Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1690: As long as I am not embarrassed, what embarrassment is

   Chapter 1690 As long as you are not embarrassed, others are embarrassed

  Jiang Xiaobai doesn't care that other people have opinions, and the establishment of Flower Bank is not in China at all.

  What can others do if they have opinions.

  In the future, I learned that Flower Bank is Jiang Xiaobai’s business, and Zhao Gang is Jiang Xiaobai’s father-in-law. If you take proper care of it, can there be anything other people can’t do.

  Furthermore, Huaqing Holding Group is also a large enterprise in China, and we are not afraid of their opinions.

  Looking at the spirited expression on Jiang Xiaobai's young side face, Zhao Gang sighed.

  I am old, and I will be the world of young people in the future, and I can't do things as young as young people.

  So many companies, if they are placed with themselves, they are definitely handled with care.

   But put Jiang Xiaobai here, and didn't care at all.

  The way the young man handles things is different, but he also has to admit that his son-in-law now has the qualifications to look out of the crowd.

   After Zhao Gang went back, he gathered the Longgang business team for a meeting in his room. When Zhao Gang announced that tomorrow, he would formally discuss with the company he was interested in.

  The whole room fell silent in an instant.

  Just kidding, the Flower Bank directly started negotiations with Longgang before the company came.

  This first mover is also too obvious.

After    reacted, everyone immediately began to compliment Zhao Gang.

   "Zhao Chang, you have a good son-in-law, if it weren't for Jiang Dong, how could someone talk to us first, the gap will be big one after the other!"

   "That is, Director Zhao said without eyesight, this pick-in-law..."

   "Director Zhao, you are still great. Now that other people want to compete with us, it is impossible..."

  Everyone thought that Longgang was able to talk to Flower Bank first because Jiang Xiaobai had a good relationship with Flower Bank, and the two sides were able to win over because of the cooperation.

  Zhao Gang smiled. This idea cannot be said wrong. Indeed, Longgang was able to negotiate with Flower Bank first because of Jiang Xiaobai.

  But it is not because Jiang Xiaobai has a cooperative relationship with Flower Bank, but because Flower Bank is Jiang Xiaobai.

  Of course, you don’t need to explain this kind of words so clearly to everyone, just know it in your heart.

  "Okay, let’s decide on the plan now. Which companies are inevitable for us, and which companies are necessary or not,

  Which companies we don’t need..."

  The next morning, the third day Jiang Xiaobai came to the north.

  In the conference room of Huahai Automobile Factory, Jiang Xiaobai held a few names and signs that he sent up, and muttered.

  "Huachi", "Huahai", "Haifeng", "Haichi".

   "Hua Chi." Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while and said, "The domestic one is called Huahai."

   "Okay." Zhang Weiyi nodded.

  "What about the logo?" Liu Xiaomei asked, "Which one do you think is appropriate?"

  Jiang Xiaobai looked at these signs. One was a horse head in the circle.

  There are also three vertical lines, and an upward arrow, all kinds,

  Anyway, there are everything, weird, but this car logo is like this, some are complicated and some are simple.

Is the trident just fine? Is it good for a three-pointed star, blue sky and white clouds? Not necessarily.

   is just the success of the car brand, so even the car logo is also famous.

  "I think the three bars are good, but don’t have the same length, one long and two paragraphs, this one is longer in the middle and shorter on both sides, just fine."

   Jiang Xiaobai said and drew on the paper.

  "The three lines can't be simple three lines. They must have a three-dimensional feeling. This must be brought out..." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  The people in the design team have already started drawing on-site.

  When Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, the design team had already come up with a plan.

  Jiang Xiaobai took the design over and looked at it, basically in line with his own ideas, and nodded in satisfaction.

  But my eyes inadvertently saw the three black lines on the table that I just drew for them.

  At first, Jiang Xiaobai thought that he had drawn a good one, but when the drawings of the design department came out, the two were compared.

  It seemed that I couldn't get the eye.

   Liu Jian and others saw Jiang Xiaobai’s expression, and then looked at the two paintings again.

  The corners of her mouth couldn't help but a smile appeared, and she couldn't hold back a smile.

  Jiang Xiaobai looked up and saw the expressions of Liu Jian, Liu Xiaomei and others.

   Glancing at Liu Jian with a black line on his face, and then put the drawings he drew calmly on the tabletop.

  Jiang Xiaobai knows that as long as he is not embarrassed, it is others who are embarrassed.

   "This place needs to be a little more prominent..." Jiang Xiaobai continued.

   "Okay, let's do this first, first make an effect picture, and then make a real thing to show me."

   Dismissed everyone, Jiang Xiaobai got up and left the office.

  I went to Flower Bank. In the bank meeting room, Longgang was discussing with Flower Bank.

   Jiang Xiaobai came in, and Mr. Huang and others stood up subconsciously.

   "Jiang Dong."

   "Jiang Dong."

  Flower Bank’s reaction, everyone at Longgang was taken aback.

  This does not seem to be an attitude towards partners, it seems to be an attitude towards one's own leadership.

   "Sit, sit, how are you talking?" Jiang Xiaobai asked with a smile.

   "We are talking, we value two companies here, a steel plant, and a mining company." Zhao Gang handed the document to Jiang Xiaobai.

  This is not something that needs to be concealed, and there is no time for them to play around, so the negotiation between them and Flower Bank was brought up from the beginning.

  It doesn’t matter if you tell Jiang Xiaobai now, let alone some secrets, Zhao Gang did not hide Jiang Xiaobai’s truth.

  This is my only son-in-law, this is my grandson, the father of my granddaughter.

   "How's the talk?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the information and Longgang's quotation.

  Looking around, the two companies Longgang gave a total of about 300 million yuan.

  The price is actually not low, but the time of this morning has not passed.

  Now it's decided, it's still a bit sloppy. Jiang Xiaobai guessed that Mr. Huang would have to wait until the afternoon.

  Since this matter has been handed over to Mr. Huang, Jiang Xiaobai no longer intervenes.

  Mr. Huang’s own temperament was grind, after sitting in the conference room for a while, Jiang Xiaobai found a reason to get up and leave.

  In the afternoon, Jiang Xiaobai drove to the airport. This morning, Jiang Xiaobai received a call from Director Lu.

  Director Lu arrived at about 3 in the afternoon. As for other companies that intend to come over, it’s not that they are not qualified to contact Jiang Xiaobai.

  But they have no relationship with Jiang Xiaobai. At first in China, the phone number Jiang Xiaobai gave them was from the reception desk of Flower Bank.

  (End of this chapter)

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