Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1712: Of course beat son

  Chapter 1712 Of course beat the son

  Sun Jianyun almost didn't let this idiot die. Originally, he thought it was something important.

  It doesn’t matter whether he takes a break or not. He needs to deal with emergencies as soon as possible, but is this an emergency?

  What kind of thing is this, even this bit of **** is bothering him.

  He didn't wake up at all, and he was still awake, but it turned out to be such a bad thing, so it's strange that he didn't get angry.

  "Tell me, can you do it?" Sun Jianyun said viciously into the phone.

  The person in charge of the Modu Beverage Factory construction site has no doubt that Sun Jianyun will change his determination. If he dares to talk back at this time and say "I can't do it."

   "I can do it, Sun Chang, I was wrong." The person in charge of the Magic City construction site admitted the mistake very simply, without a little hesitation, he admitted it very bachelor's mistake.

  Under the influence of Jiang Xiaobai, the heads of the subsidiaries of Huaqing Holding Group also have a very tough work style.

  Strong control over various enterprises.

   "Okay, you are done with this matter, get me back to Longcheng." Sun Jianyun said, this matter is not over.

   is a curse, you have to call it back for a good education.

  The person in charge of the Modu construction site hung up the phone with a wry smile. This was because he did not seek support, and it caused himself trouble again.

  He estimated that after he went back, a scolding would be indispensable. As for expelling himself, he would definitely not be able to deal with it.

  Otherwise, it must be processed now.

   "Forget it, I'm not ready, go to work normally." The heads of the Magic House and the beverage factory construction site waved and said indifferently.

  The big deal is just getting scolded, it doesn’t matter.

  As soon as the notification went down, I received the news that Jiang Xiaobai had arrived at the construction site.

  He quickly cleared up his mood and took someone out to greet him.

   "Jiang Dong."

   "Dong Jiang." The senior officials on the side of the home and the beverage factory's magic city stepped forward to greet Jiang Xiaobai.

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded, probably took a look at the construction site, and asked about the progress of the project and quality supervision.

   Then left. For the person in charge of the magic city home and the beverage factory, it may be very important to prepare for the work that is not ready to meet.

  But for Jiang Xiaobai, it really doesn't matter and doesn't care.

  It doesn’t matter if you are greeted, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t.

  If he chooses one of the two issues he cares about, he will care more about quality supervision.

  If there is a problem in this aspect, it means that no matter how well you do other work, you will be scolded.

  As for greetings and the like, anything is fine.

   Coming out of the magic city construction site of his home and the beverage factory, Jiang Xiaobai went to the clothing factory again.

  This time, the land acquired by Huaqing Holding Group is already under development.

  Went around for a whole morning, which means that all the construction sites have been transferred again.

   Back to the office in the afternoon, I was planning to deal with the documents accumulated in the recent period, but I actually received a call from Liu Changfu from Modu Diesel Engine Factory.

   "Dong Jiang, I heard Xiao Zhao say that you have returned to the demons?" Liu Changfu's hearty voice rang from the phone.

   "I just came back, what happened to Director Liu, it is my duty." Jiang Xiaobai replied equally cheerfully.

  Liu Changfu’s request, he had no way to refuse. Since he could not refuse, he might as well agree to it happily.

  Liu Changfu is also welcome. I hope that Jiang Xiaobai can come to the Modu Diesel Engine Factory tomorrow and let Jiang Xiaobai guide and guide their restructuring team.

  Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said: “Director Liu, the guidance dare not say, we are also crossing the river by feeling the stones. It is also the first time the company goes public. Let’s take a few members of our working group over.

  Then we will discuss with each other, do you think this will work? "

   "Okay, great." How could Liu Changfu be upset? Jiang Xiaobai didn't just come by himself. With the working members of the restructuring team.

  Jiang Xiaobai is in charge of the overall direction, and the members of the restructuring team below are responsible for the specific work. Such an exchange greatly promotes their work.

After    hung up the phone, Jiang Xiaobai confessed.

  Zhao Xiaojin nodded, indicating that he would contact Modu Diesel Engine Factory.

  Early the next morning, after Jiang Xiaobai finished cleaning at home, he went out with his wife Zhao Xinyi.

  The nanny sent Jiang Langlang to the school early in the morning, and then came back with Jiang Xin.

  "Next year, next summer, my dad will retire, and then come to the magic city with my mom." Zhao Xinyi said casually as the couple walked out.

   "Then dare to love, the son must not die happy." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

  If you want to say who has the best relationship between his son Jiang Langlang and his relatives in the family, it is grandma and grandpa.

  The relationship with his grandfather Jiang Tieshan is not as good as the relationship with his grandfather.

  Because Jiang Tieshan's health is not good, he can't take care of him all day, and there is not much time to get along, plus Jiang Tieshan is not only Jiang Langlang this grandson.

  There is a limit to love, but Zhao Gang and Han Lin are not the same.

  The two sons are just one girl, and both of them are very spoiled, not to mention the next generation of Jiang Langlang.

  The couple really basically agreed to everything Jiang Langlang asked for.

  This is still a grandson. The daughter of Zhao Gang, now the granddaughter Jiang Xin, is nervous as long as she coughs, and even more painful.

   "I'm afraid these two children will be lawless in the future." Zhao Xinyi said with a smile on her face.

   "Don't be afraid, this is because we are still there. We will hit the children at home while our parents are out." Jiang Xiaobai said with a grin.

  Zhao Xinyi gave Jiang Xiaobai a white look and asked, "Which one?"

   "Of course it's a wave of waves. The boys are pitiful and it doesn't matter if they have a meal." Jiang Xiaobai said confidently.

   "Daughter slave." Zhao Xinyi said helplessly.

   "It doesn't matter." Jiang Xiaobai said indifferently.

   "Let's go, get in my car, let's go together." Jiang Xiaobai said while looking at Zhao Xinyi.

   "Is it appropriate? This..." Zhao Xinyi hesitated. She knew that Jiang Xiaobai was going to their factory today.

  Yesterday afternoon, their restructuring team had already received a notice from the factory.

  But she didn't think about going to the factory with Jiang Xiaobai. It was not that she was hiding the relationship, it was impossible to hide the relationship.

  The upper level in the factory knows it, but the middle and lower levels don’t know it, and it's still controlled within a certain range.

  But if Jiang Xiaobai and himself go like this, not only the high-level personnel will know, but the middle and lower-level personnel will also know.

  Of course, it’s either that it’s impossible, or it’s a little sudden and I didn’t expect it.

  (End of this chapter)

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