Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1735: So big face

   Chapter 1735

  "Boss Jiang." After the delivery of the children was over, Xue Huaimin looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

  I want to ask Jiang Xiaobai how to solve Wang Ye, but I don’t know in what capacity he asked, comrade-in-arms?

   "Old Xue, do you have time? Let's go to the principal, this head teacher is really bad." Jiang Xiaobai looked at Xue Huaimin and said.

The tone of    is the same as yesterday, and the attitude towards Xue Huaimin is also the same.

  But Xue Huaimin’s feeling was different from yesterday. Yesterday, he just thought that Jiang Xiaobai, a young man, had a grumpy temper and a big tone, as if no one was paying attention.

  But when Jiang Xiaobai said this today, he felt that Jiang Xiaobai carried a strong self-confidence, which was cultivated by a high-ranking person for a long time.

   is the same as some big bosses and leaders I have met.

   "Okay, I'm fine. It doesn't matter if the unit goes early or late." Xue Huaimin said with a smile.

  He also wanted to take a closer look at Jiang Xiaobai’s ability and how big it is.

  Xue Huaimin followed Jiang Xiaobai to the office building. Jiang Xiaobai was in front, and he was slightly behind by half a step.

After going to the third floor, Jiang Xiaobai stopped.

   "What's wrong?" Xue Huaimin asked suspiciously.

   "Where is this principal's office? I came here the last time, and I forgot." Jiang Xiaobai looked at the corridors on the left and right, and asked with some confusion.

  Xue Huaimin's face was a little dark, and he didn't know where the principal's office was, and he had to come to the principal to clean up a teacher.

  Xue Huaimin didn’t know, did Jiang Xiaobai think he had a big face, or did he think he had a big face?

  You don’t know anyone, so you want people to do such a big thing.

  And I have been here once, are you sure they can still remember you!

  It is not that Xue Huaimin suspects, but that this kind of thing is too normal.

  Jiang Xiaobai is just a parent of a student. He came to the principal's office once, and now he comes back again, and he can't remember where the principal's office is.

  And why does the principal remember a parent of a student, he works at the unit himself, and usually comes to him to do a lot of work.

  But he also won’t remember every person who came to him for errands, even if the person is related, the background is the same.

  Xue Huaimin thought and shook his head: "I don't know, I have never been here."

  He had a relationship, so he sent his daughter to Wanzhu Elementary School, but this relationship did not make him a frequent visitor to the principal’s office.

   "Forget it, let's find it." Jiang Xiaobai said indifferently.

  On this floor anyway, I finally found the principal’s office on the right.

  Jiang Xiaobai took a look, and there was someone inside, so he knocked on the door.

"Come in."

  Jiang Xiaobai led Xue Huaimin and opened the door.

   "Principal." Jiang Xiaobai called out.

  The principal, who was lying on his desk and didn't know what he was busy with, looked up and saw Jiang Xiaobai. He immediately stopped his hand movements and got up to greet him from behind the desk.

The expression on   's face is no longer the cold, business-like expression, but a pile of smiles.

Xue Huaimin on the side of    is really familiar with this smile. Every time a leader comes to check, this smile is on the face of their director.

  "Dong Jiang, why are you here, Dong Jiang? You don't want to make a call, so I can pick you up." The principal said with a smile.

  "Sit down, sit down," the principal said, and called the assistant to the outside, asking the assistant to help Jiang Xiaobai make tea.

  As for Xue Huaimin, who is following Jiang Xiaobai, it is probably Jiang Xiaobai’s assistant and so on. He also asked the secretary to make a cup of tea.

   "That's right, I'm here to send the child off, just something happened, I want to react." Jiang Xiaobai and the principal said directly after a few words of greeting.

   "Reaction." The principal muttered, probably something inside the school.

   "Dong Jiang, please say." The principal nodded, listening intently.

Xue Huaimin at the side of    can see it at this time. Jiang Xiaobai is in business, just as he guessed.

  Jiang Dong, it should be the chairman of the board. Looking at the attitude of the principal, Jiang Xiaobai's business is not small.

  It’s still a good face in front of the principal, but some people also like to do superficial work, and will shirk when it comes to specific things.

  Is it possible to replace Zhang Li, the head teacher, Xue Huaimin still dare not hope.

   Jiang Xiaobai directly talked about what happened yesterday.

   "Bang." The principal slapped the table fiercely and said: "This Zhang Li, originally our school thought she was a young teacher, and she was worthy of the focus of training.

  But I didn’t expect that Teacher Zhang Li was such a person, which really disappointed me.

   also failed our school’s trust in her. "

  The principal gave an angry expression, and Jiang Xiaobai gently nodded with a smile.

Xue Huaimin beside    was unmoved. In this case, he said beautifully, but there was no substantive promise.

   But no matter what, on the surface, this principal gave Jiang Xiaobai enough face.

  The principal continued: “Don’t worry, Dong Jiang, I’ll call the meeting directly after a while.

  She did not deserve to be a teacher anymore.

  We will choose another suitable teacher to be responsible for her current class. "

  Xue Huaimin's eyes widened suddenly, and the principal's words were not perfunctory at all. This was a guarantee by patting his chest.

  It’s not to criticize the teacher, pick it up high and put it down gently, but just throw it off.

   Jiang Xiaobai’s face is really great!

   "Okay, thank the principal, thank you very much." Jiang Xiaobai stood up.

Xue Huaimin beside    also said, "Thank you, principal."

   "Well, Jiang Dong is polite!" The principal said with a smile, but suddenly he looked at Xue Huaimin. He also thanked himself just now.

   "This is?" This is not Jiang Xiaobai's secretary, assistant, or something. Since Jiang Xiaobai has already thanked him, he is an assistant. What is the secretary doing so much?

  What's more, he looks like a character like a driver.

   "I am Xue Qian's father. It was the dispute that started yesterday because that chubby bullied my daughter." Xue Huaimin was embarrassed, and he was ignored as soon as he entered the door.

   Jiang Xiaobai also got up and patted Xue Huaimin's arm.

  "This is my comrade-in-arms, who fought together yesterday, although the combat effectiveness is not very good." Jiang Xiaobai introduced.

   "Haha." Xue Huaimin's mouth twitched. This introduction might as well not introduce.

   "Mr. Xue, right? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I thought you were Jiang Dong's assistant...haha." The principal said embarrassed, but there was no embarrassment on his face.

  Xue Huaimin also understands that the principal doesn’t care about himself at all, whether he is Jiang Xiaobai’s assistant or the parent of another student in question.

  (End of this chapter)

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