Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1704: No one dares to offend Jiang Xiaobai

   Chapter 1704 No one dares to offend Jiang Xiaobai

   Soon, Mr. Huang released the words, and at the same time, the HKMA also released the story of the matter.

   soon spread throughout the shopping malls of Xiangjiang, after all, not many people dared to directly threaten on the territory of Xiangjiang these years.

  And Jiang Xiaobai is one of them.

  Jiang Xiaobai did not care about the result of the release, but still unswervingly implemented the original plan.

   Originally, Lei Mingshan thought that after Jiang Xiaobai’s words were spread, someone would definitely jump out to educate Jiang Xiaobai on how to be a man.

  But two days later, only one news came out, that a certain rich second generation, not too big, not too young, said wildly to clean up Jiang Xiaobai at a party.

  As a result, his family’s business in the mainland took a hit the next day. After being educated by the family, the rich second generation went to Jiang Xiaobai to apologize, and then sent back abroad.

  When something like this happened, Lei Mingshan once again thought that Jiang Xiaobai was provoking the entire business community in Xiangjiang.

  As a result, there was no surprise in the next few days. Jiang Xiaobai had already gone through the branch registration process of Flower Bank.

   Still no one jumped out and slammed on Jiang Xiaobai, the jumping clown.

  Lei Mingshan felt that some of the development of this incident was out of his own control and completely exceeded his expectations.

  He made a few phone calls to check news, but there was no response at all.

   Instead, he was called in by his superiors to reprimand him, saying that he was messing around outside, and it also damaged the reputation of the HKMA, and asked him to seize the time to correct his mistakes.

  Lei Mingshan came out of the leadership office with a dazed expression, feeling that he was at a loss. Now this matter can't be delayed anymore, and we must immediately figure out what is going on.

  Lei Mingshan has been mixed for so many years, it is not unrelated.

   Soon I asked one of my friends, Chen Qiao, to come out.

  Chenqiao’s business is not very large in Xiangjiang, and it is not the top-notch in Jinling, but the business is not small, and there are businesses abroad and in the mainland.

  When the two people met in the end, the relationship has always been good, although not to mention the life and death acquaintance, the relationship between two brothers in the same generation is affectionate.

  But the friendship is very good.

  So after he inquired about the news everywhere, he didn't inquire about the prepared news, all the answers were ambiguous.

  He knew he was in trouble, and it was obvious that others were watching jokes, and he didn’t even want to tell him the truth.

  So he can only ask his best friend out. He knows that now he can only get some useful news from his best friend Chen Qiao.

  In the tea room, Chen Qiao had arrived early. After seeing Lei Ming Shan, he waved to Lei Ming Shan.


   "A Bridge."

  After the two of them sat down, Chen Qiao did not need to ask Lei Mingshan to ask, he said directly: "Do you want to inquire about Jiang Xiaobai?"

   "Well, Aqiao, what is going on with Jiang Xiaobai?" Lei Mingshan frowned and asked.

  Chen Qiao gave a wry smile: "Ming Shan, you said you are very talented in politics, how do you do such things this time?

  You didn’t even find out who Jiang Xiaobai was, and you wanted to divide up other people’s property. "

   "I don't have any division. You misunderstood." Lei Mingshan denied the three combos.

   Then he said directly: "Okay, Aqiao, just say it."

   "Okay." Chen Qiao nodded, "This Jiang Xiaobai is not easy to mess with. Although the enterprises in the mainland are not very big, they are only billions.

  But this person is very energetic and is a private industry. This is what the mainland says, and he is a leader in the private industry.

   has a good relationship with many powerful private enterprises, and also has a good relationship with many state-owned enterprises. "

   "This is it?" Lei Mingshan asked rhetorically.

  Chen Qiao shook his head: "More than that, this Jiang Xiaobai is very valued by the magic city, and he has a lot of energy in the shopping malls in the mainland."

   "That...that shouldn't be!" Lei Mingshan asked with some confusion.

  Chen Qiao smiled and said, "Hehe, after Jiang Xiaobai’s voice this time, many companies in mainland China have responded. Think about it, the return is imminent now.

  What a huge market in the mainland, anyone who wants to go to the mainland to develop will never think of offending such a local snake, so..."

  Lei Mingshan is a bit bitter. Before, he thought that Jiang Xiaobai should be the boss of Flower Bank in the first place.

  Rather than the chairman of a company in the Mainland.

  But now it seems that Jiang Xiaobai's first identity is the chairman of a mainland enterprise, not the boss of a bank.

  This is the size of the world, and there is nothing strange about it. What kind of identity are you talking about? What are you doing to conceal? Just give a solemn introduction.

   "So they just let Jiang Xiaobai slap her face like this?" Lei Mingshan asked a bit angrily.

   "Jiang Xiaobai and the magic capital have a very good relationship. You may not know the status of the magic capital in the country, but let's put it this way, the four major families in the magic capital must be better." Chen Qiao said.

  Lei Mingshan understands, this is the main reason.

  The four big families are not willing to offend Jiang Xiaobai, not because they can’t afford to offend Jiang Xiaobai, but because they are afraid of Jiang Xiaobai’s power in the mainland.

  It was because of the magic capital, and under the four major families, they still couldn't reach this level.

  But they are also afraid of Jiang Xiaobai's chase and interception in the mainland. This is completely unnecessary!

  Of course, one of the most important factors is that Xiangjiang will return in a few years. Except for the companies that have fled, the rest are willing to strengthen ties with the mainland.

  So that led to the current situation, the entire Xiangjiang was threatened by Jiang Xiaobai, and no one said anything.

  Lei Mingshan cursed fiercely, not knowing whether he was cursing himself or others.

  Chen Qiao estimated that his friend is regretting it.

  Lei Mingshan was waiting for Chen Qiao to persuade himself, but Chen Qiao didn't say a word and didn't let him down this step.

   So in the end, I can only say bitterly: "So I have to go to him and apologize now to solve this problem?"

  "It seems the best way now. Of course, you can also choose not to apologize and take a gamble. Jiang Xiaobai will not hate you." Chen Qiao said with a smile.

  It's not that he is unwilling to persuade, but that he knows the political wisdom of his friends and is sleek, so he can definitely give up his face.

   "Oh, what's the matter with Nima!" Lei Mingshan drank his teacup.

After getting the confirmed news, Lei Mingshan came to the hotel where Jiang Xiaobai was staying that night.

   However, I learned that Jiang Xiaobai had gone out to play, as if to go to the top of Victoria Peak to watch the night scene.

  Lei Mingshan originally wanted to go, but after reconsidering, he still did not move.

  (End of this chapter)

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