Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1728: Hit the door

   Chapter 1728

  Cleaning up Jiang Xiaobai is for the sake of face. Jiang Xiaobai can’t be cleaned up, and the big deal will lose face. After a while, everyone will not care.

  What's more, not many people know what happened at the gate of a school. It can be said that it has no effect on their own lives at all.

   But if there is a problem with your own business, it is a big deal. The young and old will have problems eating and drinking. Could the whole family follow him to drink Northwest Wind?

  So he is most anxious now to figure out why these pig farms want to cancel cooperation with him.

  This is the most important thing for him right now.

  If the pig farm does not tell him the news, it is not that he can do nothing, he still has colleagues.

  Qin Hui still has three friends, how could he not.

   "Hey, it's me."

   "Brother Wang, what's the matter?"

   "Are there any turmoil in the pork market recently? Any news?" Wang Ye asked directly.


   "No." Wang Ye frowned at once, but then said: "Don't hide it from me, I know it all."

  He still didn't believe it, and was ready to deceive the other party.

  But on the phone, the voice of the friend was even more confused.

  "What news, why don’t I know, Brother Wang, do you have news from a special channel? If you have any, you must tell me.

  Brother Wang, you know, I have been following you all the time..."

  On the phone, the voice of a friend came chattering. Wang Ye has no interest anymore. This friend doesn't know.

  Wang Ye dealt with a few words casually, and then hung up the phone.

   Then he called another person, but made three calls in a row, and everyone knew nothing.

  Forget nothing. As a result, everyone’s business is stable, with no fluctuations at all. It's as if these pig farms are targeting themselves.

  For yourself, why do you target yourself? I didn't offend them. I always get along well.

  Why are you aiming at yourself...

  Wang Ye couldn’t figure it out. As for someone to deal with himself through thousands of mountains and rivers, he never thought about it.

  In other words, he couldn't think of it, because among the people he came into contact with, no one could have such a great energy.

  Everyone is half a catty, such a person may be in his impression, but he and others are in the same heaven and on the ground, there is a difference between the clouds and the mud, and there is no contact at all.

  People may be reluctant to trample themselves to death because they are too far away.

  Wang Ye never thought that someone was targeting him, so Wang Ye is very depressed now. What is the situation?

  But depressed goes to depressed, angry goes to angry, now the most important thing is to put tomorrow’s goods on the string.

  Otherwise, tomorrow the vegetable market and various restaurants will have no meat on their own, which may offend customers.

  Similarly, now is not five years ago, ten years ago, if you offend a customer, a group of colleagues are waiting to fill the seat at any time.

  Wang Ye has been in the industry for so long, and there is no problem with ordering goods. After a few phone calls, the goods will be arranged.

  However, the most urgent task now is to find the pig farm to supply it immediately. Otherwise, it is not a way to sell goods every day.

  I was still thinking about going to clean up that Jiang Xiaobai tomorrow to vent his anger, but now I can only give it up.

  Oh, it was because of this Jiang Xiaobai that he was urged by this day's bad luck. Wang Ye didn't care whether it was Jiang Xiaobai's cause or not. In short, he pushed the mess to Jiang Xiaobai's head.

  Wait after the busy work, pick up the children at the school gate, and then clean up Jiang Xiaobai severely.

  Wang Ye made up his mind. He was about to go to the room to see how his wife's waist was. As a result, the door was knocked violently.

   "Who?" Wang Ye wrinkled the door while shouting as he got up to open the door.

   "Boom, boom, boom." The people outside the door didn't speak, just knocked hard.

  "Come, come, dying, knocking on the door so hard, the family is dead." Wang Ye cursed and opened the door.

  As soon as the door opened, a fist big as a sandbag was stretched out, and Wang Ye had no defense at all.

   directly made the fist imprinted on his face.

  "I'm going..." Wang Ye only had time to shout out these two words, and he was kicked on his stomach, and his whole person instantly bent into a bow shape.

   Then retreated to the back. At this time, he also saw clearly who hit him.

  A group of sturdy men wearing black sweatpants and black sports vests, although individually, none of them can compare to their own.

   is one-on-one, or even one-on-two, and you may not necessarily suffer, but there are so many family members...

  There are a few, there are too many people, and he can't count them, but at least there are five or six, and he has no chance to fight back.

  No, the chance to fight back is because I praise myself, I can’t see how many people there are at all.

  One by one, they punched and kicked.

  "Don't...what are you..." Wang Ye couldn't breathe after being beaten.

  This is not ordinary people. Ordinary people don't have this skill. Yes, Wang Ye felt it. This group of people is not easy.

  Even if there are five or six people around to fight, but there are always some who can't make it. As a result, the cooperation between them is very tacit.

  He had heard before that some demolition teams had special thugs.

   But I have never seen it before. He has always been flaunting power among ordinary people, bullying and fearing hardship.

  So this is the first time I feel the power of professionalism.

  A group of sturdy big guys surrounded themselves with one shot, each of them had cold eyes, and they didn't speak at all, leaving them with no chance.

  At the beginning, Wang Ye was able to stammer and say something, but at the end of the fight, he couldn't say a word.

  This group of people started to hurt too much. They turned the door to greet the place where the pain was severe. They didn't hit him in the face, nor did they hit his vital parts, but every time they went down, he could feel severe pain.

   "Stop." Li Longquan called the crowd to a halt. Although everyone was more measured in their hands, but for such a group of people, if they played for a long time, there might be problems with whoever started the fight.

  This is not a joke, because sometimes it's just a matter of fighting.

  Wang Ye lay on the ground, wailing nonstop.

   "It hurts, it hurts, it hurts too, who is it, who made you come." Wang Ye asked with gritted teeth.

  No matter who it is, as long as it is for him to slow down, he will never let go of this group of people. No, to be precise, he will not let go of the people behind this group of people.

  (End of this chapter)

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