai left to change the venue, and Director Lu was still waiting for him.

  When Jiang Xiaobai came in, Director Lu and two people were waiting in the private room. There was a TV in the private room and they were watching the news.

  The cold dishes on the table are here, and there are two bottles of wine.

   "Old Lu."

"Xiaobai is here. Sit down. I thought you should be able to end it for a while. I didn't expect you to come so quickly." Director Lu greeted him. He and Jiang Xiaobai have always had a good relationship, but he wouldn't. Because there was something to ask for this time, so I cursed Jiang Xiaobai.

  Jiang Xiaobai is not that kind of person either, so he pulled the chair away and sat down on his own.

   "Didn't I know that Brother Lu was waiting for me, so I found a chance and slipped out." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

   "Haha, Xiao Liu, go tell the waiter to serve hot dishes." Director Lu arranged for the young people around him to go out to greet the dishes.

  Another young man has made Jiang Xiaobai tea.

   "These two are my new assistants, both graduated from university, capable and knowledgeable..." Director Lu probably introduced Jiang Xiaobai.

   Jiang Xiaobai nodded with a smile, but didn't say anything, just two new assistants.

  Even the college graduates are very tender, Jiang Xiaobai sat down to drink tea with a teacup.

   "Xiao Bai, I don't want to go around, Zhang Weiyi should have told you, I am determined to win the steel plant." Factory Director Lu said directly.

   "Well, Zhang Weiyi told me before." Jiang Xiaobai nodded.

   Soon the food was ready. After Jiang Xiaobai had a drink, he didn't drink much. He didn't drink less when he was hosting the bidding construction companies just now.

  There are no outsiders at this time, just Director Lu and him, so it’s enough to have a drink, and Director Lu can also understand.

  "On our universal joint side, I still prefer to have my own steel plant, even if it does not require an annual output of several tons.

  But at least it must be enough for our own business..."

  Director Lu did not conceal Jiang Xiaobai, and talked about his own thoughts.

   Jiang Xiaobai did not comment, and listened carefully.

  In fact, the idea of ​​Director Lu is not uncommon, who can be willing to be caught in his own upper class.

  Incapable, it doesn't matter if there are no conditions, of course I want to hold it in my own hands if I have the ability.

  "In China, steel plants are basically with the initials of the national character, let alone whether they can intervene, even if they intervene, there are not many opportunities.

  The raw materials are in the hands of others again. This time I will watch after you released the news. There is a small and medium-sized steel plant and an iron sand mine. I am determined to get it. "

  Director Lu was also not polite with Jiang Xiaobai, and directly talked about the thoughts in his heart.

   "Yes, I support you." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  "Xiaobai, tell me honestly, how sure are you whether you can speak in the north?

  I told you, this time I will do whatever it takes. "Director Lu talked to Jiang Xiaobai heartily.

  Jiang Xiaobai smiled: "Haha, Lao Lu, since you have said that, then I will not hide it from you. This time as long as you want it, I will get it for you. There is no relationship between the two of us."

  "Okay, thank you Xiaobai. I won't say any extra polite words. You will squeak out wherever I can be used in the future." Director Lu said.

   "I toast you a cup."

   "Okay." Jiang Xiaobai had another drink.

  The two young people next to him were still winking, watching Jiang Xiaobai drinking a glass of wine, and hurriedly refilling Jiang Xiaobai with tea.

   "There is the car factory?" Director Lu asked tentatively.

  "I agree in principle, let them talk about the specific details!" Jiang Xiaobai said.

  Director Lu, they did a good job of auto parts. Coupled with the relationship between the two, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t need to cooperate with others.

   "Haha, happy, it would be nice if you can talk about business like this." Director Lu laughed loudly.

   "What are you thinking about, I started dreaming before it gets dark." Jiang Xiaobai had a black line on his face.

  Actually, two people say they are discussing business, but there is friendship between the two parties, so it is naturally impossible to see it at a glance. It is probably almost fine. Of course, cooperation will start wherever they can cooperate.

  Now it is Factory Manager Lu who comes to his door to seek cooperation. Jiang Xiaobai believes that if one day changes and he seeks out Factory Manager Lu for cooperation, he will treat him in the same way.

   "Haha." Director Lu also smiled, and the next two people chatted for a while about the company's listing.

  Recently, not only Jiang Xiaobai is busy with the listing of his home and beverage factory, but also the director Lu is thinking about listing his company.

   "Actually, this time I came to Magic City, just to take a look at the stock market of Magic City, and examine where we are listed in Wanxiang." To Jiang Xiaobai, Factory Manager Lu said directly.

   "But this time when I came here, I found that the Shanghai Stock Exchange on the Modu's side may be a little different from what I thought. It is not very good, how to say..." Factory Manager Lu pondered his words.

   "It's like a pool of stagnant water." Jiang Xiaobai added help.

  Director Lu nodded. This was his third purpose in coming to the magic city. He knew that Jiang Xiaobai’s home and beverage factory wanted to be listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange of the magic city.

   But he sees the current situation at the Shanghai Stock Exchange a bit bad.

  After this year, the domestic investment environment is very good, not only foreign investment, but also the domestic investment market.

  The number of domestic shareholders has exceeded 2 million.

  The Shanghai Stock Exchange is in sharp contrast with the hot investment market in the country.

  In the first few months, the index reached 1588 points, but it has been declining since then.

  By the end of last month, that is, at the end of May, the above is to rectify the financial order.

  Decided to increase the RMB deposit and loan interest rates, and the stock index fell sharply and fell below 1,000 points.

   "So you want to be listed on the Pengcheng Exchange?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

   "Hmm." Director Lu nodded, he had this idea.

  The stock market on the Shanghai Stock Exchange has been sluggish. He doesn't know why, but in this case, he cannot place his bet on the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded, he could understand Director Lu’s thoughts.

  "When are you going to go public?" Jiang Xiaobai continued to ask.

  If Director Lu is not in a hurry, he thinks that Director Lu can wait. If his memory is correct, the Shanghai Stock Exchange will be activated at the end of this year.

  There is a catfish in the middle, which plays an important role.

   "Of course we will get better sooner." Director Lu said. He is different from Jiang Xiaobai. Jiang Xiaobai just prepared. He has been preparing for a long time.

  (End of this chapter)

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