Chapter 1679

  In fact, it is good to go public if it is not good to go public.

  A listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange is better than the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange? Is listing on the New York Stock Exchange better than the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and Hong Kong Stock Exchange?

   Jiang Xiaobai thinks that is not the case. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The most important thing is to see where the company is suitable for listing.

  What suits you is the best, and it may be better to be listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange at this stage.

  The time is right, you can also delist it, and then get it to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange or the New York Stock Exchange!

  However, in general, the Shanghai Stock Exchange was established a bit earlier than the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. In the beginning, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange was modeled after the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

  However, the performance of the Shanghai Stock Exchange in the recent period is indeed a bit weak.

  But according to the progress of the Shanghai Stock Exchange in my memory, it will change by the end of the year.

   Originally Jiang Xiaobai was going to persuade him, but now that Director Lu is anxious, Jiang Xiaobai doesn’t say much.

  After having dinner with Director Lu, Jiang Xiaobai did not think much about the Shanghai Stock Exchange. After all, the Shanghai Stock Exchange itself is not the person in charge.

  The listing of Jiahe Beverage Co., Ltd. will have to wait until next year. By that time, the trouble on the Shanghai Stock Exchange has been resolved by itself and will not have the slightest impact on Jiahe Beverage Factory, so Jiang Xiaobai is not prepared to intervene.

  But sometimes the trouble comes. It is impossible to hide. The next day Jiang Xiaobai received a call from Director Lin of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, saying that he would have a meal together at noon.

  Jiang Xiaobai knows that this is probably something, but Jiang Xiaobai can’t go away because he helped a lot in the preparations for the listing of Jiahe Beverage Co., Ltd.

  After arriving at the place where Director Lin had appointment at noon, Jiang Xiaobai found that not only Director Lin, but also Liu Changfu from the diesel engine factory was there.

   "Director Lin, Director Liu, why are you dating together?" Jiang Xiaobai asked as he smiled and shook hands with the two of them.

   "Director Liu asked me to talk about listing. I said I had an appointment at noon. He said that I knew him, so I brought him here. Don't Jiang Dong mind?" Director Lin explained.

"Don't mind, how could you mind? Factory Director Liu is an old man." Jiang Xiaobai smiled and shook his head and denied. Not to mention his friendship with Liu Changfu. Now that his wife Zhao Xinyi is in the hands of others, Jiang Xiaobai also wants to give Liu Changfu this face. of.

  Liu Changfu on the side looked at Jiang Xiaobai and Director Lin’s greeting, an old face was a little embarrassed, he went to Director Lin because of their Modu Diesel Engine Factory preparing to go on the market.

  I have made appointments with Director Lin several times, but Director Lin has not had time recently.

  The entire magic capital and even the whole country that is preparing to list on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, they all look for Director Lin, and Director Lin decided without saying a word.

  But he has a great influence, but he and Director Lin are not familiar with each other, and he has never been in a relationship.

  Today, he went to block Director Lin again, and it was blocked, but Director Lin has something to do at noon and will have a meeting in the afternoon.

  He has no choice but to stalk and stalk. Director Lin is forced by Liu Changfu to have no choice, nor does he want to offend Liu Changfu too much.

  Finally, he said that he had an appointment with Jiang Xiaobai of Huaqing Holding Group for dinner, but he was really not excusing him.

  As soon as he heard that, Jiang Xiaobai knew him, so he followed him with a faceless expression.

  I originally thought that Jiang Xiaobai should have finally made an appointment with Director Lin, but he didn't expect to hear Director Lin’s tone now, it seems that it was Jiang Xiaobai whom Director Lin had asked for.

  This was embarrassing. He understood. If Jiang Xiaobai said something to mind, maybe Director Lin would really drive him away.

  Of course, normal people don’t do this kind of thing, and no one will offend people to death.

   But it was this feeling that left Liu Changfu with no place to put an old face. He used to need a junior to support his face.

  "And Director Lin didn’t know that I was able to have today. Thanks to the guidance of Director Liu when I was in Beijing, it helped me a lot.

  And now, my wife also works in a diesel engine factory, so I can’t overstate it. "Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

  Director Lin was a little surprised, he really didn't know about this, his eyes softened a lot when he looked at Liu Changfu.

  For an instant, Liu Changfu felt that his eye sockets were a little red, Jiang Xiaobai just lifted himself up and saved face for himself.

  When I was in the capital, Jiang Xiaobai had a better relationship with Zhou Lao. Jiang Xiaobai had a good relationship with Zhou Lao. He had only had a few drinks with him, and he was not alone.

   can only be said to be acquaintances, not mentioning points at all.

  He knows this in his heart, and what Jiang Xiaobai is doing to save face is really...

  Of course, I don’t deny that there is a reason why Zhao Xinyi is now under her own hands, but this is enough to show that Jiang Xiaobai is very nostalgic, and it is very comfortable to be a person and do things.

   "Director Liu, I have not seen you in a few days, the style is even better." Jiang Xiaobai turned his head and greeted Director Liu.

   "Haha, where, where, getting old, the world will be yours in the future." Liu Chang has a rich face, his expression is much more natural, and his heart is more comfortable.

   "Sit, sit."

  "Director Lin, please, Director Liu, please."

   "Dong Jiang, please."

  The three people were polite. Director Lin wanted to invite Jiang Xiaobai to be the main seat. He and Jiang Xiaobai had known each other for a short time, and he didn't have the mentality of Liu Changfu's old predecessors.

  Jiang Xiaobai now wants money and money, status and status, and people connections. Today, I have something to look for Jiang Xiaobai. It is natural for Jiang Xiaobai to be the master.

   But Jiang Xiaobai resolutely refused: "There are two seniors, how can this be true."

   Jiang Xiaobai did not sit. In the end, Director Lin could only sit in the main seat by himself, and then Liu Changfu on the left and Jiang Xiaobai on the right.

  According to the tradition in China, the left is the bigger one, so Jiang Xiaobai is the last of the three.

  But the three people sitting here understand that this is what era it is, and it’s no longer the time to divide by seats.

   Needless to say, Jiang Xiaobai was sitting on the right hand side. Jiang Xiaobai was sitting at the end of the door, and that was also the protagonist on the court.

  As soon as the three people arrived, the food came up. After the three people exchanged a few words, Director Lin first talked about the topic.

  "Dong Jiang, you should have heard of the recent situation on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. For several months, the index has not risen but fallen.

   has now fallen below 1,000 points, and there is no hope of bottoming out at all.

  Now the national investment market is very hot, you say that we are the only one in the Shanghai Stock Exchange that is deserted..." Director Lin frowned and complained.

  In fact, there are some things he didn't say. If the national stock market is all this, then the Shenzhen Stock Exchange has come to the top, and now it is hot, which makes him even more stressed.

  (End of this chapter)

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