Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1703: Jiang Xiaobai's strength

   Chapter 1703 Jiang Xiaobai's Strength

   "Dong Jiang, I'm talking to you seriously. Xiangjiang is a small place, but the water depth is good. I say this for your own good." Lei Mingshan looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said seriously.

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded, and also said seriously: "Thank you, Director Lei, I'm listening."

   "Okay, then I will talk about it. If it is not correct, Jiang Dong will forgive me." Lei Mingshan said.

  Jiang Xiaobai looked at Lei Mingshan.

  "I think Jiang Dong’s Flower Bank can increase the strength of some background and absorb some foreign funds, such as the four major families.

  Appropriately give up some shares. Only when you have a home can you get something. It seems that you have lost some, but in fact, you have gained a lot..."

  Lei Mingshan said to himself, Jiang Xiaobai's eyes widened.

  Lei Mingshan said: "Of course, this is not my final say, but also to look at the relationship between Jiang Dong and the four major families, or the other's intentions.

   Give up something appropriately. As long as the controlling stake is still in Jiang Dong's hands, I think Jiang Dong will definitely get more than he has lost..."

   Jiang Xiaobai interrupted Lei Mingshan's words without waiting for Lei Mingshan to finish.

  "Wait, what do you mean is that our Flower Bank has to divide the shares among the four major families, and it depends on whether the four major families want it.

  If they want, we can develop? "

   "It doesn't mean that, but the actual situation is like this." Lei Mingshan pursed his mouth, spreading his hands and said.

   "Haha." Jiang Xiaobai laughed angrily.

  "What if I don't?" Jiang Xiaobai asked rhetorically.

   "If you don't, then your Flower Bank may not be able to stand firm, and there may be other forces blocking it."

  Lei Mingshan finished speaking, and changed his voice: "Jiang Dong, the strong dragon does not crush the snake, let alone your Flower Bank is not a strong dragon."

   "Yes, our Flower Bank is indeed not a strong dragon, but I still want to put pressure on this snake."

   Jiang Xiaobai patted the table and stared at Lei Mingshan Road fiercely.

  Lei Mingshan was startled by Ye Xiaowen, his eyes were faint. From seeing Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaobai felt that he was a kind and elegant person.

  But he didn't expect that Jiang Xiaobai would dare to say that, and the craziness revealed in his bones made people a little scared.

   "Mr. Huang." Jiang Xiaobai shouted without looking back.

   "Dong Jiang." Mr. Huang stood up subconsciously, and he was also a little dazed by Jiang Xiaobai's sudden changes.

  Since he first came into contact with Jiang Xiaobai, he had never seen Jiang Xiaobai like this.

  "When the news is released, it is said that Jiang Xiaobai, Huaqing Holding Group, is going to open a bank in Hong Kong. No matter which company or force dares to block, I will prevent him from entering the mainland in the future."

   Jiang Xiaobai said viciously, but his eyes never left Lei Mingshan.

  Lei Mingshan was a little frightened by Jiang Xiaobai's eyes, and then he was a little ashamed of his behavior just now.

  How can I be frightened by a businessman as the chief director of the Monetary Authority?

   In order to conceal his guilty conscience, he subconsciously cursed: "Nervous..."

  But I can't say the last word without saying it.

  Because of Jiang Xiaobai's gaze on him, it was like a tiger choosing someone to eat, as if he would be swallowed by Jiang Xiaobai in the next second as long as he dared to say it.

   "Goodbye." Lei Mingshan stood up, turned and walked outside, but after all, he didn't say the last word.

  It's not because he thinks Jiang Xiaobai is not neurotic, but he thinks Jiang Xiaobai is really neurotic.

  So he didn't dare to say the last word. He didn't want to provoke an arrogant lunatic.

  I was kind enough to persuade Jiang Xiaobai, let Jiang Xiaobai know himself, and give Jiang Xiaobai a bright road.

  But I didn't expect that Jiang Xiaobai not only didn't appreciate it, but came at himself. This is not what a lunatic is.

  A complete lunatic?

  I can’t be guilty of negotiating with a paranoid, arrogant, and arrogant lunatic. Porcelain doesn’t fight with tiles!

   "Hmph, I can't help myself." Following Lei Mingshan, before the last person left the house, he whispered in his mouth.

  The sound is not loud, but it just happens to be heard in the entire private room.

   "Haha." Jiang Xiaobai smiled indifferently, he didn't care about a word or two that the people under Lei Mingshan said.

  As long as Lei Mingshan doesn’t take the lead, it’s fine.

   "Dong Jiang, now?" Mr. Huang looked at this place and didn't know what to do.

  He is still a little dazed up to now, how can he just talk about it? When did we talk about collapse?

  It seems that some reaction has come over, Jiang Dong's character is too strong.

   "According to what I just said." Jiang Xiaobai said directly.

   Then he raised the glass in front of him and drank it all in one go.

  Lei Mingshan spoke, too proud, as if it were in the 70s and 80s.

  Lao Tzu is the major shareholder of the bank and the boss of the Huaqing Holding Group. He did not escape from Hong Kong.

   "Ah, good." Mr. Huang nodded. Since Jiang Xiaobai insists on doing this, he won't persuade him more.

  He also heard that, if according to Lei Mingshan's statement, Jiang Xiaobai would rather give up entering the Xiangjiang market than give up equity, and actively send his equity to others, depending on whether others are willing to take it.

  This is almost an insult to Jiang Xiaobai. How could Jiang Xiaobai suffer such humiliation!

  So let out these cruel words, the worst result is that you can't enter the Xiangjiang market, and it is no different from being humiliated.

  On the other side, after Lei Mingshan and the others walked out of the hotel, several people around him began to condemn Jiang Xiaobai.

  No... to say that the condemnation is a bit too light. To be precise, it is mocking Jiang Xiaobai.

   "Director Lei, don't get angry with him, that's a turtle, who do you really think you are? Still yelling five and six."

  A man said, learning Jiang Xiaobai’s accent. “When the news is released, it is said that Jiang Xiaobai, the Huaqing Holding Group, wants to open a bank in Xiangjiang. No matter which company or forces dare to block, I will prevent him from entering the mainland.

   "Oh, I'm pooh, what is it, it's a big head."

   "That's right, I really thought how awesome I was. Who would dare to obstruct it? There are too many people who dare to obstruct.

  From now on, he will never dare to step into Xiangjiang, and even whether he can leave Xiangjiang safely this time is a question. "

   "That's right, Director Lei, don't be angry, it's just a bun, it's not worth your anger..."

  A group of people persuaded that Lei Mingshan finally felt much better.

  Originally, he came with sincerity and looked at Jiang Xiaobai, so he wanted to show him a clear way, but this Jiang Xiaobai was too ignorant.

  (End of this chapter)

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