Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1727: Cancel cooperation

  Chapter 1727 Cancellation of cooperation

  On the other side, after Wang Ye went home, he couldn't swallow this breath. After so many years, when has he suffered such a loss?

   was actually beaten by two such weak people. He has been in the magic city for so many years, and he can still see who he is.

   People like Jiang Xiaobai and Xue Huaimin who roll up their sleeves with him are definitely not big shots.

  If the other party talks to him politely at the beginning, it looks like he is rich or expensive, and he really doesn’t dare to compete with the other party.

  But this kind of scolding person is actually tough. He has been in the magic city for so many years, and the reason why he hasn't provoke big people is because he recruits Ziliang.

  He is most proud of not talking about this body grid, but being able to distinguish between who can be offended and who can’t.

  Jiang Xiaobai seems to be ordinary, either a part-time job or a small boss, or just starting a business.

  It’s not someone...that Xue Huaimin, it looks like he should be in the system, but it’s just a small leader if he died.

   is not like a big leader, and the small leader may have a little energy in a small place, but it is placed in the magic capital.

  Although it is not as good as the capital, a brick falling can hit several department-level cadres.

  But there are also many leaders, after all, this is a domestic economic metropolis.

  A little leader, he is not afraid of anything at all if he leaves his one-third acre of land.

  But when he was in front of the school, he still kept his hands. After all, he was a member of the system anyway.

  In case, if you really play something good or bad, that tangled relationship, there is no need to cause trouble for yourself.

  It was that Jiang Xiaobai, who was really agile and gave himself a lot of trouble.

"Jingle Bell."

  The phone at home rang, and Wang Tufu turned around and grabbed the phone on the coffee table nearby.

   "Hey, who?" Wang Tufu frowned, he was thinking how to deal with Jiang Xiaobai.

  It is absolutely impossible to let this matter go. If Jiang Xiaobai is not cleaned up, wouldn't it be a shame for my son to be at school in the future.

   "Wang Ye, right? I will let you know that we will not supply you with pork from our factory in the future." There was a voice on the phone, hard and cold.

   "Liu Chang, why..." Wang Tufu was taken aback. Before he had time to ask, there was a busy tone on the phone.

   "Beep toot..."

   "Ma, what is it, do you still eat hairy pigs without Zhang Butcher?" Wang Ye muttered and felt wrong. He is a butcher, isn't this cursing himself!

  Wang Ye didn’t care. It’s just a pig farm. If it doesn’t work, there are other pig farms.

  Wang Ye just put down the phone, but the phone rang again.

   "Who is it?" Wang Ye answered the phone and said gruffly, his mood was terrible now.

  After being beaten, there is still a pig farm canceling cooperation with him.

  If the pig farm canceled the cooperation with him ten years ago, no, even five years ago, it would be enough for him.

  After all, before, the supply of materials was tight, and there were so many live pigs. Demand exceeds supply. Therefore, those who need live pigs are at a disadvantage.

However, in recent years, with the development of the economy, more and more pigs have been raised, which is an oversupply. Therefore, not to mention their advantages, they are not able to cut the supply of a pig farm at least. It affects them.

  Of course, it does not mean that there is no impact at all. The previous cooperation has been good, and the two sides also understand it better.

  Can't cooperate now, he still needs to find a pig farm again, so it takes a lot of time not to talk about it.

  How about the new pig farm? Will he fool him with a bad pig? This requires extra effort.

  Everything is really not going well today, and now it is a loss in the hands of an ordinary young man. Perhaps it is not a loss to be accurate, but not taking any advantage.

  But if he didn’t take advantage, he would suffer a loss. Such a weak man, he should have cleaned up three times.

  As a result, the wife is still lying in bed and paying attention.

   Immediately afterwards, the good business partner was lost.

   "Wang Ye, we will no longer cooperate with each other in the future. The pigs in the factory have not been slaughtered recently and the supply is not high, sorry."

   "No, why, this is too sudden, the last time I went to your factory, didn't your factory still say..."

   "Beep toot..."

  Once again, Wang Ye didn't finish speaking and the other party hung up the phone.

"Hey Hey hey."


  Wang Ye threw the phone on the table fiercely. What kind of situation is he playing with himself one by one.

  How did this happen to two pig farms in succession?

  Looking at the beeping phone with busy tone, Wang Ye still buckled the microphone, but as soon as the microphone was buckled, the phone rang again.

"Jingle Bell……"


   "Wang Ye, our factory..."

  "Do you want to cancel the cooperation?" Wang Ye asked before waiting for the other party to finish.

  There was a noticeable pause on the phone, and then he said: "Yes, let me know, don’t come to our factory tomorrow..."

   "I can promise you, but can I know the reason?" Wang Ye asked.

  He is not stupid. If a pig farm asks to cancel the cooperation, it may be an accident that he will not care.

   But now suddenly the three pig farms have to cancel their cooperation, and he can't help but not pay attention.

  He is not afraid of accidents, and he is not afraid of canceling the cooperation. He can also go to other pig farms, but the key is that he has to understand why.

  Only when the reason is figured out, can he have a target. This is his business experience, with a pig image on his face and a bright heart.

  Sometimes, the fierce outside and brutal style are just his disguise.

  Only those who know him can know how delicate his mind is.

   "Beep toot..."

  The third busy tone came from the phone.

   "Asshole." Wang Ye slammed his hand on the table. The coffee table was a little overwhelmed, and it swayed and collapsed directly to the ground.

  When I was eating and drinking, I called my brothers and sisters, but now I have something to do. I cancel the cooperation, but I don’t even want to disclose any news.

   seems to have a deep hatred.

  As for? It's just a little bit of news, and I can't find out, right?

  There was a broken tea table on the ground that was broken by his punch. He didn't even look at it.

  As for cleaning up Jiang Xiaobai, he can no longer take care of it. Now that the business is obviously apart from the problem, he must first understand what is going on.

  Between survival and face, he can still distinguish between the lighter and the heavier.

  (End of this chapter)

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