Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1688: Discuss models

  Chapter 1688 discusses car models

  An hour later, Jiang Xiaobai probably also understood, and then a group of people discussed the three models.

  The three models have their own advantages and disadvantages, and each model has its supporters.

  A group of people from morning, discussion to evening, there was no result. Liu Jian himself supported the second model.

  I think the sales of ZIL-4104 sedan are still very good, and the reduced version of ZIL-4104 sedan must have no problem in sales.

  The first model and the second model are much different.

  But the head of the technical department is more inclined to the first model, feeling that the original model has some defects, otherwise the previous Likhachev Automobile Factory will not be able to support it.

  And Liu Xiaomei and several senior executives of the company prefer the sporty model, which is similar to the Hutou Ben model.

  Hutou Ben this model is selling well all over the world, and the sales volume is very good.

   "Dong Jiang, what's your opinion?" Liu Jian looked at Jiang Xiaobai and asked.

   "I think we can use the elimination method." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  "Exclusion method?" Liu Jian was taken aback.

   "Yes, the second model can be ruled out first. Let me talk about the reason, and you can see if it makes sense." Jiang Xiaobai said as he looked at everyone.

   Liu Jian's face was a little dark, Jiang Xiaobai eliminated the models he liked in the first place, and some of them had no face.

  But before Jiang Dong, what kind of face did he want? If there is no face, there is no face.

  "First of all, as the technical director thinks, this model is defective. The car has this image at the beginning, with a large circle of wheels and rounded ends.

  In my impression, this is the memory of Magic City during the Republic of China, not our cars in the 1990s.

  This image is outdated, so we need to change..." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  Everyone got on the car and nodded. Liu Jian and Liu Xiaomei were able to understand the sights of Shili Yangchang in the capital of the Republic of China, but other technical departments in the north did not understand.

   However, you can probably guess what Jiang Xiaobai meant. It should be that this image is out of date.

  "In addition, although the sales of ZIL-4104 sedan in the north are not bad, they have not reached a certain level.

  This sales volume is good, but compared with other models, the sales volume of ZIL-4104 sedan is the same, not to mention the reduced version of ZIL-4104 sedan.

  My attitude is not ideal. Needless to say, it can surpass the sales of ZIL-4104 sedan, and it can't even reach the sales of ZIL-4104 sedan, let alone hit the better sales. "

  Jiang Xiaobai gave two reasons. Liu Jian nodded. He can still listen to Jiang Xiaobai’s opinions, because it is useless if he can’t listen.

  Jiang Xiaobai has always been a courtesy first and then a soldier. If you don’t want to listen, then you should be scolded, and you can execute it directly after scolding.

   "Okay, since everyone has no opinion, then we will exclude the second model." Jiang Xiaobai took the pen and crossed the second plan.

  Then the first and third models are left.

   "Well, that's it for today, and we will continue to discuss tomorrow." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  Everyone got up and dispersed. Jiang Xiaobai was still very efficient in doing things. There was no procrastination. One of the three models was crossed out on the first day.

  The rest is the question of choosing one of the two tomorrow. Now it’s up to Jiang Xiaobai to order tomorrow.

  If it's fast, it can be settled tomorrow, and then it can be ready for production.

  However, on the third morning, Jiang Xiaobai did not show up. Instead, Liu Jian led someone in the office to discuss the two models.

  At this time, Jiang Xiao took someone to the airport. Last night, he received a call from his father-in-law Zhao Gang. Early this morning, Zhao Gang took Longgang's people off the plane at Mosco.

   "Dad." Jiang Xiaobai led people to Zhao Gang.

  "Xiaobai." Zhao Gang took more than a dozen people to investigate the whole picture. They Longgang is also interested in some of the companies sold by Flower Bank this time.

  When he was in China before, Zhao Gang called Jiang Xiaobai.

   "Let's go, the car is outside, I will take you directly to the hotel." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

   "By the way, this is the staff of Flower Bank." Jiang Xiaobai turned sideways, letting out the two staff of Flower Bank behind him.

  "Director Zhao, welcome to Mosco, our manager Huang is already waiting at the hotel." The staff member said

  Originally, Mr. Huang was going to come to meet him in person. After all, Zhao Gang’s identity is not only a client, but Jiang Xiaobai’s father-in-law.

  But it was stopped by Jiang Xiaobai, this time it was not Zhao Gang alone, but there were other Longgang people.

  If this is revealed, it is estimated that there will be a lot of rumors in the country when I look back. Keeping this matter secret, Jiang Xiaobai believes in his father-in-law, but it does not mean that Jiang Xiaobai also believes in other people at Longgang.

  But that’s it. Everyone at Longgang also felt the enthusiasm of Flower Bank. At noon, Mr. Huang, the head of Flower Bank, held a reception banquet for them.

  Flower Bank, they still collected information before they came. They are absolutely big banks, and they are simply not comparable to Longgang.

  Moreover, the companies they sold this time are also high-quality companies. They belong to the kind that have women who don’t worry about marrying. They come here this time and they definitely belong to the weak side.

  They thought, the person in charge of the Flower Bank, after everyone is here, it would be nice to meet them.

  But I didn't expect that they would come forward to meet them personally on the first day.

  After eating, Zhao Gang announced to the inspection team a holiday and free activities.

  After the others left, Zhao Gang and Jiang Xiaobai walked to Huahai Automobile Factory. This time they came early, and he also wanted to visit Huahai Automobile Factory.

   "Although I have read it on the information, it is still very surprising to see it, a bank, tsk tsk." Zhao Gang said, full of emotion.

  Having a private bank of its own, in China, it is just like a fantasy.

   "It's just in time for that time, otherwise, I won't be able to do it, there are accidental factors." Jiang Xiaobai said modestly.

  Soon the car arrived at the gate of Huahai Automobile Factory. It is not that Zhao Gang has never been to an automobile factory, but there is no such big domestic automobile factory.

  From the gate of the car to the production workshop, and then from the production workshop to the warehouse.

   "Okay, okay, let's go to the office building, don't wander around." Zhao Gang said actively.

  He had a drink at noon, and now he can't stand the long time in the car.

   "If you continue to turn like this, it is estimated that the turn will not be finished at night." Zhao Gang is really eye-opening this time, and he wants to take a turn at Huahai Automobile Factory.

  Needless to walk, even when I was in the car, I vomited and I didn’t finish turning.

  What is Dachangzi? Zhao Gang has always felt that Longgang is already a Dachangzi, but now he knows what Dachang is.

  (End of this chapter)

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