Chapter 1711 Song Tang

  Song Xin was lying on the bed, sobbing constantly, feeling very uncomfortable in her heart.

   is also a daughter, who is in the motherland, follows her parents, and enjoys the love of the father and mother. There is also a father who is a daughter slave.

  But what about my daughter, who doesn’t even know who my father is? I haven't enjoyed my father's love for a day, and I haven't seen her father until now.

   "Wow." Suddenly the baby's cry came from the living room. Song Xin sniffed to stop the cry, then wiped away the tears and opened the door.

  He took the girl-girl out of the stroller. As soon as the baby smelled the mother's smell, he stopped crying and giggled.

   "Tangtang, Tangtang don't cry, don't cry." Song Xin coaxed her little daughter. Her daughter's nickname is Tangtang and her first name is Song Tang. This is her surname.

  The security guards here are also from China, who are also yellow-skinned and dark-eyed Chinese, who were arranged by Li Long.

  Personality, ability, heartfelt and other things are specially selected by Li Longquan.

  As long as you are here, if you dare to give your child the surname Jiang, maybe Jiang Xiaobai will rush over the next day, come to him and get the child away.

  On the other side of the ocean, Song Xin was cautious, calculating, trying to protect her children.

  On the other hand, Jiang Xiaobai went to wash and rest after staying with the child for a while.

  Early the next morning, Jiang Xiaobai went to his home and the construction site of the beverage factory according to the original plan.

  The home and beverage factory are not like other construction sites, because Jiang Xiaobai said yesterday that he would come over for inspection today.

  So they were prepared early in the morning.

  Several persons in charge have some disputes about what they are preparing to do.

   is mainly to welcome Jiang Xiaobai in a banner.

  If Jiang Xiaobai makes a surprise inspection, it goes without saying that he has learned the news and is already prepared.

  But it still pretends to be unknowing. Regardless of it, it just greets employees secretly, so that they have a preparation.

  If it is Jiang Xiaobai’s formal inspection, arrangements will be made in advance, the secretariat and the office will notify them, and the factory must be prepared.

  But now, the office and the secretariat have not formally notified, but there are so many people at the car factory who formally express their intention to come.

  All the people on the construction site of the home and the beverage factory were in trouble. Is this preparation or not?

  Someone agreed to formally prepare. After all, Jiang Xiaobai did not say it alone, but in front of everyone at Huahai Automobile Factory, he informed the Secretariat that he would inspect his home and beverage factory and Jiang Xiaobai garment factory tomorrow.

  So since I have said it in front of other people, I must know that the news will come out, and the home and the beverage factory will definitely know.

  Now that I know it, it’s impossible to say that I don’t know, and some preparations must be done.

  Some people disagreed with the preparation. They should work normally without an official notice. Like yesterday, Jiang Xiaobai inspected the construction sites of the two buildings and the car factory, and they passed without saying hello.

  What both sides said is reasonable, and there is no dispute.

  Someone suggested: "Otherwise, let's ask about the construction site of the garment factory. If the garment factory is ready, we will prepare."

   "Okay." Everyone agreed, and quickly called the garment factory's construction site, but the garment factory couldn't make up his mind either.

  Hung up the phone, everyone's atmosphere was a little weird. In fact, they didn't know which factory site Jiang Xiaobai came to first.

  In this way, the next family will have time to prepare. If they go to the first construction site and do not prepare, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t say anything.

  Then they don’t need to prepare. If Jiang Xiaobai gets angry, they will quickly organize people to prepare.

  But what is not certain now is which factory Jiang Xiaobai will come to first.

  The person in charge of the home and beverage factory of the last construction site called Sun Jianyun, who was far away in Longcheng, to ask about this.

  Home is different from the beverage factory, and the construction site of the garment factory in the magic city is different from the automobile factory.

  The two companies are just building a main factory in Magic City. The new factory was not built, and the heads of the two companies were still working in the original factory before the main factory was relocated.

  Sun Jianyun is now busy every day on the construction site where the beverage factory is listed. It is a bit too much to say that it is 007, but it is definitely not accurate enough to say that the description of 699 is more intense than the work intensity of 669.

  Last night, Sun Jianyun was busy in the office all night, and it was only after four o’clock in the morning that his work was finished.

   also didn't go home, so he slept in the office with his clothes, but after a while, the phone in the office rang.

  Sun Jianyun frowned, but got up to answer the phone.

  Look at the time, I have slept for more than three hours, and it is now seven o'clock.

  Today is just a day, and the body can bear it. If you don’t sleep at all, it won’t work.

  Sun Jianyun rubbed his eyes and was ready for work. It might be something unexpected. After all, I went to bed late yesterday and there was no work scheduled this morning.

   "Hello?" Sun Jianyun answered the phone and asked calmly, although he thought there might be something unexpected.

  But he is no longer the boy who just graduated. He is already the person in charge of a company that is about to go public, so even if there is an emergency, he will not be in a hurry.

   "Director Sun, it's me..."

  The person in charge of the Magic City construction site, Sun Jianyun, listened to the voice and frowned. He called early in the morning. Could it be that something happened on the construction site?

  If there is an accident on the construction site, it cannot be solved in one day, and an accident on the construction site is a major event.

   Thinking, Sun Jianyun interrupted the other party directly, and said anxiously: "I know, what did you say directly?"

"That's it, Jiang Dong yesterday..." When the person in charge of the Modu construction site finished the matter, Sun Jianyun was almost not scared to death by this idiot, and directly yelled at the phone: "You have no brains, just this little mess, you are the one. The person in charge still didn't understand. Call me early in the morning and tell me what you eat and what you eat. It was because of you that I was scared early in the morning.

  You tell me, can you be the person in charge of the preparations for this new factory? If you can’t, Lao Tzu will be replaced immediately.

  You don’t need to worry about such a small matter all day..."

  The person in charge of the Magic City construction site was scolded by Sun Jianyun while holding the phone.

  It has been two years since Sun Jianyun took office as his home and beverage factory. It is no longer when he started, his heels are not firm, and he is still young.

  In two years, although Sun Jianyun was unable to keep his promise, his home and beverage factory were becoming more and more dignified. No one dared to underestimate Sun Jianyun and became the real person in charge of the home and beverage factory.

  Personnel, finance and other tasks are all in my hands, and I speak very energetically.

  (End of this chapter)

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