Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1709: Inspection site

  Chapter 1709 Inspection site

   Dismissed Gao Mingdong, Jiang Xiaobai asked the secretary to make a cup of tea for himself.

  For Gao Mingdong, this is an extremely important thing, but for Jiang Xiaobai, it is nothing more than the transfer of a department head.

  It is impossible to cause a little disturbance in Huaqing Holding Group.

   "Zhao Xiaojin." Jiang Xiaobai shouted toward the door.

  "Dong Jiang." Zhao Xiaojin pushed in.

   "What's the plan for this afternoon?" Jiang Xiaobai asked directly.

  As soon as Zhao Xiaojin heard this, he knew that Jiang Xiaobai must have his own ideas in the afternoon and had arranged some work.

   then reported directly: "It's not an important job, it's just..."

  Sure enough, Jiang Xiaobai said directly: "Okay, push it away. In the afternoon, we will go to the construction site to take a look."

   "Okay, Jiang Dong." Zhao Xiaojin nodded.

  In the afternoon, Jiang Xiaobai took Zhao Xiaojin, Li Longquan, and the three people to the construction site in a light car.

  The Oriental Pearl Tower is almost complete. The main building has been completed. The tall spire stands on the bank of the Huangpu River in Pudong. From now on, it will be the landmark of the Magic City.

  At least within a few years, the Huaqing Building and Huahai Center of Huaqing Holding Group, the two buildings have not been completed before.

  In other words, the Huaqing Building and Huahai Center have been completed, and they cannot replace the representativeness of the Oriental Pearl Tower in the magic capital.

  It’s not that there is no building taller than the Oriental Pearl Tower in the future generations, but the most famous building in the Magic City is the Oriental Pearl Tower.

  No building can replace...

   "Dong Jiang." Soon the person in charge of the construction site greeted him and prepared a safety helmet.

  A group of people walked inside, and while walking by Jiang Xiaobai, they asked about the progress of the project.

  Although the project has just started, the construction site is already in full swing.

  Can't help China State Construction and Modu Heavy Industry are not paying attention, the leaders of Modu are staring.

  They not only work for the Huaqing Holding Group, but the magic city is waiting for the development of Pudong.

  If the two buildings cannot be completed on time, Jiang Xiaobai is willing, but the leaders of the magic city will not.

  Because the single tree cannot become a forest, the Oriental Pearl Tower was built, and the two buildings of Huahai Center and Huaqing Building were re-developed.

   will form an effect, which will attract more funds to develop Pudong Lujiazui.

  Pudong has been developed, and the leaders will have achieved results.

  So the two construction units, Mordu Heavy Industry does not say, they are enterprises in the city, and they have to be cleaned up if they are not obedient.

   Even if it is on the China State Construction Project, in the future, if you want to be in the capital, you can’t ignore the opinions of the leaders of the capital.

   "Boom boom boom." Mixers, excavators, bulldozers and various siege equipment were all busy.

  The whole construction site made a huge noise, and the speech was not clear.

   Jiang Xiaobai stayed at the construction site for a while, took a look, and then called the responsible engineer over and asked some questions.

   Then he left from the construction site. Since the afternoon arrangement has been pushed down, Jiang Xiaobai is not in a hurry to go back.

   Coming out of the two construction sites, Jiang Xiaobai sent someone to drive to the SAIC Huahai Automobile Plant.

  At this time, the car factory probably has a look.

  Mao Zhenhua was watching Jiang Xiaobai, and the car factory was also a huge construction site.

  If it is expected to be completed, it may take two years, and it will be completed by the end of next year.

  After all, the automobile factory is different from other factories. It covers a large area, and the time is relatively long.

  Moreover, it is not only the problem of floor space, but also the problem of process. The production process and production workshop of an automobile factory are different from those of other enterprises.

   "Dong Jiang, we are now hurrying to catch up with the progress of the project. It has been two months since we rushed out.

  If the project can be continued in accordance with the progress of this project, it will be completed by the middle of next year.

  It will be put into production in the second half of next year. If all goes well, at the end of next year, our first car from SAIC Huahai Automobile will be able to roll off the production line..."

  Mao Zhenhua said excitedly, Jiang Xiaobai nodded, and said with a smile: "Don’t be too optimistic, this kind of thing can’t be said to have been smooth, there are always some gaps..."

   "Yes, Jiang Dong, but we are confident that we will complete the task on time..." Mao Zhenhua shouted loudly, barely patting his chest to make sure.

  Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Mao Zhenhua, and didn't say anything frustrated. It's good to be confident.

  As a leader, he is not suitable for continuing to attack the enthusiasm of his subordinates.

  "Okay, well done, Zhenhua, you are young and motivated. You must work hard here. You must do something famous..." Jiang Xiaobai encouraged.

  Mao Zhenhua nodded vigorously: "Don't worry Jiang Dong, we will definitely not let you down..."

   Coming out of the car factory's construction site, Jiang Xiaobai was originally going to visit the construction site of the new home and beverage factory and the construction site of the Jiang Xiaobai garment factory.

  The result came out from the car factory, and it was already dark.

  Mao Zhenhua said that he would invite Jiang Xiaobai to have a meal. Jiang Xiaobai thought about it but did not refuse.

  It stands to reason that I have just returned from a business trip, and it is most appropriate to go home for dinner.

  However, Mao Zhenhua was so motivated to work, Jiang Xiaobai agreed to their invitation to have a meal.

  This is also a kind of affirmation for Mao Zhenhua and others.

  People can't help themselves in the arena. Although Jiang Xiaobai keeps his promises in the company, sometimes he still does things he doesn't want.

   "Zhao Xiaojin, you can arrange to see the two construction sites that have not been reached today." On the way to dinner, Jiang Xiaobai looked at Zhao Xiaojin and confessed.

  Zhao Xiaojin nodded without comment, and there will be nothing important tomorrow morning.

  Of course, if Jiang Xiaobai is okay, there must be endless work in the office.

  This is how the company grows. There are always various jobs.

  During the meal, Tian Yuan also came over, and Mao Zhenhua and two of them gave Jiang Xiaobai a toast.

   "Dong Jiang, thank you for affirming our work. We did it." Mao Zhenhua and Tian Yuan were both very bold.

   After drinking it all, Jiang Xiaobai smiled helplessly, and drank the same with the wine glass.

  Looking at Jiang Xiaobai's drink, Mao Zhenhua and Tian Yuan both showed smiles on their faces.

   "Okay, let's drink slowly and talk slowly, you guys drink more, I drink less.

  I just returned from a business trip, and I need to go back soon to see my girl. If I get drunk, the girl should dislike me. "Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

   "Haha." Mao Zhenhua and Tian Yuan both laughed.

  I’ve heard that Jiang Dong is a daughter slave, and now I look at it, and it’s really well-deserved.

   But when Jiang Xiaobai said this, the two of them could understand.

  (End of this chapter)

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