Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1725: Father and son without tacit understanding

  Chapter 1725 Father and son without tacit understanding

   "Dad, you are so amazing, that chubby dad is so amazing, you can actually fight him..."

  On the way back, Jiang Langlang was so excited, he kept dancing and talking.

  Father is worthy of being the **** of the family. It’s amazing. Chubby’s father is so tall and so fat, and Chubby’s mother is also so tall and so fat.

  But his father was able to beat Chubby’s mother and even drew a tie with Chubby’s father.

  Although his father was also injured on his face, the other's chubby father was also injured. For him, it means that his father won, and his father is powerful.

  Jiang Xiaobai smiled, in fact, today it is impossible to say whether there is a win, the important thing is that there is no loss, this is very important.

  Back home, Jiang Xiaobai directly took the key to open the door.

  Thinking that the daughter-in-law is not at home, and there is no need to hide anything, just take medicine at home with the son.

  But I didn't expect that as soon as he opened the door, Zhao Xinyi actually sat on the sofa holding her daughter Jiang Xin, and Jiang Xiaobai was stunned.

   But again, Zhao Xinyi, who was sitting on the sofa to coax her girl, looked at Jiang Xiaobai and Jiang Langlang, both of them also stunned.

   Both the faces of both of these men have blue noses and swollen faces, and the twitching and twitching of the corners of their mouths look exactly the same.

  She didn't want to understand, how did the two of these masters get into this situation, and they had a fight with someone outside. It was the two of you who went together.

  Jiang Xiaobai shouldn't be so unreliable. This is his own son. Let him fight when he is so old.

  If two people were fighting separately, it wouldn't be a coincidence. It happened to be like this in a day of fighting.

  Li Longquan, didn’t Li Longquan follow Jiang Xiaobai all day, where did he go?

  "Xinyi, your factory is not listed today...No, you can't call a factory in the future. It should be your Mordu Diesel Engine Co., Ltd. Why did your company come back from the listing so early?"

  Jiang Xiaobai asked with some doubts, Zhao Xinyi is a member of the restructuring team, not to mention that he is in the factory at this time, but he should be having a celebration banquet. Why did he come home?

  Zhao Xinyi did not answer Jiang Xiaobai’s question, but handed her daughter to the little aunt Li Lan on the side, and then walked towards Jiang Xiaobai and his son Jiang Langlang.

  While checking the injuries on the faces of the two of them, he asked in confusion: "What are you two doing? Why are your faces swollen and bruised, fighting with others. Or fell?"

   "It fell."

   "Fight." The father and son said in different voices. After speaking, they looked at each other, and then...


   "It fell."

   Jiang Xiaobai felt helpless. He patted the back of his son's head and smiled bitterly: “There is no tacit understanding with Lao Tzu. Xinyi, please give your son some medicine first.”

  After finishing speaking, Jiang Xiaobai walked to the side and sat down on the sofa.

   Li Lan on the side helped get some water over, and Jiang Xiaobai drank more than half a cup.

  I felt a lot more comfortable now. I leaned back on the sofa and felt that the injury on my face was not so painful anymore.

  Comfortable environment can still soothe people's mood.

  "Say okay first, this matter has nothing to do with me. I only found out when I went to school to pick up my son. My son was fighting with others at school.

Because I wanted to protect a girl who was being bullied in the class, after the other party first started, the son also beat back. After I went, I discussed with the other party’s parents and found out that it was the dragon and the phoenix. The mouse’s son will make a hole. It is really because the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. The same is true for their parents. I was so angry that I quarreled with them a few words..."

   Jiang Xiaobai explained, Zhao Xinyi was a little helpless.

   "I just had a quarrel, and my face is blue and swollen?"

   "I did it later!" Jiang Xiaobai whispered. Now he is the father of two children, and he went out to fight with others. Even if Zhao Xinyi didn't say it, Jiang Xiaobai felt a little embarrassed.

   "Oh, it's really..." Zhao Xinyi couldn't laugh or cry, she didn't know how to say it, Jiang Xiaobai was so old, he was the father of two children and her husband at home.

  Outside the Huaqing Holding Group is huge and it is the leader in various domestic industries. Jiang Xiaobai, as the head of the Huaqing Holding Group, is awe-inspiring.

   But Jiang Xiaobai always fights with people when he is childish. This kind of thing is completely inconsistent with Jiang Xiaobai’s identity.

  Actually, Zhao Xinyi didn't know. It was because of Jiang Xiaobai's actions that Xue Huaimin doubted Jiang Xiaobai's ability to solve this matter.

  "Mom, you don’t know. Dad is amazing. He was at the gate of our school this afternoon. Joining hands with Xiaoqian’s father, he beat Xiaochu’s father...

  Little fat father is very fat, he is so fat..." Jiang Langlang said as he gestured.

  How fat he is, Jiang Langlang is still young, there is no way to describe it, but you can make gestures.

  It took three or four steps to stop and make a circle.

  Stunned Zhao Xinyi...

   "Little fat mom, she's also fat, she has..."

  This time, Zhao Xinyi didn't wait for her son Jiang Langlang to finish his gesture, so she dragged Jiang Langlang over to apply the medicine.

  "Okay, stop for a while. I won't go to school tomorrow. How can I meet people like this?" Zhao Xinyi said babblingly.

  After giving the medicine to his son, he applied medicine to Jiang Xiaobai.

   "By the way, why did you come back so early today?" Jiang Xiaobai asked curiously.

   "I have been busy recently, and I haven't paid much attention to my family. Today is over. They went to drink and celebrate, and I will be back. I have been busy for such a long time. Isn't this too demanding?" Zhao Xinyi said with a smile.

  Madu Diesel Engine Co., Ltd. was successfully listed. A big rock in her heart is considered to have fallen to the ground. Such a long time of busy work is also considered to be over.

  The Chinese New Year is about to come, and finally it can disappear.

  The two were chatting, and Jiang Xiaobai's phone rang.


   "Dong Jiang, Wang Ye heard it." Li Longquan's voice came over the phone.

   "Inquiry, what's the situation?" Jiang Xiaobai asked directly.

   "This Wang Ye turned out to be a pig killer. In the past two years, he has developed better. It has contracted pork supply for some vegetable markets and big restaurants, which is a bit of financial resources...

  Usually, he is tyrannical and he is called the butcher king. His reputation is not so good, and the neighbors can’t afford him..."

  After Li Longquan finished speaking, Jiang Xiaobai didn't ask much, just a pig killer.

  "Teach him a lesson, let him know why the flowers are so red." Jiang Xiaobai said directly.

   "Okay, don't worry, Jiang Dong." Li Longquan said word by word.

  (End of this chapter)

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