Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1734: You can still get out of bed

   Chapter 1734 You can still get out of bed

  Three cars, ten bodyguards, what kind of pomp is this!

  This is no longer a matter of having a little money or a little power, but very rich or very powerful.

  Wang Ye felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere in front of him. He retracted his gaze on Xue Huaimin and saw that the bodyguard who was standing by the car had walked to him.

   Then jumped over the bodyguard and saw Jiang Xiaobai behind the bodyguard.

   Suddenly, Wang Ye's whole person was stunned, Jiang Xiaobai, how could Jiang Xiaobai be behind the bodyguard.

  Slowly, Wang Ye narrowed his eyes, and then slowly widened his eyes. Jiang Xiaobai was guarded by these bodyguards.

  So, it goes without saying who this big man is, it turned out to be Jiang Xiaobai.

  How could it be Jiang Xiaobai...Wang Meng felt that his brain was not enough, just like a mess.

  Jiang Xiaobai is a big man. It's impossible. Yesterday, Jiang Xiaobai rolled up his sleeves. Seeing Jiang Xiaobai's appearance, his temperament doesn't look like a big man.

   Xue Huaimin also saw Jiang Xiaobai, and realized what happened. His mouth was so big that he could lay an egg.

   "Wang Ye, right? I really didn't expect you to be able to get out of bed today." Jiang Xiaobai looked at Wang Ye and said, then waved to Xue Huaimin.

  As for Zhang Li standing next to Wang Ye, he didn't even look at it. Teachers like Zhang Li are really not worthy of respect.

   Xue Huaimin saw Jiang Xiaobai beckoning to him, and subconsciously wanted to run over, but his body didn't keep up, and he almost didn't fall to the ground.

   Then she staggered and ran over with her daughter Xue Qian.

   "Boss Jiang." Xue Huaimin said with a smile on his face. He works in the system and has seen the world.

He didn't say that he knew all the leaders of   Madu, but he also knew most of them, none of them was named Jiang Xiaobai.

  I don’t know it, and the leader who can have this pomp will certainly not be so young.

  So Jiang Xiaobai must be in business.

   "Old Xue." Jiang Xiaobai greeted him with a smile, and then walked towards the school with Xue Huaimin.

  Xue Huaimin also gave Zhang Li next to Wang Ye a smile, nodding his head as a greeting, but Jiang Xiaobai did not respond to Zhang Li from start to finish.

   "Boss Jiang, what do you do?" Xue Huaimin asked while looking at Jiang Xiaobai as he walked.

  This ostentation is to do business, and it should have done a lot.

   Otherwise, three cars, these more than a dozen bodyguards are obviously not ordinary businessmen and can be hired.

  The key is this style. He didn't feel it yesterday, but today he found that Jiang Xiaobai's temperament is a little different.

   looks unusual, especially now that he and Jiang Xiaobai are walking together with so many bodyguards around them.

  He is still a little uncomfortable with being surrounded by so many people, and he always feels a little awkward.

   And Jiang Xiaobai's look and temperament now, as if people were born to stand here.

   "Did you call the boss, you are in business." Jiang Xiaobai replied with a smile.

  Xue Huaimin is a bit speechless. I still don’t know that you are in business. I asked you what business you do.

  However, Xue Huaimin is not in the system for nothing. Jiang Xiaobai answered the wrong question, and he immediately changed the subject.

  On the other side at the school gate, Wang Ye was still stunned, not knowing what he was thinking.

   "Hehe, Wang Ye, right? Can you still get out of bed today?"

   Jiang Xiaobai's words still echoed in his mind.

  You can still get out of bed today, why can't you get out of bed? Could it be that Jiang Xiaobai knew he was beaten?

  Why would he know? Could it be that Jiang Xiaobai sent the people who went to beat him at his home last night?

  Otherwise, how did Jiang Xiaobai know that he was beaten? How could he ask such things?

  It’s possible,’s not possible, Jiang Xiaobai sent someone there, no wonder I’m familiar with Jiang Xiaobai’s bodyguard today!

  Wang Ye wanted to break his head last night, but he didn’t want to understand something, but now he suddenly wanted to understand.

  Why is someone hitting me suddenly? Why is the business blocked?

  Yesterday, I didn’t figure out whether I had offended a big person, and I hadn’t offended him.

  But if Jiang Xiaobai is this big man, then everything can make sense. After all, Jiang Xiaobai still has the scars on his face that his qualifications left him yesterday.

  Jiang Xiaobai is taking revenge on himself, Jiang Xiaobai, who is this Jiang Xiaobai anyway?

  There were seven or eight people who went to my home yesterday, but they did not appear here today, which means that Jiang Xiaobai’s bodyguard team has at least seventeen or eight people.

  Seventeen, eight-person bodyguard team, and quickly used the relationship last night to get three pig farms to supply them.

  Wang Ye couldn't imagine how much energy there is in the middle.

  Who is this Jiang Xiaobai? Wang Ye frowned, clenched his fists tightly, his body trembled a little.

  At his level, he is not enough to know someone at Jiang Xiaobai's level. He doesn't care about the news, and he doesn't know who Jiang Xiaobai is.

  But in some things that happened from yesterday to today, he can still see that Jiang Xiaobai has a lot of energy.

  Being stared at by a person with such a great energy, his body was shaking and frightened, because for a person with such a great energy.

  You may be able to clean yourself with just one finger movement.

  But you are such a powerful person, why do you want to pretend?

  If you were three cars and ten bodyguards yesterday, I wouldn’t have a conflict with you at all.

  I must apologize as soon as he comes up, hit his son in a mouth, and then backhand to apologize to himself again.

  How can things develop to this extent?

   Zhang Li's face was also a bit bitter. Yesterday Jiang Xiaobai's reprimanding words were still in her ears. Today, I found out that Jiang Xiaobai was not something she could afford.

  I still have to seize the time to remedy the relationship with Jiang Xiaobai. Jiang Xiaobai is rich no matter how rich he is. After all, he is his son's head teacher. What can he do to himself?

  You just need to put down a little figure.

  Zhang Li is very confident. If he has a good relationship with Jiang Xiaobai, just like that idiot Wang Ye, maybe this kind of rich and powerful person will be able to help herself anytime.

   Regarding the next year's grade director, maybe Jiang Xiaobai can help him say hello.

  In this way, it can be regarded as a bad thing turning into a good thing. As for Wang Ye, hehe, it is estimated that Jiang Xiaobai will not let him go.

  On the other side, Jiang Xiaobai and Xue Huaimin have brought their children to the door of the class classroom, and after instructing two little things.

   Jiang Langlang and Xue Qian walked into the classroom.

  (End of this chapter)

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