Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1689: See through

   Chapter 1689

   "Haha, our Huahai Automobile Factory is not too big, this time we don't have time. I have time to take you to the Volga Automobile Factory.

   is big enough over there, a production line alone is hundreds of kilometers long, and it takes more than an hour to run at high speed..."

   Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

  Zhao Gang nodded, he now knows what Dachang is.

  Don’t say anything else, it’s just a "big" character, which is vividly embodied.

  Of course, not to mention the assets.

   Jiang Xiaobai took Zhao Gang to his office.

   "Okay, go ahead, I'll just go around and have dinner together in the evening." Zhao Gang said.

   "Okay, then I won't accompany your dad, you just sit down, go out and turn around if you want to." Jiang Xiaobai called his secretary in, ordered, and then went to the conference room.

   "Jiang Dong."

   "Dong Jiang." Jiang Xiaobai pushed the door in, and everyone in the conference room stood up.

  "Sit, sit, give me the meeting minutes, and you will continue to discuss." Jiang Xiaobai walked to the middle position and sat down.

  Jiang Xiaobai took the minutes of the meeting and looked at it. It was clear at a glance that most people tended to the first model.

  "Technical supervisor, your opinion?" Jiang Xiaobai raised his head to look at the technical department.

  "In terms of cost performance, this first model is the most suitable. In terms of appearance and interior, they are all brand new.

  The performance of the engine, the drive, the gearbox..."

  The head of the technical department spoke and analyzed from various aspects.

  After finishing speaking, Jiang Xiaobai nodded, and then looked at the propaganda department.

  The main channel of the propaganda department: "Our propaganda department is not inclined and has made a publicity plan for all three models.

  For each model, we have a good publicity plan. "

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded, too, without asking the propaganda department.

  "Sales department." Jiang Xiaobai looked at the sales department. This is the most important thing.

  Because sales are a direct link, the quality of the car and the low cost performance will directly affect their sales performance.

   "Jiang Dong, I think the third model is better, square, angular and sporty.

  And we have conducted investigations, such as Mercedes-Benz Tiger Head, Volkswagen Santana, Jetta, German Audi and so on, the models are all square and upright.

  Their sales are very good. Most of the models currently on the global market are square models.

  Round models are no longer mainstream, so our sales department prefers the third model. "

  The head of the sales department spoke very firmly.

   Jiang Xiaobai nodded, followed by Liu Jian and Liu Xiaomei.

  Two people expressed their views in turn, Liu Jian supported the first model, and Liu Xiaomei supported the third model.

  After everyone had finished speaking, Jiang Xiaobai muttered.

  The recommendations of the technical department are pertinent. From all aspects, the cost performance is the most appropriate.

  But sometimes just considering the sales volume, it does not mean that the sales volume is good if the price is good.

  High cost performance, of course it’s good, but exterior and interior decorations are also important, and there are brand blessings.

  Huahai Automobile Factory, of course, does not have a brand blessing anymore, because it is a new automobile factory, so the brand cannot be discussed for the time being.

  But it can collide with brands such as Mercedes-Benz. The appearance and interior are similar to what I did, and it’s okay.

   Engine, driving gearbox also needs to be considered, but there is another issue of price.

  This is also the top priority.

   "In terms of price, how do the two cars compare?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

  "The first model is slightly more expensive than the third model, but in terms of various configurations and cost performance..." Liu Jian introduced.

   Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while, and took the plan for the third model on the table.

   "Just the third car, sporty, angular, just this one."

   "Okay." Liu Jian nodded. Before Jiang Xiaobai made a decision, he was free to express his opinions.

   Right, wrong, good or bad, but after Jiang Xiaobai made a decision, there was no way to change it.

  This point, Liu Jian and others who have been with Jiang Xiaobai for a long time are very clear.

   "Car logos and names, etc., you submit them tomorrow, and we will have a meeting to discuss. Now the production department of the technical department can prepare to start production after the relevant departments." Jiang Xiaobai ordered to get up and leave.

  Here, Huahai Automobile Factory met overnight. Now that the plan has been set, it is time to prepare.

  In the evening, Liu Jian and Liu Xiaomei acted separately. Liu Jian gave the technical department and the production department a meeting to arrange production tasks and solve some technical problems.

  And Liu Xiaomei took the propaganda department to a meeting to study and determine the name and logo of the car.

  Of course, Huahai Automobile Factory has already had several alternatives.

  Now only need to select the suitable car logo from these plans, and send it to Jiang Xiaobai for selection tomorrow.

After Jiang Xiaobai returned to the office, Zhao Gang was looking at the newspaper in the north.

   "Dad, can you still understand Russian?" Jiang Xiaobai asked in a surprise.

  He remembers when his father-in-law Zhao Gang came over, but he brought an interpreter.

  "I can understand a little bit. We will go to school. Our relationship with Big Brother is still in the honeymoon period. In the curriculum, Russian is the first foreign language." Zhao Gang said with a smile.

  "I brought a translator here, just to translate it to others."

   "Oh." Jiang Xiaobai nodded, as if that was the case.

   But looking at the unconfident light in his father-in-law's eyes, it is estimated that his father-in-law has learned Russian.

   also stays at the English level of most people in later generations.

  Hello, nicetomeetyou.


  Then canyouspeakChinese?

  But Jiang Xiaobai would not expose his old father-in-law, there is no need for that.

   "Let's go, taste the western food here at night." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

  Zhao Gang got up with Jiang Xiaobai and went to eat a Western meal.

  After eating, Zhao Gang praised it, the taste was good.

  Then Jiang Xiaobai smiled and did not speak. This meal cost five thousand dollars.

  In the country, it is also the grade of eating in the state guesthouse, so where can it go?

  But I don’t have to say this to my father-in-law. The old father-in-law of Shanxi feels distressed.

   "Dad, tomorrow I will arrange for Mr. Huang to talk to you. If you have any requirements, please tell Lao Huang." Jiang Xiaobai looked at Zhao Gang and said when he returned to the car.

  Zhao Gang asked with some worry: "This will not give you a bad impression, right? If others have not arrived, I will start negotiations."

   Jiang Xiaobai smiled and shook his head: "It's okay, these companies are sold to everyone the same, you are my father-in-law, you should not take the lead."

  (End of this chapter)

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