Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1710: News from Rongxin

  Chapter 1710 News of Rongxin

   Jiang Xiaobai drank a few glasses of wine, then got up and left.

  Jiang Xiaobai is a daughter slave and has a reputation. Even if she left early, everyone can understand.

When Jiang Xiaobai went home, Jiang Langlang was playing with his sister on the sofa.

   Seeing Jiang Xiaobai coming back, he immediately ran towards Jiang Xiaobai regardless.

  The girl Jiang Xin was struggling to get off the sofa. She was startled by Jiang Xiaobai. She was shocked and sober after drinking a little wine.

  Jiang Xiaobai took three steps and ran over in two steps, and hugged her daughter.

   "Chuck, cluck." Xiao Jiangxin suddenly stretched out his hand to hold Jiang Xiaobai's neck and laughed.

  Looking at the black and bright grape eyes of the girl, and smiled, two small pear dimples, suddenly one star was about to melt.

  Holding her daughter "Ba Ji" is just a bite.

   "Chuck." Jiang Xin smiled happily, dancing with his hands.

Jiang Langlang beside    was a little unwilling. He wanted to hug his father but didn't hold it. Instead, he let his sister who could not walk or even climb on the sofa take the lead.

   Jiang Langlang walked over with a depressed look, jumped up and sat down on the sofa, his little depressed expression entangled in a face, making Jiang Xiaobai laugh.

   Reached out and held his son in his arms, one in each hand, one son and one daughter, Jiang Xiaobai felt that he was really satisfied.

   "By the way, son, where is your mother?" Jiang Xiaobai asked curiously.

   "Mom is calling Aunt Song Xin in the room." Jiang Langlang said milkily.

   "Oh, oh..." The girl Jiang Xin didn't know if she understood, or by coincidence, she also pointed to the room and shouted.

   "Song Xin." Jiang Xiaobai's expression was a little dazed. Since Song Xin left, the two of them have not spoken on the phone.

  The last time I heard about Song Xin, I learned from Song Hanbin that Song Xin had a child abroad.

  To make him angry enough, he didn't say that Song Xin was not allowed to deal with him, but you are too fast at this time.

  Counting time, when I was in China, I even molested myself all day long, but in a blink of an eye I had children with other men when I went abroad.

  It is impossible to say not to be angry, it is just an inanimate position. But my heart is not happy either.

  Since then, Jiang Xiaobai has not actively inquired about Song Xin.

   also slowly accepted this reality, once a confidante, the feelings of more than ten years, everything has become history.

  Perhaps some loves are just like this. They have no destiny, and they are over before they start.

  For a long time, Jiang Xiaobai would not take the initiative to think of Song Xin. He did not expect to hear Song Xin’s news unexpectedly today.

  This is not something that surprised Jiang Xiaobai. After all, Zhao Xinyi and Song Xin are best friends, and it is normal to contact them.

  To Jiang Xiaobai’s surprise, his son Jiang Langlang blurted out "Aunt Song Xin."

  That shows that Song Xin is not the first time to contact Zhao Xinyi, the communication between the two should be quite frequent.

  Otherwise, how many things can he remember when his son is a little older.

   "Langlang, you play with your sister. Be careful not to throw your sister down." Jiang Xiaobai put the **** the sofa, told his son, and then walked towards the bedroom.

  Walking to the door of the bedroom, Jiang Xiaobai did not push the door in, but was at the door.

  The door of the room was not closed tightly, and intermittent sounds came from the room.

  But Jiang Xiaobai listened for a while, and he was not interested.

  Because Zhao Xinyi has been discussing this parenting experience with Song Xin.

  Jiang Xiaobai pushed the door and walked in. Zhao Xinyi saw Jiang Xiaobai smiled, motioned Jiang Xiaobai to sit down, and then continued to chat with Song Xin.

   Just when Jiang Xiaobai was a little impatient and was about to speak.

  Zhao Xinyi then said to the phone: "Xin'er, Xiaobai is back, right next to him, you can say something to Xiaobai!"

  Zhao Xinyi finished speaking, handed the phone to Jiang Xiaobai, then got up and walked out of the room.

  The microphone was already in his hand, but Jiang Xiaobai did not know what to do, and finally picked up the phone and put it to his ear.

  No one is speaking in the microphone, just a slight breathing sound.

   Jiang Xiaobai thought, Song Xin should also be like this on the phone.

  Opened his mouth, but Jiang Xiaobai didn’t know what to say.

   Congratulations to Song Xin for having her precious son, or complaining that Song Xin didn’t say hello and got married and had children.

   But if you complain, in what capacity do you complain? Why do you need to greet yourself when you get married and have children?

  A confidante? And what kind of identity is a confidante?

  For a while, there were only two people breathing slightly in the microphone. Jiang Xiaobai opened his mouth several times, and then swallowed it back.

  For a long time, Jiang Xiaobai asked, "Are you okay?"

   "I'm okay." Song Xin's voice came on the phone, giving Jiang Xiaobai the feeling that it was both familiar and unfamiliar.

  Song Xin's voice is still so clear and sweet, but unfortunately it doesn't belong to her anymore.

   "What about you? Are you okay?" Song Xin's voice came again.

   Jiang Xiaobai's face was bitter, and he nodded and said into the microphone: "I'm okay."

  People who used to talk all the time, now they only have to ask each other, okay?

But it didn’t take long for such embarrassment, Song Xin continued: “I heard Xinyi say, your daughter Jiang Xin is very cute, Grape Eye, Pear Flower Whirlpool, you are still a slave with your daughter, my godson Jiang Langlang Okay..."

  Song Xin was talking, and suddenly there was no sound. At this time, the signal was not very good. Jiang Xiao couldn't hear whether Song Xin was crying or was suddenly silent.

   "Hello, are you still there?" Jiang Xiaobai asked on the phone.

  However, no sound came from the microphone.

  A long while. Song Xin's voice came again: "Okay, so be it, take care of your body."

  The voice was a little low. Before Jiang Xiaobai could speak, a busy tone of "beep" came from the microphone.

   Jiang Xiaobai gave a wry smile and put the phone down.

   Looking back, listening to the laughter of his son and daughter in the living room, he shook his head and got up and left the bedroom.

After arriving in the living room, Zhao Xinyi was teasing the two children.

   did not ask Jiang Xiaobai and Song Xin what they were talking about.

  Jiang Xiaobai deliberately asked, when did Zhao Xinyi contact Song Xin, and what's the situation with Song Xin now?

  But in the end, she didn’t ask, she reached out and put her arm around Zhao Xinyi’s shoulder, and then teased the two children with her wife Zhao Xinyi.

  And Song Xin, who was far away on the other side of the ocean, was already in tears after she hung up the phone.

   "Miss Song, have breakfast." A babysitter's voice came from outside the room.

  Song Xin sniffed, she answered and asked to wait a while, and then she lay down on the bed and sobbed.

  (End of this chapter)

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