Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1726: Jiang Dong was beaten

   Chapter 1726 Jiang Dong was beaten

  Hang up the phone, Li Longquan notified the people of the security department.

  This afternoon, he did not follow Jiang Xiaobai. Although Jiang Xiaobai gave him a holiday, he still has the responsibility.

  This will let people see Jiang Dong’s nose and face swollen tomorrow, what do people say.

  Jiang Dong has an accident, and he, the driver and bodyguard, has an inescapable responsibility.

   So at this time, he also hated this Wang Ye.

After informing his men, Li Longquan lit a cigarette, thinking about how to educate Wang Ye.

  It's too light to just hit Wang Ye.

  Pork, if he remembers correctly, their Huaqing Holding Group also has a pig farm.

  It’s just that he’s back to the village now. He Guanghua is in charge. He and He Guanghua can also talk. The only problem is that the Jianhua pig farm is too far away from the demons.

   does not necessarily have an impact here.

  But he is still going to make a phone call and try it out, just do it if he wants to.

  Li Longquan directly called the He Guanghua office of Jianhua Pig Farm.

   "Hey, who may I ask?"

   "I'm Li Longquan, find Director He." Li Longquan said.

   "Okay, please wait a moment." The secretary who answered the phone said, and then went to report to He Guanghua.

  The current pig farm in Jianhua Village is no longer the original scale.

  The entire pig farm includes several slaughterhouses, cold fresh plants, and some farms.

  At the beginning of this year, Jianhua Pig Farm also acquired a company that makes ham sausage and is preparing to build its own brand.

  Jianhua pork, Jianhua cold fresh meat, Jianhua pig off, Jianhua ham, this is a series of brands.

  This year's estimated per capita income can increase by about 80% compared to the previous year. All this is due to him.

  In the past two years, the position of his village chief has become more stable. He has no way to compare with the dead old village chief and Jiang Xiaobai, but no one in the village can threaten his position.

   And he, the village chief, now is not someone who says that he can be replaced by replacing him. This is all he has won himself.

   Leading the villagers to make a fortune, and the villagers earn money, his position is even more stable.

  But all this requires hard work. It is now past seven o'clock. He has just finished his work and is about to go back to the office to clean up, and then go home.

   saw the secretary come down.

  "Hechang, there is a man named Li Longquan looking for you, because it was a direct call from your office, so I didn’t ask in detail..."

   "Li Longquan, Li..." He Guanghua muttered, and immediately realized who this Li Longquan was.

  Jiang Xiaobai’s driver and head of the security department are not too well-known. Perhaps not many people within the Huaqing Holding Group have heard of it.

  Not to mention the outside of Huaqing Holding Group.

   But anyone who knows Li Longquan understands Li Longquan’s position in Huaqing Holding Group, and this is the person Jiang Xiaobai trusts most.

  Even the original secretary, Zhao Xiaojin, the current secretary of the board of directors, cannot be compared.

  Do not pursue rights or wealth. For so many years, I have been by Jiang Xiaobai's side. That is the deep trust of Jiang Xiaobai.

  And many times Li Longquan represents Jiang Xiaobai.

  It seems that Li Longquan is looking for him, maybe it is Li Longquan who is sending him a message on behalf of Jiang Xiaobai.

   Thinking of this, he did not dare to neglect, and walked upstairs in three steps in two steps, and answered the phone.

   "Brother Li, I haven't seen you for a long time, and it's okay recently..." He Guanghua said with a smile when he answered the phone.

  Li Longquan is not an unreasonable person to clean up, and he recounts a few words with He Guanghua.

   Then he asked, "Director Ho, do you have any influence on the pig farm?"

  "The magic city..." He Guanghua groaned, not knowing why Li Longquan asked, but he said the truth: "There are really some.

  Since Jiang Dong was planning to go to the Magic City last year, our Jianhua Pig Farm has taken the lead. We have opened some channels on the Magic City side and have some cooperation with some slaughterhouses and pig farms.

  Of course, you also know that the reason for the cooperation is due to our feed factory. "

  "Feed factory." Li Longquan suddenly understood that Xinxing Feed Factory is now a leading enterprise in the domestic breeding industry.

  Not to mention high quality and low price, the key is to reduce the slaughter period, which is really important for pig farms.

  The feed mill is considered a downstream industry in the breeding industry, but because of the above reasons, it has taken the initiative in cooperation.

  So he made the wrong call today. He should call Li San from the feed factory.

   But since he called, he still asked if the farms that supplied Wang Ye had anything to do with Jianhua Pig Farm.

   "There is one family." He Guanghua said.

   "Well, if there is no problem, please contact me so that this factory will not supply a company called Wang Ye." Li Longquan said.

   "Okay, a little thing, but Brother Li, can I ask, why?" He Guanghua said.

  Li Longquan hesitated, not knowing whether he should say it.

  He Guanghua didn’t hear the reply, and immediately said: “If it’s not convenient to say, then forget it, I just ask casually.”

  Li Longquan smiled and said, “Actually, there is nothing that can’t be said. Wang Ye, this afternoon beat Jiang Dong.”

   "What?" He Guanghua held the phone tube in his hand and almost didn't throw it on the ground.

  Jiang Dong was beaten, what is the situation, this is not a fantasy, Jiang Dong was beaten.

  If this news were placed more than ten years ago, it would not be big news, but it would already be the end of 1993.

  Jiang Dong's current status can be beaten.

   "Dong Jiang is okay?" He Guanghua asked quickly.

   "It's okay, it's because of the child. Alas, let's not talk about it. Just this afternoon, Jiang Dong let me go on vacation." Li Longquan said helplessly.

  He Guanghua is also his own. After so many years, his character is still worthy of trust.

"ok, I get it."

   "Director He, don't talk about this matter." Li Longquan exhorted.

   "I understand." He Guanghua said.

  Hang up the phone and quickly contacted him, and then Li Longquan called Li Laosan again.

  The relationship between Li Longquan and Li Laosan is much better than that with He Guanghua.

  After all, the time spent together is a little longer, and Li Laosan is also his own.

  After answering the phone, Li Longquan told the matter directly.

  Laosan Li was on the phone, and Dong Jiang was still the original director of Xiaobai. On the phone, Laosan Li patted his chest and promised that he would help kill the butcher Wang, named Wang Ye.

   Let this Wang Ye know who can’t offend, just a butcher.

  (End of this chapter)

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